Argent Swarm (4e Feat)

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Argent Swarm [Racial, Heroic]

When you use your "Argent Soul" encounter power, you may teleport 3 squares and gain combat advantage against any enemy you target with an attack until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: High-elf
Benefit: When you use your "Argent Soul" encounter power, you may teleport 3 squares and gain combat advantage against any enemy you target with an attack until the end of your next turn. As well, each ally within the burst may increase the distance they teleport by 2 squares to 5 squares and gains an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls as well as combat advantage against each creature they target with an attack until the end of their next turn.

Argent Soul High Elf Racial Power
You manifest the raw power emanating from your immortal soul, sharing your power with those around you.
Encounter Star.gif Arcane, Move action
Minor Action Close Burst 5
Effect: Each ally within range can teleport 5 squares and gains combat advantage and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against any enemy they target with an attack until the end of their next turn. When you use this power, you may teleport 3 squares and gain combat advantage against any enemy you target until the end of your next turn.

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