Athar (4e Theme)

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By Tony DiTerlizzi


According to The Athar, the great feared powers are liars. Those who claim to be "Gods" are just mortals, like anyone else. Yes, they are unbelievably powerful, but they're not gods. After all, they can die, they've got to keep their followers happy and they often feud among themselves like children. Sure, there might be a true god, or maybe even more than one, but such power is beyond all understanding. Of course, the Athar aren't stupid, let the powers call themselves gods, there's no point upsetting them. With all that might, an angry power would be a dangerous enemy. What the Athar desire is to show the deluded masses the error of their ways and expose the truth hidden behind the veil.


Athar members tend more toward mental ability than physical, races with bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are obvious picks for Athar characters. Arcane and psionic classes fit well as Athar, given their magical power is their own and not from an outside source such as a god.

Class Prerequisites

None. While one may think divine character classes incompatible with the philosophy of The Athar, the two are not mutually exclusive. Some Athar believe that there is one or more true gods beyond the false ones, a power that could never be comprehended by mortal minds. These believers simply call this power "The Great Unknown" and may gain divine miracles from this source the same as other divine characters. In the case that an Athar acts as a divine class in service of a specific named deity, such as Bahamut or Erathis, this can be a twist on the usual relationship between god and servant. If the Athar acts in the interests of said deity, the deity may be willing to grant them divine abilities despite of their lack of faith. And while the Athar may not consider their power source as a true god, they willingly accept the aid for their shared goal. Beyond divine classes, both wizards and psions are well fitting choices for Athar, given their scholarly nature and that they do not rely on a greater source for their abilities. Primal classes, particularly the shaman also work well as Athar, given their worship of primal spirits as opposed to gods.

Race Prerequisites

None. Being an Athar is about sharing the philosophy, all persons skeptical of the gods may join. That said, certain races may find more commonality in the Athar's philosophy than others. Githzerai and shardminds typically follow belief systems that aren't concerned with any deities, thus they would likely fit right in among The Athar. Additionally, if a tiefling is discriminated against by members of a church, their resentment may lead them to become an Athar.

Associated Skill: None.

Starting Feature

Athar are well known for trying to push their philosophy on others. You know ways of debating others to make them lose their faith in both the gods and themselves.


You gain the Skeptic's Logic power

Skeptic's Logic Athar Attack
You present a logical argument that causes your enemy to lose faith in their god or themselves.
Minor Action Close Burst 5
Target: One creature within range that can hear and understand you
Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma +2 Vs. Will

Level 11: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma +4 Vs. Will

Level 21: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma +6 Vs. Will

Hit: The target has a -1 penalty to all defenses (save ends).

Additional Features

Level 5 Feature

To disprove the divinity of the powers, one must know them. An Athar puts time and effort into studying the gods and their history to find their flaws and limitations.


You gain a +2 power bonus to History checks and Religion checks

Level 10 Feature

An experienced Athar, having stood in opposition of the powers for some time, becomes adept at protecting themselves from hostile devotees.


You gain resistance to radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level. In addition, you gain a +1 power bonus to all defences against attacks made by creatures of immortal origin.

Optional Powers

Reject Healing Athar Utility 2
You have no need for other's healing, divine or otherwise.
Encounter Star.gif Healing
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You would regain hit points from an ally's healing power that targets only you
Requirement: Your second wind must be available for you to use
Effect: The triggering action does not occur and the triggering power is not expended. You may immediately use your second wind and regain addition hit points equal to one-half your level.

Blasphemous Insult Athar Utility 6
You shout an insult to the gods, deliberately drawing their wrath. As you are hit with their retribution, your enemies are tossed aside.
Daily Star.gif Divine
Move Action Close Burst 2
Effect: You are knocked prone. All other creatures in the burst are pushed 2 squares, knocked prone and cannot stand up (save ends).

Banish the Holy Athar Utility 10
With knowledge of the powers, and force of will, you banish one of their proxies back to their divine domain for a time.
Daily Star.gif Arcane
Standard Action Close Burst 5
Target: One immortal creature in burst
Effect: You make a Religion monster knowledge check to determine the target's resistances and vulnerabilities. If the check succeeds, the target is removed from play (save ends), when the effect ends the target reappears in the space it last occupied or the closest unoccupied square.

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