Astral Tideborn

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Astral Tideborn

"We are the children of the stars and the sea, an eternal ebb and flow that carries the will of Titans long gone."

Physical Description

Astral Tideborn stand between 9 and 11 feet tall, their fluid forms an elegant fusion of shimmering liquid water and gleaming iridescent metals. Their bodies appear to shift and flow, with currents of starlight coursing through their metallic veins. Eyes that glow faintly like distant stars and skin that ripples with the tides give them an otherworldly presence.


The Astral Tideborn were created by the Galactic Titans, ancient beings who shaped the stars and oceans at the dawn of the cosmos. Seeking to preserve the balance of the universe during a great celestial war, the Titans fused their immense power with the primordial oceans of a forgotten world. From this union, the Astral Tideborn were born—living constructs of liquid starlight and metal, imbued with the ability to navigate the infinite void and restore harmony to the chaotic forces of the universe.

When the Titans disappeared after the war, the Astral Tideborn were left without purpose, wandering the planes in search of meaning. Though many remain isolated, others have embraced their celestial heritage, becoming guardians of the natural and cosmic order.


Astral Tideborn lack a centralized society, as their creators are long gone. Instead, they form small, tightly bonded communities, often near oceans, lakes, or celestial phenomena such as starfalls. They are deeply philosophical, meditating on the rhythms of the tides and the stars, believing that their actions ripple through the universe like a cosmic wave. Many become protectors of nature or join adventurers to fulfill personal quests for purpose.

Astral Tideborn Names

Astral Tideborn names are inspired by celestial phenomena, oceanic beauty, or echoes of the Titans' ancient tongues.

  • Male: Orionis, Nereon, Kaldris, Zephyron, Marex
  • Female: Lyra, Thalassa, Ephyra, Celestine, Ondara

Astral Tideborn Traits

Imposing beings of water and starlight, the Astral Tideborn are guardians of the balance between ocean and cosmos.

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Age: Astral Tideborn mature at around 50 years of age and are functionally immortal, showing no signs of aging past their prime.
  • Alignment: Astral Tideborn tend toward neutrality, drawn to maintaining balance. They lean slightly toward good but can manifest as neutral or chaotic depending on their individual journeys.
  • Size: Standing between 9 and 11 feet tall, your size is Large.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 40 feet.
  • Fluid and Solid Form: Your body seamlessly blends liquid and metal, giving you unique advantages:
    • You can move through spaces as narrow as 1 foot wide without squeezing penalties.
    • You are resistant to bludgeoning damage from non-magical attacks.
    • You cannot be restrained unless the effect is magical.
  • Celestial Resilience: Your alien nature grants you extraordinary durability:
    • You have resistance to radiant damage.
    • As a reaction, you can reduce damage from an attack by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) per long rest.
  • Tidal Surge: Once per short or long rest, as an action, you can release a burst of astral water energy. You move up to 30 feet in a straight line, passing through creatures and objects smaller than you. Creatures you pass through must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
  • Amphibious Nature: You can breathe both air and water. You are immune to the effects of extreme pressure and cold while underwater.
  • Astral Flow: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can enter a heightened state of cosmic fluidity for 1 minute. While in this state:
    • Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
    • You can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.
    • Creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.



Lunaflow Tideborn

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Guiding Light: You can cast the guidance cantrip at will.
  • Moonlit Aura: As an action, you can shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet for 1 minute.

Stormcall Tideborn

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1.
  • Thunderous Wave: You can cast the thunderwave spell once per long rest at 2nd level.
  • Lightning Surge: When using Tidal Surge, creatures take an additional 1d6 lightning damage.

Voidcurrent Tideborn

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Dark Embrace: You can cast arms of hadar once per long rest.
  • Void Resilience: You have resistance to psychic damage.

Random Height and Weight

9′ 6'' ++2d6 1000 lb. × (x(2d6)) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)