Armor Modules (D20 Modern Equipment)
Armor Modules[edit]
(U/A) Upgraded Armor - +1 AC (Already Included in AC).
(U/A-II) Upgraded Armor - II - +2 AC (Already Included in AC).
(HUL) Hardened Uplink - Increase Range of Transmission by 50%.
(UHUL) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - Increase range of transmission by 75%.
(UHUL-II) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - II - Increase range of Transmission by 100%.
(UHUL-III) Upgraded Hardened Uplink - III - Increase range of Transmission by 125%.
(CBRN) Re-breather & Air Filtration - Resist all DC 15 or lower fort checks against airborn pathogens.
(UCBRN) Upgraded Re-breather & Air Filtration - Resist all DC 20 or lower fort checks against airborn pathogens.
(CNM) Command Network Module - +4 Leadership Checks.
(UCNM) Upgraded Command Network Module - +6 Leadership Checks.
(FC) Field Command Module - +4 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
(UFC) Upgraded Field Command Module - +6 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
(UFC-II) Upgraded Field Command Module - II - +8 Jump, Climb, and Tumble Checks.
(RS) Remote Sensors - +5 Spot Check.
(URS) Upgraded Remote Sensors - +7 Spot Checks.
(DSM) Digital Signalling Module - +5 Knowledge (Geography) checks, Take 10 on Knowledge (Geography) checks.
(TCM) Tactical Command Module - Make Knowledge (Tactics) Checks, for every 5 points past 10, give all your party a +1 Attack and Damage.
(RIK) Rechargeable Injection Kit - Refillable single Injection Trauma Kit, Injects filled Substance as a Free Action.
Visor Modules[edit]
(HUD) Heads Up Display - +2 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, 2 Module Slots.
(UHUD) Upgraded Heads Up Display - +4 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, 3 Module Slots.
(XHUD) Programmable Heads Up Display - +6 Attack Rolls, Search, & Spot Checks, ∞ Module Slots.
(CSS) Combat Support System - +1 Attack Rolls.
(RSS) Reconnaissance Support System - +2 Search, Spot, & Listen Checks.
(MSS) Medical Support System - +2 Heal Checks, Take 10's on Heal Checks on minor issues.
(E/A) Enemy/Ally Recognition - No Chance of Hitting Ally when shooting into Melee.
(AC) Ammo Counter - Reduce Reload Time by one step.
(A/SIL) Armor/Shield Integrity Log - +2 AC while fighting Defensivly.
(WIL) Weapon Integrity Log - +1 Weapon Hardness for purposes of Sundering.
(CMS) Close Range Motion Sensors - 0-30 ft. Range. DC 25 to Beat.
(LMS) Long Range Motion Sensors - 30ft-300ft Range. DC 20 to Beat.
(LIS) Lifeform Integrity Sensors - +2 Heal Checks, Take 10's if rushed.
(I/VL) Information/Voice Log - +2 Intel Checks to Remember Info.
(A/LS) Area/Landscape Scanner - No Penalty for moving through rough Terrain.
(LFI) Life Form Identifier - +5 Knowledge(Xenology).
(LFM) Life Form Monitor - Heal checks made to stabalize dont incur damage if failed by less than 5.
(MDB) Medical Database - +5 Heal Checks.
(RDB) Refference Database - +5 Knowledge Checks.
(O.A.V.W.L.) - +10 Search Checks made to Identify anything in the Surroundings. (Not usedf to search specifics).
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