Arcane Engineer (5e Subclass)

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Arcane Engineer[edit]

Artificer Specialization
The Arcane Engineer is a master of blending magic and technology. These Artificers craft powerful arcane-infused weapons and gadgets, using them to dominate the battlefield with tactical precision. Whether enhancing weapons with elemental energy or casting high-level spells without expending spell slots, they excel at turning arcane theory into practical tools of combat. An Arcane Engineer's greatest strength lies in their versatility, seamlessly combining martial prowess with advanced spellcraft to overcome any challenge.

Artificer Level Spell
3rd magic missile, armor of agathys
5th scorching ray, shatter
9th counterspell, fireball
13th fabricate, ice storm
17th wall of force, cone of cold
Enhanced Weaponry

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. You also learn how to channel arcane energy into your weapons and armor. You can use a bonus action to imbue a weapon you touch with arcane energy, causing it to deal an additional 1d6 damage of your choice: fire, cold, lightning, or force. This bonus lasts for 1 minute or until you lose concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Damage increases at later levels, 2d6 at 7th, 3d6 at 11th, 4d6 at 15th, and 5d6 at 19th level.

Additionally, you can make a melee or ranged weapon attack as part of the same bonus action used to activate this ability.

Arcane Infusion

Starting at 3rd level, you can infuse small gadgets and tools with arcane power to create unique effects. You gain access to two Arcane Infusions from the following list, which you can change during a long rest:

Arcane Shielding: You can use your reaction to grant yourself or an ally within 10 feet temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier + Artificer level when they take damage. These temporary hit points last until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), regaining all expended uses after a long rest.

Elemental Blast: You create a gadget that, as an action, fires a bolt of elemental energy. Choose acid, fire, cold, lightning, thunder, or force. Make a ranged spell attack against a target within 60 feet, dealing 1d10 + Intelligence modifier damage of the chosen type.

Mystic Sensor: You create a magical device that grants you the ability to detect magic more precisely. You can cast detect magic at will without expending a spell slot. Additionally, you can use an action to focus on a creature or object within 30 feet and identify if it has been affected by magic within the last 24 hours.

Forceful Repulsor: You create a small device that emits a burst of force. As a reaction, you can cause all creatures within a 10-foot radius centered on you to make a Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or be pushed 10 feet away from you. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), regaining all expended uses after a long rest.

You can choose additional Arcane Infusions as you gain levels: one more at 9th level, and another at 15th level.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This feature improves as you gain levels:

At 11th level, you can attack three times whenever you take the Attack action. At 20th level, you can attack four times whenever you take the Attack action.

Arcane Armament

Starting at 9th level, you become an expert in enhancing both offense and defense. When you imbue a weapon or armor using your Enhanced Weaponry feature, the item also gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls or AC, equal to your proficiency bonus.

Additionally, you learn the counterspell spell, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know. You can cast counterspell once per day without expending a spell slot.

Arcane Mastery

By 15th level, you gain access to high-level arcane spells:

You can cast a 6th-level spell from the Wizard spell list once without expending a spell slot. At 16th level, this ability improves, allowing you to cast a 7th-level spell. At 17th level, you can cast an 8th-level spell. At 18th level, you can cast a 9th-level spell. You regain the ability to cast each of these spells after a long rest.

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