Argeldop (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Symbol: intertwined chains and barbed wires in a spiral-like shape.

The symbol of Argeldop [1]

Home Plane: Shadowfell
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Illusion, Deception, Trickery, Imprisonment, Torture.
Clergy Alignments: Most if not all followers of Argeldop are often Chaotic Evil, or Neutral Evil. Rarely ever Lawful Evil but not necessarily never.
Domains: N/A
Favored Weapon: None. He prefers to use his magic.
By []


He loves the pain of others and would often use teleportation, entrapment, and illusion magic to physically and mentally torture his victims. The victims that he doesn't torture often end up as slaves most often those with inquiring or interesting qualities as Argeldop collects unique servants and living anomalies like others collect rocks and coins. He encourages his followers to do the same.

The Tale of Argeldop[edit]

He was discovered and captured by a group of very powerful and very determined Celestials. who heard of his existence through an aesmir who overheard a few cultists speaking of him. He was summoned and imprisoned in a pendant forged with The Chains of Immortal Binding and he became extremely secretive for the next few centuries. His followings becoming extremely difficult to find.


He is generally a layed back deity in the way that he doesn't have many strict rules except for no one is allowed to help or assist a Prisoner in any way or face punishment Punishment beyond their nightmares. And no one is allowed to reveal the existence of the cult, the location of their dungeons and asylums, or reveal the existence of Argeldop.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

The temples of Argeldop are often cold dark or abandoned. They often set up in various abandoned dungeons and asylums around the country. There are several different denominations of the following of Argeldop and they do not often get along. However they also often work together. Each denomination will often have their own unique dungeon. As well as a common one.

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