Attack Cantrip (3.5e Spell)

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Attack Cantrip
Varies [Ranged Touch Attack that does 1d3 damage of various types]
Level: 0
Components: S
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Area: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes

This is a catch all 3.5e attack 0 level spell with different attack types, and or individual spells below. Every spell is a casting time of 1 Swift Action, has a Range of 25 feet, and requires the caster to make a succesful Touch AC Attack against the target. Some of these attacks may affect undead, or nonliving objects or structures and it is advised to work with your DM to work that out.

Cantrip Term for 0 Level Wizard and Sorcerer Spells.
Least Invocation Term for 0 Level Warlock Spells.
Minor Hex Term for 0 Level Bruxa/Witch Spells.
Orison Term for 0 Level Clerical and Druidic Spells.
Minor Ofuda Term for 0 Level Shukenja Spells.
Lesser Glamour Term for 0 Level Fae Spells.
Lesser Incantation Term for 0 Level Wu Jen Spells.
Minor Poem Term for 0 Level Bard Spells.
Minor Insult The Bard hurls a minor insult at the target inflicing 1d3 Sonic damage.
Corrosive Spit The Bruxa spits a glob of acidic goo at the target inflicting 1d3 Acid damage.
Char The Sorcerer burns the tagert's flesh with 1d3 Heat damage.
Frostbite The Witch freezes the target's flesh with 1d3 Cold damage.
Acid Splash as per published spell.
Ray of Frost as per published spell.
Spark The Druid sends a Lightning Bug to attack the target for 1d3 Electrical damage.
Venom Bite The Druid sends a phantom snake to bite the target for 1d3 Poison damage.
Rot Flesh The Vampire causes the flesh of the subject to decay for 1d3 Necrotic damage.
Holy Ray The Cleric sends a ray of light at the target that inflicts 1d3 Divine damage.
Devil's Snicker The Imp laughs at the target inflicting 1d3 Infernal damage.
Sprite's Thorn The Brownie throws a Hedge Thorn at the target inflicting 1d3 Faerie damage.
Ice Spike The Shinobi throws a spike of Ice at the target inflicting 1d3 Piercing damage.
Brick The Orc Sorcerer summons a magic brick to fall on the target inflicting 1d3 Force damage.
Starshine The Cleric flashes a bit of reflected sunlight at the target inflicting 1d3 Radiant damage.
Shadow Bullet The Wizard flings a smoky bullet at the target inflicting 1d3 Shadow damage.
Headache The Psion inflicts a mental jolt at the target inflicting 1d3 Psychic damage.
Desication The Athasian Sorcerer causes the target to take 1d3 Dehydration damage.

TBW: Corruption, Statis, Disease, Arcane, Nature, Blood damages.<dir>

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