Athena's Saint (5e Class)

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Knights of the Zodiac[edit]

Legend has it that since mythological times a group of skillful young men protected their god in their arduous battles against the evil forces that try to dominate the Earth. Using the power of Cosmo, they are said to be able to cut the skies with a punch and crack the earth with a kick and they are entered into legend because they are said to appear in the eras of crisis, when the humanity is in danger, at Athena's side to protect the world at the cost of their life, rejecting all the conquest ty is in danger, at Athena's side to protect the world at the cost of their life, rejecting all the conquest ambitions of the other deities.

Creating a Athena's Saint[edit]

All of the Gold Saints reunited for their goddess athena, Toei Animation, [1]

Think about why you became an Athena Saint, were you forced to train to get your armor? Did you aways wanted to become a saint? Did someone important in your life inspired you to become a saint? Has the sanctuary taken you as a child? Did you just wanted to fight off evil?

Quick Build

You can make a Athena's Saint quickly by following these suggestions. First Dexterity score should be your highest ability score followed by Wisdom, and choose the sage background.

Class Features

As a Athena's Saint you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Athena's Saint level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Athena's Saint level after 1st


Armor: All Armors and Shields
Weapons: none
Tools: Herbalism kit or Smith's tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose 3 from: Acrobatics, Arcanism, Atletics, intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Ring of your guardian constellation or (b) Talisman of your guardian constellation
  • (a) explorer pack or (b) disguise kit or (c) herbalist kit

Table: The Athena's Saint

Level Proficiency
Cosmo Saint Strikes Features Armored Movement
1st +2 2 + Wisdom 1d4 Cosmo, Sign Attribute, Saint Strikes, Armored Movement 20 ft.
2nd +2 4 + Wisdom 1d4 Cosmo Techniques 20 ft.
3rd +2 6 + Wisdom 1d4 Never Twice, This Is Not The End 20 ft.
4th +2 8 + Wisdom 1d6 Ability Score Improvement, Cosmic Recovery 25 ft.
5th +3 10 + Wisdom 1d6 Extra Atack, Sacred Wind 25 ft.
6th +3 12 + Wisdom 1d6 Ability Score Improvement 25 ft.
7th +3 14 + Wisdom 1d8 Seventh Sense 30 ft.
8th +3 16 + Wisdom 1d8 Ability Score Improvement 30 ft.
9th +4 18 + Wisdom 1d8 Cosmo Blast 30 ft.
10th +4 20 + Wisdom 1d10 Cosmo Infused Strike 35 ft.
11th +4 22 + Wisdom 1d10 Saint Will, Extra Atack(2) 35 ft.
12th +4 24 + Wisdom 1d10 Ability Score Improvement, Refined Cosmos 35 ft.
13th +5 26 + Wisdom 2d6 Eighth Sense 40 ft.
14th +5 28 + Wisdom 2d6 Cosmo Barrage 40 ft.
15th +5 30 + Wisdom 2d6 40 ft.
16th +5 32 + Wisdom 2d8 Ability Score Improvement 45 ft.
17th +6 34 + Wisdom 2d8 Vital Points 45 ft.
18th +6 36 + Wisdom 2d8 Cosmic Recognition 45 ft.
19th +6 38 + Wisdom 2d10 Ability Score Improvement, Divine Cloth 50 ft.
20th +6 40 + Wisdom 2d12 Ninth Sense, Extra Atack(3) 100 ft.

Sacred Armor[edit]

The Sacred Armors are armors that were created by goddes Athena using stardust and blood. These Sacred Armors give incredible abilities to the user, and may make them even compare to a god. They are divided in the following Categories:

Bronze Cloths

The Bronze Cloths are the lowest class of the Cloths that Athena's Saints wield, and the most common.They provide the least protection, and cover the least amount of flesh, but they also tend to have special abilities that make them unique. To obtain one you must complete a rigorous training, until you finally have the mental and phisical strenght to wear it. You can start with one at level 1.

Silver Cloths

The Silver Cloths are the second class of the cloths that Athena's Saints wield, and the second most common. They provide more protection than Bronze Cloths, and cover a decent portion of the body. Several of them have unique special abilities that make them stand out. To obtain one you have to train your body and soul, beating a challenge to finally being worthy of wearing it. You can get one from your 1st level.

Gold Cloths

The Gold Cloths are the highest class of Cloth that Athena's Saints wield. They're given to exceptionally powerful Saints who have mastered their Seventh Sense. There are twelve Gold Cloths, one for each corresponding Zodiac sign. They provide the most protection and cover most of the body. Though they don't have as many unique abilities as their weaker counterparts. To obtain one you must show that you are worthy, and have the 7th sense mastered. You can only obtain one at 7th level, in which you must go to the sanctuary to see if you are worthy.

Divine Cloths

The Divine Cloths, are a unique class of Cloths worn by Athena's Saints that have existed since the Age of Myth. Transformed by spilling Athena's blood on the original Cloths, these new Cloths provide their Saints a level of protection and power that surpasses that of Gold Saints and even some minor Gods, such as Thanatos and Hypnos and are second only to the original armors of the 12 Olympians, the Kamui.

The armors are connected with a guardian constellation. Your constellation will give you the Sacred Armor, and nothing can unequip it of you. To unequip the Sacred Armor, you have to dispel it with an Action. With an action you can summon your Sacred Armor, which appears in several parts at your side, automatically connecting to your body. With an action, too, you can dispel your Sacred Armor, which disappears by going to a demiplane, where it will wait for you to call it again.

When you have the armor equipped, you will gain the following atributes:

  • disadvantage on Stealth checks.
  • +2 On unarmed Strikes Attack Rolls
  • Advantage on Strenght Checks.
  • Your attacks have advantage against fiends and Undead.


Starting at 1st level, your training has allowed you to use the cosmo, a misterious energy that is within all living things. You regain all expended cosmos points in a long rest.

You will also learn some basic cosmos techniques to aid you in combat, which are listed down bellow:

  • Cosmos Blows -

Immediately after taking the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 cosmos point to perform two unarmed attacks as a bonus action.

  • Perfect Dodge -

You may spend 1 Cosmos point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

  • Cosmic Defense -

You can spend 1 cosmos point to protect yourself as a bonus action. You take less 3 + your proficiency bonus from the damage from all sources and your movement speed drops to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Counterattack -

When attacked, you can spend 1 cosmos point as a reaction to make an unarmed attack.

  • Cosmos Surge -

You can spend 5 cosmos points to activate Cosmos Surge, allowing you to take another action on your turn.

  • Cosmos Jump -

You can spend 1 cosmos point as bonus action to move up to half of your movement speed and make an unarmed strike against a creature.

  • Cosmos Dash -

You can spend 2 cosmos points as an action and bonus action to move up to 4 times your movement speed, passing through other creatures' spaces without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Some of your Cosmo features requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects, or you to make an attack. The saving throw DC is calculated as it follows:

Cosmo-Energy save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Cosmo-Attack Roll = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Sign Atribute[edit]

As a Knight you have a sign assigned to you in your Birthday. That sign will give you special atributes, and may bless you with its gold armor when you are worthy enough to wear it. Choose one of the signs bellow to be your birth sign:


Protector of All

+2 AC to you and all creatures within 5ft of you.

Shield of The Innocent

You may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on a attack roll against an ally within 30 ft. of you.


Battle Master

Proficiency with all melee weapons that give blugeoning damage, and you will gain the Combat with Large Weapons feat.


You will have advantage on saving throws against being Knocked Prone or pushed, and you are moved 5ft. less in effects that push you.


Two Souls One Cosmos

+2 Cosmos point per level, and Combat with Two Weapons

Fragmented Mind

For some reason you have two souls in your body, which makes you roll with advantage against being charmed or frightned, but will have disadvantage against illusions.


Powerfull Soul

+10 feet of movement, and Combat With Large Weapons.

Soul Collector

For each creature you reduce to 0 Hit Points, it will add 1 to your maximum Hit Point amount.


Destructive Force

+2 to all attack and damage rolls.

Unmatched Power

You may double all the damage you deal for 1 turn. You may use this once per long rest.


Omniscient Presence

+10 ft. of reach, and +1 Cosmos Point per level.

Illuminated Mind

Your sign makeso you have a knowledge about life that many wish they had, you may gain expertise in one skill you may wish, and you may choose one language to learn.


Living Weapon

Dual Wielder Feat, and reduce incoming damage from all sources by 2.


You are a truly balanced being, when you would receive damage you can use your reaction to receive half damage. You may also use this while in a attack action to reroll the attack roll. You may use this feature equal to half your level rounded dowm.


Deadly Needle

+2 for piercing weapons, and you gain resistance to poison damage.

Deadly Strike

When you hit a creature with a piercing weapon attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving Throw, on a sucess they take xd4 poison damage, on a failure they are prone and poisoned until the end of your next turn.


Precise Aim

Archery, and a +2 to all ranged attack rolls and damage rolls.

Arrow of Hope

When you make a ranged attack, you may force it to be a critical, dealing extra xd6 Radiant Damage(With x being your proficiency bonus). You may use this once per long rest.


Skilled Swordsman

Duelism, and any slashing damage you do will overcome resistances.

Legendary Sword

You may choose one melee weapon you are proficient with to deal 1 extra dice of damage, and for every critical hit you score with it you can add a +1 to it's damage roll.


Cold Air

Whenever you receive a Melee attack, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failure he takes xd8 Cold Damage (With Xbeing your proficiency bonus) and is restrained by the cold, and on a sucess he takes half damage and is not restrained.

Hardened Skin

As an action, you take 1 + Your class level less damage from all sources for 1 minute. You may use this once, regaining the use at the end of a short or long rest.


Stylish Projectiles

Proficiency and +2 to attacks and damage rolls with Simple Ranged Weapons and flowers.

Poison Specialist

Any kind of poison damage you deal will be doubled.

Saint Strikes[edit]

At 1st level due to your training with your cosmos, you have increased your might making your fists become deadly weapons:

  • You may use Dexterity instead of Strength for your unarmed strikes.
  • Your Unarmed Strikes now deal 1d4 + Dexterity, and it's damage may increase as you level up in this class.
  • After your attack action, you may give one unarmed strike as a bonus action

Armored Movement[edit]

At 1st level, your holy armor increases your speed to incredible levels. When you are wearing your Sacred Cloth you will gain a bonus of 20 ft. to your movement speed. This bonus increases as you level in this class. You may gain different bonuses depending in which type of armor you are wearing currently:

  • Silver: Armored Movement x 3
  • Gold: Armored Movement x 6
  • Divine: Armored Movement x 9

Cosmo Techniques[edit]

At 2nd level you have honed your martial skills to learn new powerfull cosmos techniques, making you a versatile warrior in battle. You can choose one of the options bellow:

Battle Techniques
  • Destabilizing Blow: When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may spend 1 cosmos point to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they have disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of their next turn.
  • Stunning Blow: When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may spend 1 cosmos points to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beggining of your next turn.
  • Cone Attack: When you make a Cosmos Blast attack, you may spend 1 cosmos point to cause its to range become a 30 foot cone. Creatures within the affected area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the attack's damage and are counted as being hit by the attack for any additional effects. On a success, they take half as much damage and count as being missed by the attack for any additional effects.
  • Radius / Sphere / Cube Blast: When you make an cosmo attack, you may spend 1 cosmos point to make its range become a 30 foot radius, sphere or cube. Creatures within the affected area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the attack's damage and are counted as being hit by the attack for any additional effects. On a success, they take half as much damage and count as being missed by the attack for any additional effects.
  • Trained Defense: As an reaction to an ranged weapon attack, you can reduce it's damage by xd4 + Your Athena's Saint level. With X being the amount of cosmos you have spent in this reaction (Minimum of 1). If you choose to upgrade this technique, it's die will increase by one tier(d4 -->d6-->d8-->d10).
  • Elemental Defense: When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, force, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to deflect it. When you do so, the damage you take is reduced by xd8 + your athena's saint level. With X being the amount of cosmos you have spent in this reaction (Minimum of 1). If you choose to upgrade this technique, it's die will increase by one tier.
  • Dodge: When an attack hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the damage you take.
Utility Techniques
  • Cosmos Sense: For X cosmos points you can sense the presence of other creatures cosmos up to 10ft x the amount of cosmos spended within range, that aren't undead or constructs.
  • Teleport: As an action, you teleport in an empty space up to your movement speed without generating opportunity attacks. On an upgrade, you will now be able to use the teleport as a bonus action.
  • Cosmic Vision: For 3 cosmos points, you can activate Cosmic Vision as an action. This allows you to see through solid objects and magical illusions, and also wield invisible or hiding creatures. The range of this vision is 30 feet x the amount of cosmo points spent. If you choose to upgrade this technique, the range increases to 60 feet x the amount of cosmos points spent, and the cost in cosmos points increases by 3, for a total of 6.

At 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 20th level you may learn another technique, or upgrade one you already have.

Never Twice[edit]

The same attack does not work twice against a Knight. Upon reaching 3rd level, when another creature damages you with a attack that has already hit you in that battle, you can roll 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier. If the number you roll is greater than the damage inflicted the attack is deflected by your armor and you will take no damage. At 9th level, it can reduce 1d12 + Dexterity + Wisdom. At 15th level, it can reduce 2d12 + wisdom+ Dexterity.

This Is Not The End[edit]

As you are about to lose consciousness in battle, you focus intensely on what you are fighting for. At 3rd level Once per Long rest, when you reach 0 hit points, you can roll 1d20. On a result of 12 or higher, your Cosmo invigorates you explosively, making you regain 1d10 hit points.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Cosmic Recovery[edit]

At 4th level, you learned how to regain some of your cosmos energy by relaxing your mind and entering in a state of trance. While in battle as a bonus action you can recover 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier cosmo points, and you can only use this skill as much as your proficiency bonus.

At 7th level, your cosmic recovery has increased due to your constant training. Once per day when you finish a Short Rest, you can recover half of the cosmos spendend after your last long rest.

Extra Atack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to make an extra attack with your attack action. You also gain additional attacks at 10th(2), and 20th(3) level.

Sacred Wind[edit]

Also at 5th level, the cosmos inside of you claim the power of your constellation in order to protect you. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d12 + your level. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Seventh Sense[edit]

At the 7th level you learned how to achieve your seventh sense. The seventh Sense is a stage of maximum power of the cosmos. As an action, you can feel the burning universe inside of you, activating your seventh sense for one minute. When a knight is in this stage he gains the following benefits:

  • Cosmic Speed: Your movement speed increases by X 6
  • Unmatched Might: You add one more dice to the damage roll (the higher damage dice)
  • Feel The Cosmos: You can sense every move (Passive Perception double) and may roll perception Checks with advantage.
  • Beyong Body Limits: Any ability checks, saving throws, attack and damage rolls using Strength or Dexterity score, will receive a +2 bonus.
  • Body Of Cosmos: When you activate this state, you will regain xd4 Cosmos points (With x being your proficiency bonus).
  • Will Of Cosmos: You can make an additional unarmed attack each time you take the Attack action.

You will have different states of seventh sense depending on your type of armor:


You can activate this feature once per long rest.


You can activate this feature twice per long rest.


You can activate this feature twice per long rest, but you will gain the features of the unmatched might and cosmic speed and will of cosmos while only wearing your Gold Cloth.


You will have all of the seventh sense features, as long as you are wearing your Divine Cloth.

Cosmo Blast[edit]

At 9th level you can focus all of your cosmos into a single blast. You can now make an cosmo attack dealing xd8 + Wisdom Force damage (With X being the number of spended cosmos), gaining 10ft of range for each cosmo points spended. Every creature in the range of the attack must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, on a success they take half damage, on a failure they take full damage.

You may use this action the an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Cosmo Infused Strike[edit]

When you reach 10th level, you have trained your cosmos to the point that your body is filled with it's burning energy. While you have at least more than half your cosmos points, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to your Unarmed Strikes attack roll. Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances, and you may receive 1d10 of one of these damage types depending in which sign you have been born into:

  • Aries: Fire
  • Taurus: thunder
  • Gemini: Force
  • Cancer: Necrotic
  • Leo: Lightning
  • Virgo: Psychic
  • Libra: Force
  • Scorpion: Poison
  • Sagittarius: Lightning
  • Capricorn: Radiant
  • Aquarius: Cold
  • Pisces: Poison

Saint Will[edit]

At 11th level, as one of Athena's Saints your will cannot be easily broken or shaken. You have advantage on saving throws against becoming frightened or charmed, and will roll with advantage against illusions.

Refined Cosmos[edit]

At the 12th level, you can feel the flow of the cosmos more than ever, no longer having to spend an enormous amount of cosmos to use a technique, thereby reducing the cost of cosmic points by half, techniques that cost 1 point have become your passive and techniques that have effects equivalent to how much cosmos spent are doubled.

Eighth Sense[edit]

At the 13th level, as an evolution of your Seventh Sense you have awakened the eighth path of the cosmos. While in your Seventh Sense mode as a bonus action you can enter the Eight Sense state, giving you the following atributes:

  • You may now add two dice to the damage.
  • Your speed of movement increases by X 9
  • Cosmos techniques increase X 2
  • You have advantage in any Wisdom related checks
  • You can Keep fighting even after falling to 0 Hit Points, but after your eight sense ends you will fall unconscious gaining levels of exhaustion equal to the number of rounds your hit points stayed at 0 or bellow.

Cosmo Barrage[edit]

At 14th level, you can make a barrage of explosive cosmos at once. While in "Eight Sense" you may do 3 Cosmos Attacks in 1 attack action for half the cosmos points of the three skills combined. You may use this skill 2 times before a long rest, and if you force your body to use it again you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Vital Points[edit]

At the 17th level you learned how to cause critical attacks on your enemies vital points. When you roll a 18 or 20, the damage will be considered a critical.

Cosmic Recognition[edit]

Beggining at 18th level, your constellation will recognize your power. A shimmering aura humanoid will appear to you and bless you, this aura is the physical representation of the cosmos of your constellation. Now, whenever you make a death saving throw, you may add your proficiency bonus to the test and roll it with advantage.

Divine Cloth[edit]

When you finally reach the 19th level, you have reached the maximum of cosmos a mortal can achieve. Athena will bless your armor for your duties, making it shine bright and gain divine powers. Now while wearing your Cloth, it will also grant you the following features:

The pegasus Saint wearing the divine cloth, Masami Kurumada, [2]
  • Body Of A God: All of your ability scores will increase by +2, and this may go above the limit of 20.
  • Divine Resistance: Your Armor Class will increase by 10, and gain resistance to Non-Magical bludgeoning, slashing, piercing and your sign atributte damage type.
  • Godly Strikes: You will roll 1 extra dice of damage for your Unarmed Strikes.
  • Blessed Cosmos: Your Current cosmo points doubles, and you will roll 3 additional dices of damage in any Cosmos Attacks.
  • Athena's Might: Your cosmo blast will now deal extra xd12 + Wisdom Force Damage (With X now being twice your proficiency bonus).
  • God Speed: Your armor gains wings and you gain + 100 to your flying speed.

If you have 0 Cosmos Points while wearing your Divine Class armor, you will receive 1 level of exhaustion at the beggining of your turns.

You may get this Feature earlier if you receive blood from the goddess Athena.

Ninth Sense[edit]

At 20th level, Passively you managed to become a God, the supreme cosmos capable of overcoming life and death, known as The Supreme Virtue. It is a power that has permeated the universe since the Big Bang. With this sense, you can move planets, govern them or even destroy them.

  • Divine power: Now every attack is considered a fatal attack, ignoring resistances and any immunity.
  • Ancient Speed: Your speed of movement increases by X 15.
  • Supreme Cosmo: All the dice and effects of Cosmo's direct abilities, you can double.
  • Immortality: You can Keep fighting even after falling to 0 Hit Points, But when you die, after a few days you can revive, while you are dead you can move between planes.

Holy Armors[edit]

Bronze Cloths[edit]

The Pegasus, Dragon, Phoenix, Cygnus and Andromeda Cloths Together, Masami Kurumada, [3]

The Bronze Cloths are the lowest class of the Cloths that Athena's Saints wield, and the most common. There is a total of 48 Bronze Cloths. They provide the least protection, and cover the least amount of flesh, generally, but they also tend to have special abilities that make them unique.

Pegasus Cloth[edit]

The first form of the pegasus Cloth, Masami Kurumada, [4]

Originally a beautiful mortal priestess of Athena, Medusa rejected Poseidon's advances; the jilted god then proceeded to rape the girl on the floor of Athena's temple. For this defilement, since Athena could not punish Poseidon, she instead punished Medusa and her sisters, turning them into the monstrous Gorgons. Medusa herself was able to petrify people with a glance. She was sought and killed by the hero Perseus, who decapitated her with a sword. As she died, having been pregnant, she gave birth to Pegasus and his brother, the golden warrior Chrysaor.

Pegasus roamed free until the hero Bellerophon is sent on a quest by a neighboring king to kill the Chimera, another monster with the body parts of lions, snakes and goats, that breathed fire. However, the Chimera could only be successfully assaulted by air. Worried, Bellerophon goes to sleep in Athena's temple, hoping she would pity him; the goddess indeed advises the young man in a dream and provides him with a magical bridle, telling him to seek out Pegasus. After awakening the next morning and obtaining the item, Bellerophon successfully slips the bridle onto Pegasus, taming the winged steed. He rides Pegasus through the air, killing the Chimera with a hail of arrows. Despite being rewarded by the king for this heroic deed, Bellerophon feels he deserves the glory of a god and, in an act of hubris, attempts to ride Pegasus up Mount Olympus. Seeing this, Zeus became angry and threw a thunderbolt at Bellerophon, knocking him off his horse and crippling him for life. Pegasus flew on, and was placed among the constellations by Zeus.

The Pegasus Armor[edit]

The pegasus knight using it's signature attack while wearing the cloth in it's first form, Masami Kurumada, [5]

The Pegasus Cloth is a heavy type armor. At 1st level your Armor Class while wearing the cloth is 14 + dexterity, At the 6th level it increases in 18 + dexterity, At 14th level increases in 21 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 22 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Unbreakable Will

When you would fall to 0 hit points, your armor will give you strenght to get back up with 1 hit point instead. This may be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

The Pegasus Attack[edit]

The Pegasus Cloth gives you fast meteor attacks that are poewerfull enough to even destroy gods.

1st level
Pegasus Meteor
Range 15ft
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 2 Cosmos
Multiple meteor-like punches come out of your fist at sound speed. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range, dealing 2d6 Force Damage on a hit.

  • Improved Pegasus Meteor: Your Meteor's have become more powerfull and faster. At 4th level the pegasus meteor will now deal 3d6 Force damage, and by spending 2 more cosmos the attack can be used in the same turn you are doing a dash action.

3rd level
Pegasus Might
Range self
Duration 1d4 rounds
Cosmos Cost 2 cosmos
A blue aura representing the Pegasus constellation will start surrounding you. An illusionary pegasus can be seen just above you, flapping its wings. You will add 1 bonus damage dice in all your cosmos attacks rolls for 1d4 rounds.

  • Improved Pegasus Might: You have increased your faith in your constellation, believing you can do anything while you have it by your side. At 6th level, you can now spend 4 extra Cosmos points to give yourself advantage on cosmo attack rolls while on the pegasus Might state.

6th level
Pegasus Kick
Range 15 ft.
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 4 cosmos points
You rush upon an enemy within the range and make multiple kicks. You make an attack roll against an enemy, on a hit they take 3d10 force damage + Your powerfull strike die, they will be pushed 15ft back and will be knocked prone. If you were dashing before the attack you will gain advantage on the attack roll.

  • Improved Pegasus Kick: Your Pegasus Kick has gotten stronger and faster. At 9th level when you hit a pegasus kick, you can spend +3 cosmos points to make the target make a Strength saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. The damage will also increase to 4d10.

9th level
Pegasus Thundering Punch
Range 30ft Circle
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 10 Cosmos Points Using your cosmo, you perform a thundering punch against the ground and in a radius of 30 fts. all creatures must make a Strength saving throw. A target takes 6d6 + Wisdom Force damage, and it's thrown 15ft away from the area of the attack on a failed save, or half as much damage and isn't thrown on a successful one.

  • Improved Pegasus Thundering Punch: Your Thundering Punch has increased in it's destructive power. Starting at 12th level, the radius for the technique has increased to a 40ft circle, and the damage has been increased to 8d6. Also, creatures that fail the saving throw will also be knocked prone

12th level
Pegasus Comet
Range 60 ft.
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 8 Cosmos Points You make an super human jump into the sky, and then start spinning with a great mighty force coming out of your fist like a blue comet. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range, on a hit dealing your unarmed strike damage + xd10 force damage. With X adding 1 to the total dice for each 10ft you used to move up to the target.

  • Improved Pegasus Comet: Your pegasus comet has been improved, making you seen even faster while in air. Starting at 15th level the extra damage die is increased to a d12, and now every 5ft will add one additional dice.

15th level
Pegasus Rolling Crush:
Range Touch
Duration Instantaneous Cosmos Cost 12 Cosmos
As an action, you can grab a creature from behind, and use your Cosmo-Energy to force them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are grappled by you and will start flying with you to the sky up to your jumping height times two, and return to the ground to a tremendous fall force. When reaching the ground both you and the target will receive the normal fall damage, but will also add xd6 Force damage (With X increasing by 1 dice for each 5 ft you have fallen). On a success the target is not grappled.

  • Improved Pegasus Rolling Crush: Starting at 18th level, you have improved the use of this technique, making you able to not receive the extra force damage from the fall.

18th level
Big Bang
Range 30ft cone
Cosmos Cost 20 cosmos points
Focusing all of your cosmos into both of your fists, you create an extremely powerfull attack above meteors or comets, an explosive blast as powerfull as a big bang. As an action, you fire a ball of cosmos in a 30ft cone, forcing every creature in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a sucess they take half damage, are pushed only 15ft and will not be knocked prone. On a failure they will take 12d8 force damage, and from the force of the blast will be pushed 30ft behind while also being knocked prone.

20th level
Final Exclamation
Range 100 ft.
Cosmos Cost 40 Cosmos Points
You have reached the pinnacle of the cosmos, being able to even destroy gods with your astonishing attacks. But, there are enemies who may take even more than your most powerfull techniques, making you use your Final Exclamation as a last resource. You ascend to the heavens with a shining aura, the skies blackout for a moment, a bright aura of a pegasus can be noticed shining on the top of the sky for miles away. You then, with all your faith and determination, descend with all speed, clenching your fist and striking a fatal attack on your opponent. A deafening sound of an explosion can be heard up to 10 miles away. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure it takes 20d12 + All of your ability modifiers force damage + 10d10 thunder damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.

This may be your most powerfull attack, but it comes with a risk. You will gain 1 level of exhaustion after using it, and will be stunned for 1 round.

Dragon Cloth[edit]

The first form of the dragon Cloth, Masami Kurumada, [6]

You have beaten the great watterfall of rozan, and finally was worthy enough to wear the dragon cloth. The dragon constellation recognizes you and will protect you.

The Dragon Armor[edit]

The Dragon Saint preparing a powerfull cosmo attack while wearing the Cloth in it's first State, Masami Kurumada, [7]

The Dragon Cloth is a heavy type armor. At the 1st level the Armor Class is 15+dexterity, At the 6th increases in 18+dexterity, At 14th level increases in 20+dexterity +Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 24+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Strongest Shield and Spear

Your armor has both the strongest spear and the strongest shield, making you a perfect warrior in offensive or defensive capabilities.

Spear. Once per turn when you would attack with an unarmed strike, you may add your ability modifier twice in the attack roll.

Shield. Once per round, when you would receive an attack you may use your reaction to put your shield in front of the attack, adding your proficiency bonus to your AC.

The Dragon Attack[edit]

The legacy of all Dragon Knights made you inherit the Powerfull Dragon Attack.

1st level
Rising Dragon Lord
Range 5 ft
Cost 2 Cosmos
As one of the saints who could beat the watterfall of Rozan, you can launch a powerful fist as a dragon of cosmos comes out raising your foes. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range. If the attack hits, the creature must make a Strength saving throw against your Special Attack DC. On a failed save, a creature takes your Powerfull Strike damage + 2d8 force damage and will be pushed 15 feet away from you in the air. On a successful save, the creature isn't pushed.

Though this technique has one weakness, you leave your chest unprotected for just a second when you use it. A creature who has been hit by the technique can make a Perception check against your cosmos save dc, on a failure they discover nothing, on a sucess they can now use their reaction when they are hit by this technique to make an attack roll against you aiming in your chest.

  • Improved Rising Dragon Lord: As your power increases, the dragon will grow stronger as well. Starting at 3rd level, when you use this technique you may spend addtional cosmo points up to your proficiency bonus to add to the save dc, and for each 1 cosmo point added the target will be pushed more 10ft. In addition, the force damage will be increased to 3d8.

3rd level
Dragon Soar
Range 10 ft cone
Cost 4 cosmos points
You prepare for the attack charging your cosmos, and soon afterwards launch a powerfull cosmo dragon. As an action, every creature in a 10foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a sucess they take half damage and are not knocked prone, on a failure they take 3d10 force damage and will be knocked prone.

  • Improved Dragon Soar: When you attack with your dragon, destruction will come with it. Starting at 6th level, you can spend additional cosmos points up to your proficiency bonus to add 5ft to the attack range. The damage is also increased to 4d8.

6th level
Dragon Kick
Range 10 ft.

Wrath of the Hundred Dragons: As a ranged attack you create around you a hundred energy dragons who advance in fury at the enemy. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range.

Dragon Rush You run 15ft foward and force every creature in that line to make a Strength Saving Throw, on a sucess they take half the damage and are not pinned dowm, on a failure they take the full 6d10 + Strength Bludgeoning Force Damage, and they are pinned dowm.

Dragonic Resistance Your armor has resisted the worst of the attacks, which gave it an immense resistance. While the armor is equipped it will receive less 5 from all damage resources.

Big Bang Wrath of the Dragons: As a fury attack in stasis the Cosmo of your body explodes creating energy dragoons that advance in the enemy and in sum a great dragon goes out of your hand overcoming all the previous attacks in the enemy. The creature target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 12d12+Dexterity+Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage ignores any tipe of resistance or immunity that the creature has.

High Dragon Lord: You burn your Cosmos to the limit before capturing your target from behind and pushing the limit of Dragon Wrath creating the High Dragon Lord, the upward force launches you, carrying your target, into the skies. The target must make a Strength saving throw, if the result is less than 19, the target will be stuck and fly up in the sky until both of your bodies are incinerated by the friction of the atmosphere.

At 3rd Level- Flying Dragon: 1 action // 4d10 + Dexterity // Range: 5ft] Melee Attack 4 Cosmos Points

At 9th Level- Wrath of the hundred Dragons: 1 action // 4d8 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Ranged Attack 5 Cosmos Points

At 12th level- Dragon Rush: 1 action // 6d10 + Wisdom // Range: 15ft] Melee Attack 6 Cosmos Points

At 15th level- Dragon Resistance: Aways Active// Less 5 from all damage sources // Range: self]

At 18th Level- Big Bang Wrath of the Dragons: 1 action //20d12 + 10 + Dexterity + Wisdom// Range 60ft] Melee and Ranged Attack 15 Cosmos Points

At 20th Level- High Dragon Lord: 1 action // 100d20 + Dexterity + Strenght // Range 5ft] Melee Attack ALL your current cosmos points

Cygnus Armor (Work in progess)[edit]

The first form of the Cygnus armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [8]

When you were born the constellation of Cygnus was designated as your constellation guardian. You were destined to inherit this Sacred Armor. When you choose this armor Cygnus becomes your identity and along with you the legacy of the Cygnus lives in you.

The Armor[edit]

The Cygnus saint using diamond dust while the cloth is in it's first form, Masami Kurumada, [9]

The Cygnus Armor is an light type armor. At the 1st level the Armor Class is 12+dexterity, At the 6th increases in 15+dexterity , At 14th level increases in 17+dexterity +Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 21+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Frost Armor
Any unarmed attacks or attacks with melee weapons, will be frozen when they touch your armor, taking 1d6 frost Damage if unarmed or reducing the weapon's attack roll by -6.

The Cygnus Attack[edit]

You have broken the great wall of ice, and received the cygnus armor, unlocking it's attacks.

Diamond Dust: You use a punch which unleashes a barrage of ice crystals at the enemy. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save the target gets stuck in place and has to make a Strenght saving throw to free himself.

Freezing touch: You grab your opponent by the legs, trying to freeze them. You must stay still for 1 turn for it to take effect. After your opponent is stuck, they must make a strenght saving throw to free themselves.

Cold Wind Trap You launch a freezing cosmo wave at the opponent, trapping him with the wind. He may roll a Strength Saving Throw to free himself, if failed he will remain stuck in place. You must concentrate while doing the attack, if something interrupts you the attack will be stopped.

Aurora Thunder Attack: You clasp both of your hands together as you expels snow and ice at the target, creating an ice tornado dealing 4d6 +Dexterity. The target must make a Dexterity Saving throw to not be lifted up by the tornado, if they fail they must take 2d6 Frost Damage.

Cold Protection: You surround yourself with your cosmos to protect you from incoming attacks, any attacks made against you will have it's attack rolls reduced by 1d4. This Cold Protection lasts for 1 minute.

Ice Ring: You create an ice circle on the ground, to try and freeze the enemy. The target must make a dexterity saving throw to avoid being stunned on the ground

Aurora Execution: You have reached even beyond the absolute zero, you launch an freezing wave in the target. The target must make a dexterity saving throw, if he fails he will be stuck in ice, until someone can take him out or if he succeds in a strenght saving throw.

At 1st Level- Diamond Dust: 1 action // 2d4 + Dexterity // Range: 30ft] Melee ranged Attack 2 Cosmos Points

At 3rd Level- Freezing touch: 1 action // Range: 5ft] Melee attack 1 Cosmos Point

At 6th Level- Cold Wind Trap: 1 action // Range: 15 ft] Ranged Melee Attack 4 Cosmos Points

At 9th Level- Aurora Thunder Attack: 1 action // 4d6 + Dexterity // Range: 15 ft] Ranged Attack 5 Cosmos Points

At 12th level- Cold Protection: 1 action//1 minute// range: self] 8 cosmos points

At 15th Level- Ice Ring: 1 action // Range: 10 ft] Ranged Attack 10 Cosmos Points

At 18th Level- Aurora Execution: 1 action // 6d10 + Dexterity + Wisdom // Range: 20 ft] Ranged Attack 14 Cosmos Points

Andromeda Armor (Working in Progess)[edit]

The first form of the Andromeda Armor in it's Cloth form, Masami Kurumada, [10]

The Andromeda Cloth represents the Andromeda Constellation. The constellation is based on the myth of Andromeda, an Ethopian princess. Her mother, Queen Cassiopeia, had boasted of being more beautiful than the 50 Nereids, sea nymphs and the daughters of the god Nereus. When they learned of Cassiopeia's claim, they complained to Poseidon, whose wife was also a Nereid. In retaliation, Poseidon sent a sea monster, Cetus, to ravage the kingdom. When Cassiopeia's husband, Cepheus, asked an oracle what could be done to save his people, Poseidon demanded that Andromeda be chained to a rock as a sacrifice to him, to be eaten alive by Cetus. The chains from the Andromeda Cloth are said to be the very same chains used to bind the mythological character in the story. Luckily, Andromeda was rescued from death by the hero Perseus, who fell in love with her while returning home and offered to free her if her parents would allow him to marry the princess.

Having gained the agreement of Andromeda's family, Perseus turned Cetus to stone with the head of the gorgon Medusa and saved the girl's life. However, when they returned to Ethiopia, they were met by the angry Phineus, Andromeda's uncle, who had been engaged to her before she was offered as a sacrifice. Outnumbered by Phineus's men, Perseus turned all of them to stone and married Andromeda, remaining with her and their son in Ethiopia for a year before going back to his own home, Seriphos. Andromeda accompanies her husband when he goes to save his mother Danae from being married against her will, and becomes queen of Mycenae when Perseus switches rulership of Argos with the former Mycenae king. After their deaths, the gods placed Perseus and Andromeda in the sky as constellations for their heroism.

The armor[edit]

The Ahdromeda Saint defending itself with it's chains while the cloth is in it's first form, Masami Kurumada, [11]

The Andromeda Armor is an Medium type armor. At 1st level your Armor Class while wearing the cloth is 13 + dexterity, At the 6th it increases to 15 + dexterity, At 14th level increases in 18 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 21+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Andromeda Chains
Your chains are a powerfull weapon granted by your armor, when you give an unarmed strike it's range will be extended by 40ft and you will deal extra 1d10 Piercing Damage.

The Andromeda Attack[edit]

Unlike the other saints, in order to conquer this Cloth you did not use the force, but the kindness you have in your hearth, which made the cloth recognise you unlocking it's attacks.

Nebula Chain: The Nebula Chain is a straight-forward attack where the chains rapidly slice and throw at the target dealing 1d10 + Wisdom Lightning damage, they have to make a strenght saving throw to not get stuck, if they fail they will take 1d6 + wisdom Shock damage per turn, while they make another strenght saving throw to try and free themselves.

Rolling Defense: A defensive technique that utilizes your chains in one of two ways: You can either twirl the chains around yourself to create a barrier which can negate 1 attack, or you can set them on the ground to mimic a circular web, in web mode the chains construct a distance between yourself and the opponent, which makes a barrier with 50 hp for you and the nearby allies. If the target aproaches the chains in this mode they will discharge energy volts dealing 1d5 Shock damage +dexterity.

Thunder Wave: An offensive technique utilized through the square segment of the Andromeda Cloth's chains. It has two main means of function: first is to strike at enemies with an electrified current of burning cosmo running through its spear point, dealing 4d6 + Wisdom lightning damage. And second is the ultimate heat seeking effect, where the triangular headed chain feels out for it's desired target from anywhere to strike, with a range of 200 ft. However, this second form will just deal 2d4 Lightning damage and can only be used once per long rest, but will surely hit the target.

Great Capture: A technique that twists the chains to paralyze, capture, or immobilize foes. The target must make a strenght saving throw, if he fails he will be stuck for 3 turns.He can still do actions that dont involve movement while stuck. He is freed instantly after the 3 turns have passed.

Chain Counter When an attack misses you, you may use a chain counter attack to give use one of your chains abilities in the opponent.

Multiple Chains Attack: You summon 4 nebula chains, to attack and trap the enemy dealing 3d8 + wisdom lightning damage for each of the chains. The target must succed a strenght saving throw to not get stuck, if he fails he takes 1d6 + wisdom Lightining damage

At 1st Level- Nebula Chain: 1 action // 1d10 + Wisdom // Range 120 ft] Ranged Attack 2 Cosmos Points

At 3rd Level- Rolling Defense: 1 action // Barrier 50 HP // Range 15 ft] Ranged Attack 3 Cosmos Points

At 6th Level- Thunder Wave: 1 action //4d6 + Wisdom|2d4 // Range 200 ft] Ranged Attack 4 Cosmos Points

At 9th Level- Great Capture: 1 action // Range 30 ft] Ranged Attack 4 Cosmos Points

At 12th level- Chain Counter: 1 Reaction // Range 120ft] 2 Cosmos Points

At 15th Level- Multiple Chains Attack: 1 action // 3d8 + wisdom // range 30 ft] Ranged Attack 6 Cosmos Points

Phoenix Cloth[edit]

The first form of the Phoenix Armor in it's cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [12]

The Phoenix Cloth is based on the constellation of the same name. In Greek and Egyptian mythology, the phoenix was a legendary bird that was particularly noted for being immortal; when about to die, the creature would immolate itself, and then be reborn as a chick from its own ashes. Accounts vary on the appearance of the phoenix, but it has been stated to be either a fiery red or purple color; the purple hue desginates the phoenix as a symbol of royalty, in addition to being an emblem of resurrection, the sun and eternal life.

The Armor[edit]

The Phoenix Saint using Phoenix Wings rise while wearing the cloth in it's first form, Masami Kurumada, [13]

The Phoenix Armor is an Medium type armor. At the 1st level the Armor Class is 13+dexterity, At the 6th increases in 16+dexterity , At 14th level increases in 18+dexterity +wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 22+dexterity +wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Mithycal Bird Phoenix
If you die or has less than 0 hit points, after 3 turns you may revive with half of your hit points. This may be used once per long rest.

The Phoenix Attack[edit]

You have survived hell to obtain this armor, even having to murder your master. The phoenix recognizes you and gives you her strenght and attacks.

Phoenix's Wings Rise: In a powerful flying Phoenix of energy comes out of his fists raising the enemy. You make an attack roll against a creature within the range. The damage for this attack is fire.

Phoenix's Strike As a phoenix emerges behind you, you may add 2d6 + Wisdom to your unarmed strikes.

Phoenix Illusion Demoniac Fist:You send an cosmo wave in the enemy's head, forcing them make an wisdom saving throw. If they fail, illusions directly created by the opponent's brain destroy his will and mind, dealing 3d8+ Wisdom Mod psychic damage and stunning them until the end of your next turn. They take half as much damage and are not stunned on a success.

Phoenix Beam You focus your cosmos into a fire beam, dealing 4d6 Fire Damage in a row of 35 feet. For each creature you damage with this attack, you may add 1d4 fire damage.

Phoenix Feathers If an ally is going to be targeted by an attack, you may send one of your Phoenix Feathers from your armor to protect them removing 3d6 of the original damage. You have Feathers equal to your Wisdom Mod + your Character level, regaining all of them after completing a long rest.

Phoenix Pillars While in your seventh sense mode, you can create 5 Fire Pillars 15 ft around you, any target in the range must make a Dexterity Saving Throw to take half damage, on a failed save it will take full damage.

Phoenix ​​Dance: As a ranged attack you create around you 5 energy Phoenix's who advance in fury at the enemy. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 12d8+Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Phoenix's Wings Demoniac Dance: As a fury attack in stasis the Cosmo of your body explodes creating energy Phoenixes that advance in the enemy and in sum a great Phoenix goes out of your hand overcoming all the previous attacks in the enemy. The creature target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 14d12 + Dexterity + Wisdom magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage ignores any tipe of resistance or immunity that the creature has.

At 1st Level- Phoenix's Wings Rise: 1 action // 3d8 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Melee ranged Attack 2 Cosmos Points

At 3rd Level- Phoenix's Strike: 1 action // 2d6 + Wisdom // Range 5ft] Melee Attack 2 Cosmos Points

At 6th Level- Phoenix Illusion Demoniac Fist: 1 action // 3d8+ Wis mod// Range: 10ft] Psycho Attack 4 Cosmos Points

At 9th Level- Phoenix Beam: 1 action // 4d6 + Wisdom // range 35ft] Melee Ranged Attack 5 Cosmos Points

At 12th Level- Phoenix Feathers: reaction// 3d6 // range 80ft] Reaction 4 Cosmos Points

At 15th level- Phoenix Pillars: 1 action // 5d10 + Wisdom // Range 15ft] Ranged Attack 10 Cosmos Points

At 18th Level- Phoenix ​​Dance: 1 action // 12d8 + Wisdom // Range: 30ft] Ranged Attack 15 Cosmos Points

At 20th Level- Phoenix's Wings Demoniac Dance: 1 action // 14d12 + Dexterity + Wisdom// Range 60ft] Melee and Ranged Combo Attack 18 Cosmos Points

Unicorn Cloth[edit]

The first form of the Unicorn Armor in it's cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [14]

Unicorns were believed to be real to the Greeks, and even used as a metaphor in modern Biblical translations for a horned beast of great strength. Such a creature was believed to have come from India. It was called the Monoceros, a Greek word, which had a horse body with a horn on the center of the forehead, of a certain length.

The Unicorn Armor[edit]

The Unicorn saint giving out a kick while the Armor is in it's first state, Masami Kurumada, [15]

You have trained to be a Saint in Oran, Algeria enduring hard trainings until you were worthy of wearing the Cloth.

The Unicorn Cloth is an Medium type armor. At 1st level your Armor Class while wearing the cloth is 13 + dexterity, At the 6th it increases to 15 + dexterity, At 14th level increases in 18 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 21+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Force of The Unicorn

Your horn will give you power depending solely on your might. For every creature you reduce to 0 hit points or knock someone prone, you can make another cosmo attack or unarmed strike as part of the same action.

The Unicorn Attack[edit]

Unicorn Gallop
Level Requirement 1
Cosmos Cost 2
Range 10ft per cosmos point spent
Duration Instantaneous
You give a huge kick foward, launching yourself up in a target within 10ft of you making a cosmo attack roll. On a hit, you deal 2d6 Bludgeoning damage which forces the creature to make a Strength saving throw, on a sucess nothing happens, on a failure they are knocked prone. For every 1 cosmo point you spend in this attack, you may increase it's range by 10ft.

Bear Cloth[edit]

Hydra Cloth[edit]

The first form of the Hydra Armor in it's cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [16]

In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a giant, venomous swamp serpent who lived in Lerna. As his Second Labor, the hero Heracles was sent to destroy the snake, aided by a young man, Iolus. Heracles attempted to decapitate the monster, but when Heracles lopped off one of its nine heads, the Hydra grew two new ones to replace it. Ultimately, Iolus figured out that, by burning the neck stump, the Hydra would no longer grow new heads. Heracles then proceeded to slice the heads off one by one, with Iolus following with a fire brand to scorch the neck. At last, only one head was left, the sole immortal head, which Heracles chopped off and buried; he then dipped his arrows into the Hydra's poisonous blood, making them deadly weapons. Hera, who hated Heracles, had the Hydra, as well as its companion, a giant crab she had sent, placed among the stars as constellations.

The Hydra Armor[edit]

The hydra saint wearing the hydra cloth in it's first state, Masami Kurumada, [17]

You have trained six long years in Finland to gain your cloth, enduring harsh trainings and tests.

The Hydra Cloth is an Medium type armor. At 1st level your Armor Class while wearing the cloth is 13 + dexterity, At the 6th it increases to 15 + dexterity, At 14th level increases in 18 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 21+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Hydra Claws

You have hydra claws which you can activate or deactivate as a free action. Whenever you make an unarmed strike with your claws active, they will deal xd4 poison damage(With X being your proficiency bonus). Also, whenever you are grappling someone you may use a bonus action to activate one of your claws and pierce through your target's skin and deal your current claws damage for each turn they remain grappled.

The Hydra Attack[edit]

Wolf Cloth[edit]

Lionet Cloth[edit]

Chameleon Cloth[edit]

Orion Cloth[edit]

The first form of the Orion Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [18]

You have endured intense trainings and tests to gain the right to wear this Armor.

The Orion Armor[edit]

A Orion Saint attacking with the Cloth in it's first state, Masami Kurumada, [19]

The Orion Armor is an Medium type armor, at 1st level while wearing it your Armor Class is 14 + Dexterity, at 6th it increases to 16 + Dexterity, at 14th it increases to 18 + Dexterity + Wisdom, and at the 18th level you will have 20 AC + Dexterity + Wisdom. At 18th level you will gain flying speed equal to your movement speed.

The Orion Attack[edit]

Reborn Lightning: You manipulate your element and concentrate in your left fist, and then you give an unarmed strike with the fall of a great lightning bolt. On a hit the target takes 3d8 Thunder Damage and must make a Constitution saving throw, on a sucess nothing happens, on a failure they are stunned until your next turn.

Dancing Thunder: A defensive technique from the orion armor. As a reaction You manipulate your element to create a small sphere that protects you from the opponent's attack, reducing incoming damage by 3d4 + Wisdom as well as pushing non-magical ranged attacks away. You may instead use it as an attack, creating one sphere or more spheres and launch it at a creature dealing 4d4 + Wisdom Thunder Damage.

Heavenly Thunder: You create six spheres that surround you. You rotate them, and after it you fire them at the opponent dealing 14d4 + Wisdom Lightining damage. The impact triggers a massive explosion that damages both your opponent and the battlefield.

Silver Cloths[edit]

A group of Silver Saints together, Masami Kurumada, [20]

Eagle Cloth[edit]

Ophiuchus Cloth[edit]

The Ophiuchus Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [21]

The Ophiuchus constellation can represent the healer Asclepius, a son of Apollo and the human princess Coronis. He was trained in medicine by the centaur Chiron, and was known for carrying a rod with a snake wrapped around it. He was a gifted healer, but was struck down by Zeus when Asclepius figured out how to bring the dead back to life, something the god Hades complained bitterly about. At Apollo's insistence, Asclepius was raised into the heavens as the Ophiuchus in tribute.

The Ophiucus Armor[edit]

The Ophiuchus Saint preparing it's thunder claw attack, Masami Kurumada, [22]

You have trained harshly in greece, facing every challenge the sanctuary has gave you, until you finally could wear the Ophiuchus Cloth.

The Ophiuchus armor is a Medium type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth is 15 + Dexterity, at 6th level it increases to 18 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 21 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 23 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Thunder Cloth

Your Cloth is filled with eletric energy, making you shock your opponents away. When you are hit by a melee attack the attacker takes xd4 Lightning damage(With X being your proficiency bonus), this damage will also be added to your unarmed strike damage rolls.

The Ophiuchus Armor[edit]

Your attacks focus in using your fists to paralize and shock your opponents.

At 1st level you gain the following attack:

Thunder Claw
Duration Instantenous
Cosmos Cost 2 Cosmos Points
You rise your cosmos into your hands to create your eletric powers. Spending 2 cosmos points you can make your unarmed strike deal extra lightining damage equal to the damage rolled in the unarmed strike, and makes the opponent make a Constitution saving throw. On a sucess, he takes half the damage from the lightning, on a failure he will be stunned.

  • Improved Thunder Claw: Your technique has evolved to new heights. At 4th level your thunder claw will now last for 1 minute, but you will spend 1 Cosmo Point at the end of your turns to keep the claw active.

Lizard Cloth[edit]

The Lizard Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [23]

When the goddess Demeter first realized her daughter Persephone was missing, not knowing the girl had been kidnapped by Hades, Demeter began weeping heavily. A young boy saw her and, having never seen an adult cry before, started laughing. Angered, Demeter turned the boy into a lizard for his insensitivity.

The Lizard Armor[edit]

The Lizard Saint defending itself from incoming attacks with it's cosmo technique, Masami Kurumada, [24]

You have endured a harsh training in france to own the right to wear the Lizard cloth.

The lizard armor is a Medium type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth is 14 + Dexterity, at 6th level it increases to 17 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 20 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 22 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will

Never Hit

Your biggest pride is to battle without ever being hit, you will gain additional reactions equal to your Dexterity modifier, and for any kind of damage reduction skill you will reduce extra 1d12. The extra reduction increases to 2d12 at 6th level, 14th level at 3d12, and 18th level at 4d12. If you are damaged by an attack, this feature stops working until your next battle.

The Lizard Attack[edit]

At 1st level you unlock the following attack:

Air Shield
Duration 1 turn
Cosmo Cost 1 or more cosmos points
Your incredible control of air makes you a great defensive resource in combat. As a reaction you can make an air shield to defend yourself or other's from attacks. Any kind of non magical attacks will be instantly negated, for other attacks they will have their damage reduced by xd6 + The amount of cosmos spent(With X being your proficiency bonus.). Your shield size is 5ft wide in front of you, for each cosmos point spent it will expand by 5ft.

  • Improved Air Shield: At 8th level your air shield will now add twice your proficiency bonhs, and you will now roll a d8 instead of d6. Also, if you reduce an attack damage to less than 0, the damage will be sent back to the sender.

At 4th level you unlock the following attack:

Black Hole
Duration instantaneous
Cosmo Cost 4 cosmos points
You use two fingers to create a violent swirl in your targets direction. Every creature in a 10ft cone must make a Strength saving throw, on a failure they take 4d10 Force damage and are pushed 10ft back, on a sucess they take half damage and are not pushed.

Hound Cloth[edit]

The Hound Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [25]

In the modern celestial figure, the constellation represents the Shepherd's dogs, which help him to guard and lead the Bears (Major and Minor) around the North Celestial Pole. While the two brightest stars represent Chara, Asterion is marked by a handful of not-so-obvious stars a little further north.

The Armor[edit]

The Hound Saint using Million Ghosts Attack, Masami Kurumada, [26]

You have trained on austria at Mt.Brocken, enduring harsh tests until being finally able to wear the cloth.

The Hound armor is a Medium type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth is 14 + Dexterity, at 6th level it increases to 17 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 20 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 22 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Aways One Step Ahead

Due to your mind reading abilities, you can aways gain a type of advantage in the battle. You choose one creature, you force it to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess nothing happens, on a failure you can read their mind and predict their movements, which gives you the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You will gain advantage in attacks against that creature.
  • They have disadvantage in attacks against you, and you may use your reaction to give disadvantage in one of their attacks against an ally.

If you take damage while mind reading someone you cannot take hits, if you are hit you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your cosmos DC or stop reading that creature's mind.

The Hound Attack[edit]

The Hound Cloth focus around predicting the opponents movements, and destroy them strategically.

At the 1st level you gain the following attack:

Million Ghosts Attack
Duration instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 2+ Cosmos Points
You learned a powerfull technique to multiply yourself and gain an advantage against your opponents. As an action for 2 cosmos points you can create 2 clones of yourself, which both make 1 Unarmed Strike and dissapear. For every extra 1 cosmo point spent you can create one more clone to give an unarmed strike.

  • Improved Million Ghosts Attack: At 4th level, your technique has improved to a new level. When you summon your clones they can now give 2 Unarmed Strikes, and they may move up to 10ft before giving the unarmed strikes.

Whale Cloth[edit]

Centaurus Cloth[edit]

Perseus Cloth[edit]

Crow Cloth[edit]

Cerberus Cloth[edit]

The Cerberus Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [27]

The Cerberus constellation was a former constellation of the three headed hellhound of the god Hades. As his Twelfth and final Labor, the hero Heracles was commanded to bring Cerberus back from the Underworld alive. Heracles goes first to Hades personally and asks the god's permission. Hades allows it on two conditions: Heracles is not allowed to use any weaponry on Cerberus and must return the dog as soon as he was done with the Labor. Heracles manages to subdue Cerberus by wrestling him, and then dragging the dog into the living world. Keeping his word, Heracles returns Cerberus directly afterwards.

The Cerberus Armor[edit]

The Cerberus Saint spining it's chains before an attack, Masami Kurumada, [28]

You trained in sicília island to get your cloth, passing test after test until you could finally wear it.

The Cerberus armor is a Heavy type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth is 16 + Dexterity, at 6th level it increases to 19 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 22 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 24 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Iron Mace

Your armor has two iron maces ready to destroy your opponents. You may use them as melee weapon with 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage and a range of 5/40ft, any creature hit by the balls must make a Strength saving throw or be grappled by the chains.

The Cerberus Attack[edit]

Auriga Cloth[edit]

Canis Major Cloth[edit]

Musca Cloth[edit]

The Musca Armor in it's Cloth state, Masami Kurumada, [29]

Metis had been Zeus's first wife, the mother of Athena, and had helped free her husband's siblings from their father, Kronos. However, after Zeus had assumed control of the world, he learned that if Metis bore him a son, that son would overthrow him the way Zeus had overthrown his own father. The king of the gods sought advice from his grandparents, Gaia and Uranus, who tell him he must destroy Metis. One day, alone together, Zeus lures Metis to him by talking to her sweetly. Once in his grasp, Zeus changes his wife into a fly and swallows her whole, averting the prophecy.

The Armor[edit]

The Musca Saint in a fighting stance, Masami Kurumada, [30]

You have been trained in the mexican highlands until you became worthy of wearing the musca cloth.

The Musca Cloth in a medium type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth will be 13 + dexterity, at 6th level it will increase to 16 + dexterity, at 14th level it will increase to 19 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it will increase to 22 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Fly Surprise Attack

While wearing the Fly cloth, when you hit an attack with advantage in someone you can instantly give an unarmed strike. If the unarmed strike is a critical, you will make the opponent stunned.

The Musca Attack[edit]

At 1st level you gain the following attack:

Dead End Fly
Duration instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 1 cosmo point
Range Your movement speed
Fast as a fly you give a powerfull kick in your opponent. Spending 1 cosmo point you can jump into an opponent to give a +2 unarmed strike, on a hit the attack is considered a critical, however on a miss you will have disadvantage on your next attack. You will also add 1d4 to the total damage for every 5ft you have moved with this skill.

  • Improved Dead End Fly: With lots of training, you have improved this technique to new levels. At 4th level you will now make an attack with +3 instead of 2, and now your extra damage die increases to a d6.

Heracles Cloth[edit]


Lyra Cloth[edit]

The Lyra Cloth, Masami Kurumada, [31]

The Lyra constellation was named for the special instrument of the musician Orpheus; the lyre is a hand-held harp, as well as the signature instrument of the god Apollo, invented by his half-brother Hermes. A child of one of the Nine Muses, Orpheus was so gifted with the power of music and poetry, he was able to enchant even rocks and lifeless objects with his songs. He fell in love with and married a nymph, Eurydice, but on their wedding day, she was bitten by a venomous snake and died of the poison. Distraught, Orpheus decided to try bringing his love back; he descended to the Underworld, bypassing the boatman Charon and Cerberus with his melodies. All of the dead ceased their actions to listen to him, even the damned of Tartarus, who forgot their pains at the sound. Orpheus finally reached Hades's palace and, gaining an audience with the god, sang of his love for Eurydice, begging Hades to either give her back to him, or to take him as well. The lyre song is so beautiful and melancholy Hades is moved to tears, and agrees to Orpheus's requests. He instructs the musician to leave the Underworld, guaranteeing that Eurydice's spirit would follow after. However, Orpheus is told not to look behind him until he has fully left Hades's domain

Orpheus follows Hades's decree but, just at the very exit of the Underworld, he can't take it anymore and looks back before Eurydice is fully out of the realm. He catches one glimpse of his wife, who forgives him before being dragged back to her fate. Heartbroken, Orpheus gives up his art; although he keeps the lyre, he never plays it again. Ultimately, he is found and murdered by madwomen, followers of Dionysus who are provoked by his gloomy silence. His lyre is then placed among the stars; there is a message that Orpheus failed due to his nature as a human, as the gift of music is a divine art.

The Lyra Armor[edit]

The Lyra Saint playing his lyre, Masami Kurumada, [32]

The Lyra Cloth is a Medium type armor, at 1st level your AC while wearing the cloth is 14 + Dexterity, at 6th level it increases to 17 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 20 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 23 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.


The Lyra Attack[edit]

1st level
Illusion Manipulation
Cost: 2 Cosmos
As an action, you can generate and manipulate illusions capable of distorting the senses of every creature who can hear you in 60fts., forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a sucess, they do not see illusions, on a failure however, they will start to see illusions and unexplicable things causing them to have disadvantage for their next 1d6 attack rolls.

3rd level
Sleep Induction
Cost: 4 Cosmos
As an action, you will start playing a sweet song in your Lyre, inducing nearby creatures to fall asleep. Every creature who can hear within 30ft of you must make a Wisdom saving throw, on a failure they take 3d6 psychic damage and are set into a deep trance, and in the end of the round fall asleep for 1d10 +Your Wisdom modifier turns. On a sucess they take half damage, and do not fall asleep. Sleeping creatures are considered unconscious.

6th level
Death-Trip Serenade
Cost: 10 Cosmos
You have learned one of your most powerfull techniques, capable of putting even giants to sleep. You play a sad song in your Lyre making every creature within 30ft. of you to make a Wisdom saving throw, or be put asleep for the rest of the day.

9th level
White Chord
Cost: 2 Cosmos
As an action, you play very low music that only one creature of your choice can hear it. The affected creature is considered deafened for the duration, and will become immune to Thunder damage. An unwilling creature must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects mentioned above.

Cepheus Cloth[edit]

Gold Cloths[edit]

All the gold Cloths together in their divine state, Masami Kurumada, [33]

Like all Cloths, Gold Cloths are alive. Using the cosmo of the wearer, they function as protection. They can be destroyed, though they have survived since the ages of myth through countless battles. It takes the strength of a god in his true body to completely destroy a Gold Cloth.

Aries Cloth[edit]

The Ares Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [34]

The Aries constellation was based on a flying golden ram, sent by the cloud goddess Nephele to rescue her son, Prince Phrixus, from being killed by his stepmother. When Phrixus reached the kingdom of Colchis, he sacrificed the ram to Zeus, and gave it as a present to the king of Colchis, Aeetes, who allowed Phrixus shelter in his kingdom. Aeetes hung the fleece in a sacred grove guarded by a dragon. This became the legendary Golden Fleece, which Jason and the Argonauts would later pursue.

The Aries Armor[edit]

The Aries saint using Crystal Wall, Masami Kurumada, [35]

You have trained during your entire life in jamian to own the right to wear the Aries cloth, and now you are finally worthy.

The Aries Armor is a Heavy Type armor, at 7th level your AC while wearing it 20 + Dexterity, at 14th level your AC increases to 24 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 28 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

The Aries Attack[edit]

At 7th level you gain the following attack:

Crystal Wall
Duration: 1 or more rounds
Range: Infront of you
Cosmo Cost: 7 Cosmos Cost
You open your arms and create with your cosmos a transparent, glass-like barrier made of psycho-power.

Resistant Wall: The Crystal Wall has exceptional resistance, being able to absorb magical or physical damage. It has a number of hit points equal to 8 times the user's level, regenerating half that amount at the start of the user's turn while they manifest their Cosmo.

Cosmic Reflection: Any technique or attack directed at the Crystal Wall is reflected with the same intensity and speed against the attacker. This includes spells, projectiles, physical attacks, or abilities, as long as it is a direct attack on the wall. The damage or effect applied to the attacker is identical to what would have been applied to the wall.

Level Upgrades:

Level 10: The Crystal Wall's resistance increases to 10 times the user's level. Additionally, the Crystal Wall can reflect not only the attack, but also some spell effects, as long as they are directed directly at it. For example, a mind control spell cast at the Wall could be reflected back to the caster.

Level 15: The Crystal Wall's resistance increases to 15 times the user's level. Additionally, the Wall can be extended to cover a larger area, reaching a diameter of 60 feet.

Rising Force
Duration: 1 round
Range: 18 meters
Cosmo Cost: 8 Cosmos Cost

Uses his life energy to create a shockwave that violently impacts the enemy. You cross your arms, focusing your cosmos, and a golden glow emanates from your chest, invoking the primordial energy of the Aries constellation.

You release this energy in the form of an imposing golden ram towards your target. The target and all creatures in a straight line 15 feet wide and up to 60 feet long must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 6d10 radiant energy damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Additionally, if the creature fails the save, its life energy is weakened. For one minute, she suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 10th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each point of cosmos..

Taurus Cloth[edit]

The Taurus Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [36]

In Greek mythology, the Taurus Constelation was identified with Zeus, who had assumed the form of a bull to abduct Europa, a legendary Phoenician princess, bringing her to the island of Crete where she ruled as the first queen. In some tellings, the bull is instead identified with the Cretan Bull, a once-beautiful white bull that had been a gift from Poseidon to Minos when the latter asked for a worthy sacrifice to the gods. When Minos decided not to sacrifice the bull, Poseion made it insane; it wandered around and killed many people before arriving at Marathon. The bull was placed among the stars to end the rampage.

The Armor[edit]

The Taurus Saint standing in a defensive position, Masami Kurumada, [37]

You have trained during your childhood to own the right to wear the Tauras cloth, and now you are finally worthy.

The Taurus Armor is a Heavy Type armor, at 7th level your AC while wearing it 20 + Dexterity, at 14th level your AC increases to 24 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 28 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Unshakable Stance

You have learned a great stance to defend yourself and attack enemies, when you enter battle you will gain +1 to your AC and may aways give an unarmed strike as a reaction. If an attack has missed against you, you can give an unarmed strike without spending your reaction.

The Taurus Attack[edit]

The taurus cloth focus in making deadly attacks while standing still, pratically destroying your opponents without them even seeing you move.

At 7th level you unlock the following attack:

Great Horn
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmo Cost 8 Cosmos Points
While appearing you are still with your arms crossed, you will send a massive wave of cosmo into a 15ft cone infront of you. Every creature in that area must make a Strength saving throw, on a failure they take 8d10 Force damage and are knocked prone, on a sucess they take half damage and are not knocked prone.

  • Improved Great Horn: At 14th level your horn has grown bigger and stronger, you can now spend 16 instead of 8 cosmos points to make two great horns waves. You can now add your cosmo blast damage to the total damage roll of the Great Horn.

Gemini Cloth[edit]

The Gemini Cloth, Masami Kurumada, [38]

You have been born under the gemini constelation, which makes you inherit the cloth and it's power.

The Armor[edit]

The Gemini Knight preparing a cosmo attack, Masami Kurumada, [39]

The Gemini Armor is an Heavy type armor. At the 7th level while wearing it your Armor Class is 19 + dexterity, At 14th level it increases to 22 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases to 26 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Other Half
You have two cosmos inside your cloth, one in the brain and one in the armor. At the beggining of battles you must make a DC 14 Wisdom Saving Throw to not get possessed by your other half. If you get possessed, your other half will have control over your body and will change your aligment.

Examples: Chaotic Good = Chaotic Evil Lawful Good = Lawful Evil

If you are Neutral or have no aligment, roll a 1d2 to decide your other half aligment.

For each time you succed in this test, your maximum cosmos increases by 1, but so does the all tests of DC.

The Gemini Attack[edit]

You have been worthy to wear the Gold Cloth, and with it's power you may use it's attacks.

Another Dimension You create a rift on Space and Time, and send 2 targets to another dimension, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw to get out. On a failed save, they will take 4d6 Magical Damage while in Another Dimension, and will be stuck in another dimension until their next turn which they must repeat the save. If select yourself and a another enemy for this dimension you have a vantege in any hit your, resistance to all types of attacks, you can roll a d4, the rolled number will be the multiplier of the total damage of the attack. Another dimension is a portal to a space-time continuum, with no entrance and no exit, which is not affected by universal rules and therefore, not even time can influence it. Through this technique, you could open dimensional rifts all the way to the Hyperdimension. In the Hyperdimension, a square arena of 30 meters in area is generated, if either one or the other are outside this arena, they will be disintegrated instantly, the arena is very resistant but breakable. While in this arena the multiplier die becomes 2d4 and two more dice on each damage roll.

Imperial Satan You launch a wave of cosmo towards a creature which needs to make a Wisdom Saving Throw to resist the effect. On a succes, the creature takes 8d6 Psychic Damage but will retain it's mind, on a failure the creature gets fully under your control, and may be given one order to fullfill, after the order is done the effect ends.

Astral Projection You can control your cloth even without you wearing it, while you are at least 500 ft from it. This action requires concentration, and if you are interrupted the cloth stops.

Galaxian Explosion You go high up in the air and raise your hands, generating a universe full of planets coming towards your target, everything in a 60ft radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a succes, they take half damage, on a failure they take the full 12d12 + Wisdom Magical Bludgeoning Damage.

At 7th Level- Another Dimension: 1 Action // 4d6 + Wisdom // Range 30 ft] Ranged Attack 10 Cosmos Points

At 10th Level- Imperial Satan: 1 Action // 8d6 + Wisdom // Range 15ft] Ranged Attack 10 Cosmos Points

At 12th level- Astral Projection: 1 Action // Range 200ft] 5 Cosmos Points

At 14th level- Galaxian Explosion: 1 Action // 12d12 + Wisdom // Range 60ft] Ranged Attack 16 Cosmos Points

Cancer Cloth[edit]

The Cancer Armor in it's Cloth form, Masami Kurumada, [40]

You have passed through countless trials and tests, and you have finally become worthy enough to wear the Cancer Armor.

The Armor[edit]

The Cancer Knight wearing the Cancer Cloth while in a fighting stance, Masami Kurumada, [41]

The Cancer Armor is a Heavy type armor, at the 7th level the Armor Class is 19 + dexterity, At 14th level it increases in 22 + dexterity +Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 25+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Controller Of Souls

You can control the souls of the dead, and can manipulate them. You can utilize your cosmos to summon a portal to hell, while in hell you may open another portal to go to any place you have already visited, you may use this 3 times per long rest. Your unarmed strikes will now add xd4 necrotic damage(with x being your proficiency bonus).

The Cancer Attack[edit]

Your cancer cloth gives you powerfull attacks that focus to hurt the enemies souls.

At your 7th level, you will gain the following skill:

Death Waves
Range 30ft
Duration 1d4 rounds
Cosmos Cost 10 Cosmos
You start gathering souls from around the world, to then launch them at an opponent. On a hit it deals 6d8 Necrotic Damage, but even if it doesn't hit the souls will stay in a 30ft circle around you for 1d4 rounds, which after will explode again making them deal the Death Waves damage in any creature except you in the circle.

  • Improved Death Waves:

At 10th level, When you hit an opponent with death waves, they now will take 9d8 Necrotic damage and will have to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a sucess they will only receive the normal effects of the death waves, however on a failure they are sent to the land of the dead.

At your 10th level, you will gain the following skill:

Land Of The Dead
Duration Indefinite
Cosmos Cost 1 Cosmos per round
As an action for 1 cosmo point you can transport your soul and body to the Land Of the dead, you may take any willing creature with you. While on the land of the dead you will add 1d8 Necrotic damage for all attacks, and when you hit your death waves attack you can roll a d8, the rolled number will be the multiplier of the total damage of the attack. (Ex: 45 damage, d8 rolls 2, 90 damage)

Leo Cloth[edit]

The Leo Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [42]

You have trained your entire life to become a gold saint, and inherit the Leo Cloth protecting Athena.

The Armor[edit]

The Leo Knight preparing a attack, Masami Kurumada, [43]

The Leo Armor is an Heavy type armor. At the 7th level your Armor Class is 20 + dexterity, At 14th level it increases to 23 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases to 27 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Unrelenting Lion Strikes

After every attack you make, you can give a unarmed attack in the same attack action.

The Leo Attack[edit]

Virgo Cloth[edit]

The Virgo Armor in it's Cloth form, Masami Kurumada, [44]

You have been born under the gemini constelation, which makes you inherit the cloth and it's power.

The Armor[edit]

The Virgo Knight wearing it's gold cloth while preparing a powerfull cosmo attack, Masami Kurumada, [45]

The Virgo Armor is an Heavy type armor. At the 7th level the Armor Class is 19+dexterity, At 14th level it increases in 22+dexterity +Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 26+dexterity +Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Divine Senses

While with the cloth you gain truesight in 120ft, and can't be affected by illusions.

The Virgo Attack[edit]

You have been worthy to wear the Gold Cloth, and with it's power you may use it's attacks.

Libra Cloth[edit]

The Libra Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [46]

The Libra constellation was based on the Scales carried by the Goddess of Justice and Purity, Astræa. When she ascended to the Heavens, and became a constellation, her scales became the nearby constellation Libra. The constellation could be used to symbolize the balance of good and evil, or the weighing of both sides of the argument in a trial, to see which one holds true.

The Libra Armor[edit]

The Libra Saint preparing the One Hundred Dragon's Attack, Masami Kurumada, [47]

You have endured a harsh training in the five peaks of rozan, until you were judged worthy of wearing the Libra Cloth.

The Libra Armor is a Heavy Type armor, at 7th level your AC while wearing it 20 + Dexterity, at 14th level your AC increases to 23 + dexterity + wisdom, at 18th level it increases to 26 + dexterity + wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

The Twelve Libra Weapons

Your cloth has two shields, two swords, two tridents, two nunchuks and two sansetsukon. They use their normal stats, but will gain a bonus to their damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus, and will count as magical. Each of the weapons will give you a different bonus when equipped, which are all described bellow:


You will gain a +2 to your AC, and melee attacks have disadvantage against you.

The Libra Attack[edit]

Scorpio Cloth[edit]

The Scorpio Armor in it's Cloth form, Masami Kurumada, [48]

The Scorpius constellation on which this Cloth is derived was based on the mythic Scorpion sent by Gaea to execute the hunter Orion. Orion had threatened to kill all beasts of the Earth, spurring Gaea into action against him. In another version of the myth, Apollo sent the scorpion after Orion to protect his sister Artemis's purity, as she had become unsually close to Orion. In both tales, the Scorpion was sent to the skies as a constellation for its service

The Scorpion Armor[edit]

The Scorpio Saint preparing one of it's most powerfull cosmo attacks, Masami Kurumada, [49]

You have endured a harsh training at Milos island to gain the right to wear this cloth.

The Scorpio Armor is an Heavy type armor. At the 7th level while you are wearing the cloth your Armor Class is 18 + dexterity, At 14th level it increases to 21 + dexterity + Wisdom, and at the 18th level increases in 25 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Scorpion Needle

You have a Deadly needle in your right index finger, when you hit someone with an unarmed strike you deal extra 1d4 Piercing damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they get roll 1d3 and get one of these conditions: 1.They are poisoned 2.They fallprone 3. They are paralized. They will also gain 1 stack of the Scorpion Needle, for each stack you can make them remake the Constitution saving throw and add 1d4 Necrotic Damage to the attack damage.

The Scorpion Attacks[edit]

Sagittarius Cloth[edit]

Capricorn Cloth[edit]

The Capricorn Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [50]

The Capricornus constellation has basis in the story that when Zeus was being raised in secret by mountain nymphs to protect him from Cronus, Zeus was suckled by a magical goat, Amalthea. Amalthea was special in that she never ran out of milk and could easily produce food from her horns (the origin of the Cornucopia, or horn of plenty). When Zeus finally grew into adulthood, to honor Amalthea he placed the goat's image among the stars and gave one of her magical horns to the nymphs who had protected him so they would never be hungry.

The Capricorn Armor[edit]

The Capricorn Saint using it's Sacred Sword Excalibur, Masami Kurumada, [51]

You have trained in spain, improving your technique until you finally got to wear the Capricorn Cloth.

The Capricorn Armor is an Heavy type armor, at 7th level while wearing it your Armor Class is 19 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 22 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases to 26 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

The Sharpest Sword

Your right hand is your mighty sword excalibur, being able to cut mountains with ease, but aways wanting to be sharper. When you attack someone with an unarmed strike, you will add xd6 slashing damage to the damage roll(With X being your proficiency bonus), and for every critical your damage die increases by one tier(ex: 1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8 and so on).

The Capricorn Attacks[edit]

The capricorn cloth focus around dealing massive damage with it's sword excalibur, destroying everything in it's path.

At the 7th level you learn the following attack:

Sacred Sword Excalibur
Duration Instantaneous
Cosmos Cost 8+ Cosmos
Your excalibur will cut through anything in your path, if it can't cut it, it's not sharp enough. You can spend 8 cosmos points to give a huge attack in a line of 60ft, making everyone in that line to make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take 10d4 Slashing damage + your excalibur dice radiant damage, on a sucess they take half damage. For every 1 extra cosmo point you spend in this technique, the range is increased by 5ft and you may instantly give an unarmed strike with excalibur.

Aquarius Cloth[edit]

The Aquarius Armor in it's Cloth State, Masami Kurumada, [52]

The Aquarius Cloth is based on the myth of Ganymede, a beautiful Trojan prince. Zeus fell in love with the boy, took the form of an eagle and carried him to Mount Olympus, to be the cup bearer (water bearer) of the gods, granting Ganymede immortality.

The Armor[edit]

The Aquarius Saint preparing a cosmo attack, Masami Kurumada, [53]

You have trained in the cold winds of Siberia, which after years you have become acostumed to the cold, and made you become worthy to wear the Aquarius Cloth.

The Aquarius Armor is an Heavy type armor, at the 7th level your Armor Class is 20 + dexterity, at 14th level it increases to 23 + dexterity + Wisdom, and in the 18th level increases to 27 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Ice Aura

Your cloth has been acostumed to the cold for more than centuries. You gain immunity to Cold damage while wearing this cloth, and cannot be affected by the effects of harsh cold weather.

The Aquarius Attack[edit]

The aquarius cloth focus on cold attacks to freeze your opponents, making them freeze to death in an instant.

At 7th level you unlock the following attack:

Freezing Coffin
Duration Until someone breaks it
Cosmos Cost 8+ Cosmo Points
You close your hands together, and seals a creature in a block of ice. You force a creature in 30ft to make a Constitution saving throw, on a sucess they take 9d8 Cold damage, on a failure they take the damage and are frozen into a Block of ice. The creature can try a strenght saving throw against your Cosmo DC to free itself, or take xd6 cold damage at the beggining of their turns in the block of ice (With X being your proficiency bonus). The Block of Ice has xd8 Hit Points and is a 20ft by 20ft cube, it is immune to non magical Bludgeoning, Slashing and piercing damage, and vulnerable to fire damage(With X being your Athena's saint level). For each extra cosmo point you spend, the ice block will gain one extra dice of hit points.

  • Improved Freezing Coffin: Your coffin has increased in size so you could freeze more targets. Spending the double amount of cosmos, you can now freeze two creatures, and your damage has increased to 10d8 cold damage.

Pisces Cloth[edit]

The Pisces Armor in it's Cloth form, Masami Kurumada, [54]

When a Knight has reached the Seventh Sense and became a worthy Athena's Saint, they will get the right to wear the Pisces Cloth.

The Pisces Armor[edit]

The Pisces Saint preparing for battle, Masami Kurumada, [55]

The Pisces Armor is an Heavy type armor, at the 7th level your Armor Class is 18 + dexterity, At 14th level it increases to 20 + dexterity + Wisdom, And In the 18th level increases in 24 + dexterity + Wisdom and you gain the fly ability at will.

Poisonous Blood

Due to your Pisces Sign, your blood has been granted Poison Properties that gave you immunity to Poison Damage. For any Slashing or Piercing damage you receive, every one in 5ft. of you must make a Constitution saving throw, on a sucess they take half damage and are not poisoned, on a failure they are poisoned and receive the full xd6 Poison Damage.(With X Being your Proficiency Bonus)


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Knights of The Zodiac class, you must meet these prerequisites: 14 Wisdom, 15 Dexterity

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Knights of The Zodiac class, you gain the following proficiencies: All weapons, All shields and armors

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