Ancestral Bear King (5e Class)

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Ancestral Bear King[edit]

Long ago, in the age of old, the Sylvan Bears lived under the protection and leadership of a majestic and powerful king. This Bear King, a symbol of strength, wisdom, and courage, led his people with justice and ferocity, protecting their families, their freedoms, and their dreams. Over the centuries, the lineage of the Sylvan Bears was nearly extinguished, but the spirit of the Bear King never faded.

The Ancestral Bear Kings are the chosen ones to carry on this legacy. They receive the blessing of the ancient Bear King, imbued with the strength and ferocity that once commanded an entire race. These fighters begin their journeys in the streets and arenas, learning to fight with raw techniques and martial skills. To become a true Ancestral Bear King, years of intense training are required, mastering the basic and advanced concepts of unarmed combat.

Unlike the Monks, who delve into discipline, Chi, and spiritual traditions, the Ancestral Bear Kings focus solely on their fighting techniques. They compensate for their lack of spiritual knowledge with relentless brutality and unmatched ferocity. Masters in the use of their fists, these pugilists fight to win, driven by glory, fame, and sometimes material rewards. They combine agile footwork, impressive endurance, and powerful strikes, allowing them to defeat enemies without relying on weapons. Their ability to ignore protections by targeting vulnerable and unprotected areas of their opponents' bodies makes them formidable adversaries.

The essence of the Ancestral Bear Kings is the primal fury that burns within their hearts. For some, this fury is an internal reservoir of pain, suffering, and anger, forged into an implacable force like steel. For others, it is a spiritual blessing, a gift from the ancestral Bear King that grants them the strength and determination of their totemic predecessor.

In their journeys, the Ancestral Bear Kings fight not only for themselves but to protect those they love, defend their freedom, and fulfill their dreams. Their lives are epic tales of courage, struggle, and sacrifice, echoing the glories of a lost era. They are the guardians of the legacy of the Sylvan Bears, fierce warriors who carry the flame of an ancient king, ready to face any challenge that threatens what they hold most dear.

Creating an Ancestral Bear King[edit]

When creating your Ancestral Bear King character, a pugilist or fighter, reflect on your motivation: do you seek glory, fight for survival, or protect loved ones? Whether for fame, self-improvement, or duty, your choices will shape your journey and interaction with the world.

Quick Build

You can make a Ancestral Bear King quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength or Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the soldier background.

Class Features

As a Ancestral Bear King you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Ancestral Bear King level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Ancestral Bear King level after 1st


Armor: Light and Medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial gloves, All weapons with the Body property, daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, Animal Handling, Intimidation, Performance, and Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a leather armor or (b) One weapon with the Body property
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Table: The Ancestral Bear King

Level Proficiency
Features Rhythm Martial Fundamentals Rage Rage Damage
1st +2 Path of the Ancestral Bear King, Remarkable Athlete, Martial Fundamentals, Rhythm 3 1d8 3 +3
2nd +2 Tricks, Brutality Points 3 1d8 3 +3
3rd +2 Ancestral Bear's Fury, Posture, Power Punch 4 1d8 4 +3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement 4 1d8 4 +3
5th +3 Brace, Raging Bear's Assault 5 1d10 4 +3
6th +3 Bear's Resurgence, 5 1d10 5 +3
7th +3 Feral Instincts 6 1d10 5 +3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement 6 1d10 5 +3
9th +4 Bear's Might 7 1d10 5 +4
10th +4 - 7 1d10 5 +4
11th +4 Bear's Discipline 8 2d8 5 +4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement 8 2d8 6 +4
13th +5 Bear's Dominance 9 2d8 6 +4
14th +5 Ursine Supremacy 9 2d8 6 +4
15th +5 Endurance 10 3d6 6 +4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement, Bear's Dominance 10 3d6 6 +5
17th +6 - 11 3d6 7 +5
18th +6 Bear's Tenacity 11 3d8 7 +5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement 12 3d8 7 +5
20th +6 True Ancestral Bear Power 14 3d8 Unlimited +6

Body Weapons[edit]

In order to overcome the limitation of dealing damage to creatures with resistances or immunities to non-magical attacks, as is the case with many creatures, fighters resort to the use of body weapons. These weapons are designed not only to enhance unarmed strikes, but also to introduce magical elements or special properties that allow a fighter to face such formidable opponents.

  • About the Table = The fighter, unlike the monk, does not initially possess the innate ability to overcome natural resistances of creatures such as dragons, which have tough skins or magical immunities.

Therefore, body weapons are a practical solution for fighters to compete on equal terms in these situations. You can use abilities or enchant the weapon so that it has the possibility to overcome the resistance or immunities of creatures.

  • Property = Body -This weapon counts as an unarmed strike when you attack with it, including all relevant rolls. This applies to gauntlets, gloves, and similar items.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Cestus 5 gp 1d4 1 kg Light, Body
Katar 5 gp 1d4 1 kg Light, Body
Garra 5 gp 1d4 1 kg Light, Body

Path of the Ancestral Bear King[edit]

At 1st level, as you channel your rage, you can undergo a transformation, embodying the spirit of the bear within you. With a primal roar, as part of the bonus action you take to enter your rage, you can assume the form of a bear-man hybrid and move up to half your speed. You maintain this shape throughout your rage. This transformation reflects the spiritual connection of the Ancestral Bear King with the bear lineage, granting you the following benefits:

  • Your Constitution score changes to 19, if it isn't already higher.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to your AC from natural armor.
  • You gain the Multiattack action. You can make one bite attack and one claws attack, or one bite attack and one attack with a weapon with this action. You are proficient with your natural weapons, and your attack and damage rolls with them are based on Strength. Your bite attack deals 1d8 piercing damage, and your claws deal 2d6 slashing damage.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
  • Your natural weapons are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. (Note: regardless of the form, you are always imbued with the ancestral magic left by the Ancestral Bear King.)
  • Your speed increases by 10 feet in the form of a bear-man hybrid.
  • While you're raging, your friends have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature within 5 feet of you that is hostile to you. The spirit of the Ancestral King Bear makes you a leader of hunters.
  • You now possess the ability to communicate with bears, sharing a common language with them, including the language of the Sylvans. Bears, regardless of species, view you as a friend and recognize your spirit as that of an ancestral bear king. However, whether they acknowledge you as chosen by the Bear King depends on their alignment. In general, bears will consider you a friend, but ultimately, this is subject to your Game Master's discretion. You gain this proficiency regardless of whether you are in hybrid form or normal form.

Remarkable Athlete[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, when you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier.

When you are not wearing any armor or wielding a shield, your Armor Class is 10 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier.

Martial Fundamentals[edit]

At 1st level, you practice and study in unarmed combat grant you the following benefits:

  • Heavy Hand = You can roll a d8 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes. This die changes as you gain Fighter levels, as shown in the "Martial Fundamentals" column in the Fighter table.
  • Fluidity = You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
  • Vital Strike = Your natural critical range for unarmed strikes is 19-20.
  • Sequence = Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you gain an additional attack that can be made immediately after your critical hit.
  • Submission = You can attempt a grapple or shove as a bonus action if you have scored a critical hit with an unarmed strike this round.
  • Form Shift = Your unarmed strikes can deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage, your choice, even when using body weapons that deal a different type of damage.
  • Guard = You can use your bonus action to lift up your guard. While in guard, whenever you take damage from a melee attack made with a natural weapon or unarmed strike that deals bludgeoning damage, you can spend your rhythm to reduce the damage by 1d6 per rhythm point spent.

Note for Form Shift -->> Can I Combine? This is an ability that alters your unarmed attack style; you cannot benefit from more similar abilities at the same time, such as the Monk's Martial Arts ability. If you have both abilities, you can switch between them with a bonus action, and you keep the benefits of the ability until you switch to another.


Starting at 1st level, whenever you connect your punches you can build a consistent rhythm of strikes. When you roll initiative, you gain a number of rhythm points equal to your proficiency bonus. You can spend your rhythm points to fuel Rhythm abilities. Activating a Rhythm ability of a subclass costs 1 rhythm point.

Once you spend a rhythm point, you can only regain 1 point when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, a glove weapon, or by using your bonus action to recover 2 rhythm. You recover 2 points if your attack scores a critical.

When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or glove weapon, you can spend any amount of rhythm points. If you do you deal additional damage equal to 1d6 x the amount of points spent.


At 2nd level, you learn three boxer tricks: quick footwork, feint, and lunge. You can use these tricks as a bonus action, and recover 1 rhythm point when you do so.

  • Feint = You can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, contested by your target's Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, you gain advantage on the next unarmed strike or glove weapon attack you make.
  • Lunge = Your unarmed strikes gain the benefits of reach until the end of your turn.

Brutality Points[edit]

At 2th level Ancestral King Bear Feature, you delve into the frenzy and brutality of battle. This savagery is represented by brutality points. For each point you have, your damage on unarmed strikes increases by +1. You lose your points after 1 hour and can have a maximum of 3 points, which increase to 4 at 5th level, 6 at 10th level, 7 at 15th level, and 8 at 20th level.

  • Warm-up = When you reach half hit points (Once per short rest).
  • Brutality = When you score a critical hit on an unarmed strike.
  • Rage = When an ally drops to 0 hit points.

Ancestral Bear's Fury[edit]

When you reach 3rd level, you develop a characteristic fighting style that reflects your connection to the bestial strength of a bear. Choose one of the following fighting styles: Boxing, Muay Thai, Qin’na, Kung Fu, Capoeira, Krav Maga, Wing Chun, Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, Estrela, or Wrestling. This fighting style grants you specific features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 13th, and 17th levels, as detailed at the end of the class description.

This ability represents the perfect fusion between mastery of combat techniques and primal connection with the essence of the bear, forming an implacable and sagacious warrior. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your connection to the bear's bestial strength grants you remarkable animalistic traits and the might of a bear. You gain keen smell, giving you advantage on Wisdom (Nature) checks related to smell, and a climbing speed of 30 feet your size in bear form increases to Large, if it is not already larger.
  • Your bite attack deals 2d8 damage and each of your claw attacks deals 2d6 damage. Additionally, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
  • You gain the might of a bear. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled, and you have advantage on Strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.
  • you reach 3rd level and again at 10th level you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice from the list of skills available to barbarians at 1st level.
  • your instincts are so honed that you have advantage on initiative rolls. Additionally, if you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren't incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before doing anything else on that turn.
  • You gain the hunting sensibilities of an Ancestral King Bear. You can track other creatures while traveling at a fast pace, and you can move stealthily while traveling at a normal pace.


When you reach 3rd level you have learned combat postures making you a more versatile fighter. You can only use one posture at a time and cannot use any posture while holding an object. You can change the posture you are using with a free action at any time, even on another person's turn, but you can only change once per round. Upon reaching a level in this class that provides an ability score increase, you can swap the posture you know for another posture. You can only choose two postures at level 3, one more at level 7, and one more at level 14.

  • Distance = A footwork that makes it easier to take short steps and return to where you were. Your unarmed attacks have an increased range of +5 feet.
  • Impact = You focus on a creature you can see or feel, while you are conscious, you cannot have disadvantage on unarmed attacks against that creature.
  • Blocking = You focus on a creature you can see or feel, while you are conscious the creature cannot have advantage on any attack rolls against you. You can swap your focus with a free action at any time, even on another person's turn, but you can only change once per round.
  • Counterattack = You focus on a creature up to 30 feet away, while you are conscious and the focused creature misses a melee attack on you, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed attack on it. You can swap your focus with a free action at any time, even on another person's turn, but you can only change once per round.
  • Defense = You gain +1 AC while using this posture and not wearing armor or shields. At the start of your turn, using a free action you can forgo all your movement to gain a +2 bonus instead of +1 this round. You cannot use this feature after having moved on your turn.
  • Initiative = If you are using this posture at the time of an initiative roll, you gain advantage on the roll. You deal maximum damage with your unarmed melee attacks against creatures that have not yet had their turn in combat.
  • Movement = While using this posture, your walking speed is increased by 5 feet for every 1 proficiency you have. If you have +6 proficiency, your movement increases by 30 feet.
  • Attack = While using this posture, your natural critical for unarmed attacks is 18 to 20.
  • Jump = Any ranged attack has disadvantage to hit you while using this posture.
  • Predator = When using this posture, whenever you score a critical hit, you can add a bonus to the critical attack damage equal to 2d10 damage.
  • Strength = While in this posture, creatures have disadvantage to push or knock you down and you have advantage to push or knock them down. You gain advantage on strength saving throws.
  • Dexterity = While in this posture, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and can use the Disengage action as a bonus action.

Switching stances and their effects with free actions is purposefully designed for you to use during the enemies' turns, during their attacks. For instance, you could be in the predator stance, and when you receive an attack, you declare that you switch to the blocking stance, possibly causing the attack to miss. Similarly, when you score a critical hit, you can automatically switch to the predator stance to deal more damage with the attack. This is the beauty of free actions, but remember, you can only switch stances once per round.

Power Punch[edit]

When you reach the 3rd level, when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a Power Punch. On a hit, your power punch causes its normal damage, plus additional damage equal to 1d6 per rhythm point you currently have. Doing so doesn't spend your rhythm.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

At 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, your bond with the bear grants you increased resilience and strength. You can choose to increase one ability score of your choice by 2 points, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1 point each. The standard rule that an ability score cannot be raised above 20 with this feature applies. This reflects the enduring nature and adaptability of the bear, enhancing your own abilities in a similar fashion.


At 5th level, whenever you are hit by a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction, and 1 rhythm to halve the damage. If the attack deals bludgeoning damage, you can spend 2 rhythm and use your reaction to reduce the damage to 0.

Raging Bear's Assault[edit]

At 5th level, you channel your inner bear spirit to unleash a furious assault. When you take the Attack action, you can spend 3 rhythm points to throw one additional punch for each point spent. Additionally, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

In your Ancestral Bear King form , when you use the Multiattack action, you can make one bite attack and two claw attacks, or one bite attack and two weapon attacks. Each of your claw attacks deals 2d4 damage. This ability combines the relentless flurry of blows with the primal ferocity of a bear, allowing you to overwhelm your foes in combat.

Bear's Resurgence[edit]

At 6th level, your connection to the bear grants you remarkable resilience and insight. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are not incapacitated. You still must make Death Saving Throws, and still die if you fail three times. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against the stunned condition.

Furthermore, you can cast the Commune with Nature spell, but only as a ritual. When you do so, a spiritual version of Ancestral King Bear appears to you to convey the information you seek. This ability combines your tenacity in battle with your deep spiritual connection to the bear, allowing you to endure and understand the natural world like never before.

Feral Instinct s[edit]

At 7th level, your instincts and connection to the bear grant you unparalleled agility and resilience. You can evade certain area effects, such as the fiery breath of a red dragon or the icy storm of a spell, with remarkable agility. You take no damage if you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against an effect that requires one, and only half damage if you fail.

Additionally, when you use a Power Punch, you can choose to spend 1 rhythm point to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

Furthermore, starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5 feet makes a melee weapon attack against you, you can spend 1 rhythm point as a reaction to make a Dexterity saving throw against the result of the attack. On a success, you manage to avoid the attack, causing it to miss. This ability combines your swift evasive maneuvers with the stunning precision of your strikes, reflecting the grace and power of the bear.

Bear's Might[edit]

At 9th level, your connection to the bear grants you incredible strength and resilience. You can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10 whenever you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check.

Additionally, when you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you can use your reaction to reroll that save, using the new result. Doing so spends all your Rhythm, and you can't do it again until you finish a short or a long rest.

Furthermore, when you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra damage for the critical hit. This increases to two additional dice at 13th level and three additional dice at 17th level. Moreover, starting at 9th level, while in your Ancestral Bear King form, you can crush your enemies with your powerful embrace. When you hit a creature with a claw attack, in addition to the normal damage, the target is grappled. The DC to escape is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you can't use your claws or weapons to attack another target. If you start your turn grappling a creature, you can use a bonus action to crush it, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 2d8 + your Strength modifier. This ability showcases your mastery of combat and your deep bond with the bear, allowing you to crush foes and endure hardships with equal measure.

Bear's Discipline[edit]

At 11th level, you have learned to control your brutality and use it in other ways. You gain the following benefits:

  • Dodge = You can use your reaction to spend 1 point of Brutality and gain resistance to the damage from an attack of a creature that attacked you.
  • Catch Your Breath = You can use your bonus action to spend Brutality points and regain 1d12 hit points for each point spent.
  • Bear's Resilience = You can spend 1 point of Brutality to reroll a saving throw you failed, you must keep the new roll.

Bear's Dominance[edit]

At 13th level, your Constitution score changes to 21 if it is not already higher. And at 16th level, your Constitution score changes to 23 if it is not already higher and your rage is so fierce that it ends early only if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.

Bear's Might[edit]

At 14th level, you embody the tireless will and resilience of bears. When you assume your bear form, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your barbarian level. Additionally, while in your bear form, you have advantage on Strength checks and on Strength and Constitution saving throws.

Moreover, while you're raging, any creature within 5 feet of you that's hostile to you has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you or another character with this feature. An enemy is immune to this effect if it can't see or hear you or if it can't be frightened.

Furthermore, at 14th level, you have learned to use the impact and precision of your strikes simultaneously. You can use your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the damage of your unarmed strikes. This ability demonstrates your mastery of both brute force and finesse in combat, reflecting the versatility and power of the bear.


At 15th level, you gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.

In addition, you add your proficiency bonus to Death Saving Throws. If your roll is a total of 20 or higher (adding the proficiency) you regain 1 hit point.

Bear's Tenacity[edit]

At 18th level, your connection with the bear's resilience reaches its peak. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

Additionally, your years of practice have accustomed you to the sensation of battle. Whenever you roll initiative, you gain 2 points of Brutality. This ability reflects your mastery of combat techniques and your ability to endure and thrive in the heat of battle. Beginning at 18th level, if your total for a Strength check is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total.

True Ancestral Bear Power[edit]

You have mastered the physical balance between your humanoid and ancestral form. At 20th level, you can choose two abilities from Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution to increase by 4. Your ability score maximums for Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increase to 24.

Additionally, through dedicated study and tireless practice, you have developed dangerous techniques that can catch anyone off guard. You choose the technique related to your archetype and can use it only once per combat, gaining one point of Brutality when you use it.

  • Boxing - Phantom Punch: With a free action, you can make an attack against a creature you can see within 5 feet of you, even on another creature's turn.
  • Muay Thai - Knee Strike: When you make an unarmed strike, you do so with advantage. If you hit, it's a critical hit. If it's already a critical hit, you can use this ability again.
  • Kung Fu - One-Inch Punch: With an action, you make an attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, it is pushed 10 feet away and knocked prone. You can make this attack while paralyzed.
  • Capoeira - Spinning Kick: When falling, you can make an attack against a creature within your reach as you fall, doing so with advantage. If you hit, you take no damage from the fall, and the target takes the damage instead.
  • Wing Chun - Piercing Strike: You can use your bonus action to make an attack. If it hits, you deal normal damage and disable a body part of the creature—arms, legs, eyes, etc. The target cannot use that body part until magically healed.
  • Qin’na - Omae wa mou shindeiru: You can use the Five-Point Strike ability when you hit a creature with a normal attack. If the creature fails the save, it drops to 0 hit points at the end of the round.
  • Krav Maga - Disarm and Destroy: When a creature attacks you within your unarmed strike range, you can use your reaction to attempt to disarm the creature with advantage. If successful, you are holding the item and can use your bonus action on your turn to try to break it. If the item is of high quality, you damage it, causing it to lose bonuses and become a -1 item, or if it's of poor quality, at the DM's discretion, it may break outright.
  • Jiu Jitsu - Arm Lock: When you successfully grapple a creature, you can choose to disable one of the creature's limbs of your choice. It can't use that limb until receiving magical healing.
  • Aikido - Perfect Flow: When you successfully redirect an attack from a creature, you turn their attack into a critical hit, without needing to roll a die to hit.
  • Taekwondo - Flying Kick: When you hit a creature with an attack, you can add a bonus damage of 1d6 for every 15 feet of movement used before the attack.
  • Judo - Dragon's Fall: You can use a Shove action with a free action, even on another creature's turn.
  • Wrestling - Piledriver: When you hit a creature that is at least one size larger than you, you can attempt to Shove it with advantage. If successful, the creature is not only affected by the attack and the shove, but it is also stunned until the end of its next turn.
  • Karate - Crane Kick: When you miss an unarmed strike, you hit instead.
  • Star - Signature Strike: Choose the secret technique of the archetype you chose in the Unique Style ability.

Ancestral King Bear Archetypes[edit]

There are several different fighting styles, some focused on dealing high damage, others on immobilization. Each fighter has their own style; below I will list all the archetypes of the Ancestral King Bear class.


Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which two competitors exchange punches with their fists, targeting the opponent's head and body. It is known for its emphasis on agility, speed, reflexes, and endurance, with fights conducted in rounds.

  • KNOCKOUT = 3rd-level Boxing Feature When you score a critical hit, you can spend the brutality point gained from it and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw, DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. If the enemy fails, it becomes stunned until the end of its next turn.

JABS = 6th-level Boxing Feature - You can make an unarmed strike on your turn using your bonus action.

FLURRY OF BLOWS = 13th-level Boxing Feature - You can spend 1 brutality point to make an additional attack as part of your attack action on your turn. You can only use this ability once per turn.

ADAMANTINE FIST 17th-level Boxing Feature - Your unarmed strike damage die is now 3d12 instead of 3d8.


Muay Thai is known as "the art of eight limbs," as it uses fists, elbows, knees, and legs to strike. It is a full-contact martial art that emphasizes strength, endurance, and strategy.

STRONG BONES = 3rd-level Muay Thai Feature - You can attack and deal damage with unarmed strikes using your Constitution instead of Strength or Dexterity. When you gain the Power Punch ability, you can add all three modifiers to the damage of unarmed strikes.

ALWAYS ATTACKING = 6th-level Muay Thai Feature - Whenever someone makes a melee attack against you within your reach, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed melee attack against the creature that attacked you.

SKULL HELMET = 13th-level Muay Thai Feature - You have enhanced your skull to also be used as a weapon, surprising enemy creatures in some situations where you would supposedly be defenseless. You are immune to the stunned condition and can make unarmed strikes against creatures within 5 feet of you even when paralyzed.

FRENZY = 17th-level Muay Thai Feature - Whenever a creature scores a critical hit against you, you gain 3 points of brutality.


Practitioners of Qin’na study anatomy with meticulous detail, allowing them to heal and harm with the same touch. They focus on joint control techniques, aiming to immobilize or incapacitate the opponent. Qin’na encompasses a wide range of techniques, including twists, locks, pressures, and even acupuncture techniques.

ANESTHESIA = 3rd-level Qin’na Feature - You only deal piercing damage with your melee attacks. You can use your unarmed strike on an ally to heal them equal to the damage dealt (using any damage bonuses you have); each creature can only receive this healing twice until they finish a long rest.

PRESSURE POINTS = 6th-level Qin’na Feature - For every 3 unarmed strikes that hit the same creature in a single combat, you impose a condition on the opponent.

  • 3 hits: The target is incapacitated until the end of its next turn.
  • 6 hits: The target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
  • 9 hits: The target is paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

After the 9th hit, the number of hits resets to 0.

REMOVAL = 13th-level Qin’na Feature - Whenever you hit a creature with unarmed strikes, the creature can't cast spells using somatic components (S) until the end of its next turn.

FIVE POINTS DEADLY STRIKE = 17th-level Qin’na Feature - When you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you can forgo the damage to have the creature make a Constitution saving throw DC 18; if it fails, it drops to 0 hit points.

KUNG FU[edit]

Kung Fu encompasses a vast array of styles and schools, each with its own techniques, movements, and philosophies. It is known for its combination of strikes, blocks, kicks, and personal defense techniques, as well as the importance placed on physical condition, meditation, and discipline.

ANIMAL STYLES = 3rd-level Kung Fu Feature - You can no longer choose stances for your Fighter; instead, you must choose two animals to base your Kung Fu style on. Each animal is a combination of two stances together, giving you two stance bonuses at the same time, and you can switch stances with a free action once per round. At 7th and 14th level, you can choose one more animal.

  • Tiger: Stance of Initiative and Impact.
  • Panther: Stance of Movement and Distance.
  • Heron: Stance of Blocking and Counterattack.
  • Snake: Stance of Attack and Predator.
  • Dragon: Stance of Jumping and Defense.
  • Praying Mantis: Stance of Dexterity and Counterattack.
  • Monkey: Stance of Dexterity and Strength.

Regarding the Monkey stance, alternatively, when facing another Fighter, you can copy both of their initial stances and replace yours with theirs. When the battle ends, you return to the Dexterity and Strength stance.

FIVE ELEMENTS FORM = 6th-level Kung Fu Feature You gain a deep connection with the world, allowing you to shift your fighting style based on the nature around you. You must choose two of the forms below to gain the benefits, and you can activate or switch them with a free action once per round. At 13th level, you can choose one more element. When you reach a level in this class that grants an ability score increase, you can change the elemental form to another. Additionally, your unarmed strikes count as magical weapons for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can choose which of your spellcasting attributes to use: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

  • Water: You gain resistance to cold damage and learn one cantrip of your choice.
  • Fire: You gain resistance to fire damage and learn one cantrip of your choice.
  • Earth: You gain resistance to acid damage and learn one cantrip of your choice.
  • Metal: You gain resistance to lightning damage and learn one cantrip of your choice.
  • Wood: You gain resistance to poison damage and learn one cantrip of your choice.

ELEMENTAL STRIKES 13th-level Kung Fu Feature With a free action once per round, you can change the damage of your attacks to elemental attacks based on the elemental form you chose. Your unarmed strikes deal the damage described below, and you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage rolls with your unarmed strikes.

  • Water: Cold damage.
  • Fire: Fire damage.
  • Earth: Acid damage.
  • Metal: Lightning damage.
  • Wood: Poison damage.

SUPREME TECHNIQUE 17th-level Kung Fu Feature You learn all the forms, elemental strikes, and animal styles of this subclass. You no longer have restrictions on changing the five elements form and elemental strikes per round and can do so at any time, as long as you are conscious.


Capoeira is a martial art that combines dance, music, acrobatics, and combat techniques. Characterized by agile movements, kicks, and evasions to the sound of traditional instruments and songs, reflecting its rich cultural history and resistance.

Unpredictable Kicks = 3rd Level - When you take the Attack action, you deal +1 damage for every 15 feet you moved before the attack. You gain the effects of the Jumping and Distance stances until the end of your next turn after moving at least half your movement.

Mobility = 6th Level - Attackers have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you, and you can forgo any extra attacks when you take the Attack action to make an attack with advantage that, if it hits, deals an extra 1d10 damage.

Agile Brutality = 13th Level - Whenever you use your full movement on your turn, you gain 1 brutality point.

Powerful Kicks = 17th Level - Your unarmed strikes deal 3d12 damage, and the damage bonus from the Mobility feature is 3d8 instead of 1d10.


Krav Maga is practical and focused on effective techniques to neutralize threats quickly, including strikes, use of the environment, joint locks, and defenses against weapons.

IMPROVISED WEAPONS SPECIALIST = 3rd-level Krav Maga Feature - You are proficient with any weapon considered improvised and can make an extra attack using your bonus action with an improvised weapon on your turn. You can add any bonuses you would have for unarmed strikes to this attack with an improvised weapon.

DISARM = 6th-level Krav Maga Feature - Learning to eliminate threats as quickly as possible, you can use the disarm action (DMG), as a bonus action on your turn. Additionally, when attempting to disarm a creature grappled by you, you have advantage.

WEAK POINT = 13th-level Krav Maga Feature - When you score a critical hit, you also double any damage bonuses from the attack that are not a dice roll, such as your modifier, bonus damage from brutality points, or any other damage bonus that is not a dice roll.

PREPARATION = 17th-level Krav Maga Feature - You gain 2d4 brutality points at the beginning of each combat.


A Kung Fu style that emphasizes rapid strikes, low kicks, and defense within a short distance. Wing Chun is known for its "chi sau" (sticky hands) technique, seeking efficiency by neutralizing the opponent with minimal effort.

CHI SAU = 3rd-level Wing Chun Feature - You've learned that an enemy's most vulnerable moment is during their attack. You can use an action to enter the Chi Sau form, where you focus entirely on counter-attacking. Until the start of your next turn, you can only attack if attacked. Whenever a creature makes an attack against you within your reach, you can, with a free action, make an unarmed strike against the creature. The number of attacks you can make in the round depends solely on the number of attacks that have been made against you during the round within your unarmed strike range. During this form, you can't take any actions or reactions, only spend your bonus action to grapple or shove.

JIP SAU/FUT SAU = 6th-level Wing Chun Feature - When you score a critical hit on a humanoid, you can forgo the damage and effects of the critical to disable one of the opponent's limbs, such as arms, legs, eyes, etc. The target cannot use that body part until healed with magic.

BAAT JAAM DAO = 13th-level Wing Chun Feature - You've learned to use weapons alongside your fighting style. When holding two light weapons in each hand or a double property weapon with two hands, you count as if you were using the unarmed strike even when using these weapons. Your attacks in Chi Sau have advantage and an extra damage of +1d6 per attack. You cannot use Baat Jaam Dao and Xu Bu at the same time.

XU BU = 13th-level Wing Chun Feature - You've learned a lower stance, making it difficult to hit you. With a free action, you can enter the lower stance of Xu Bu. This stance doesn't prevent you from gaining the benefits of other stances, and when in the Xu Bu stance, you count as one size category smaller than you, all enemies have disadvantage to hit you, and you gain +1 AC. You cannot use Baat Jaam Dao and Xu Bu at the same time.

BIU GEE = 17th-level Wing Chun Feature - Whenever you hit two consecutive strikes using Chi Sau, you gain a brutality point.

CITED WEAPON In the Baat Jaam Dao ability, it mentions weapons with the double property. Below you can see an example of this weapon. For more new weapons, follow more books from the author here, Felix Klaus.


  • Double = This weapon counts as if you were holding two weapons at the same time. You can attack with the other end of it as a bonus action, and any two-weapon fighting benefits apply to weapons with this property when used with two hands.


Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Medium Staff 5 gp 1d6 1 kg Light, Two-handed, Double, finesse
Large Staff 5 gp 1d8 1 kg Two-handed, Double, finesse


Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that emphasizes immobilization techniques, such as arm and leg locks, as well as chokes, and in some variations, focuses on ground combat and leverage to overcome stronger opponents.

CHOKEHOLD = 3rd-level Jiu Jitsu Feature - You have advantage on grapple checks and maintaining a creature in a grapple if the creature you are trying to grapple is prone. You can use your action to attempt to immobilize a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends, and while you keep the creature restrained this way and it's wearing heavy armor, it can't breathe and is suffocating until it escapes the grapple.

UNSHAKABLE GRAPPLE = 6th-level Jiu Jitsu Feature - Your grapples are more powerful, and you gain the following benefits:

  • When an effect like the Thunderwave spell moves the grappled creature, the grapple continues, and you are also affected by the effect, moving along with the grappled creature.
  • You receive any beneficial effect, such as healing or a skill or spell benefit, that a creature casts on the creature you are grappling.
  • When someone attacks you and you are grappling another creature, the grappled creature takes half the damage from the attack.
  • You don't have disadvantage to attack creatures if you are prone, and creatures don't have advantage to attack you if you are prone and conscious.
  • REACTIVE IMMOBILIZATION = 13th-level Jiu Jitsu Feature - Once per day, you can attempt to grapple a creature on your turn with a reaction, spending a brutality point. If you manage to immobilize a creature that is about to attack you, that attack is canceled.
  • PYTHON CONSTRICTION = 17th-level Jiu Jitsu Feature - When you make another grapple check on a creature grappled by you to restrain both, you and the creature instead gain the Paralyzed condition.


Aikido is a pacifist martial art that emphasizes harmony, efficient movements to redirect the opponent's force against themselves, and philosophically focuses on both self-protection and opponent protection.

PEACEFUL IMMobilization = 3rd-level Aikido Feature - You can use Prestidigitation for your Shove and Grapple checks, and you double your proficiency with Prestidigitation. When you score a natural critical using unarmed strikes against a creature up to one size larger than you, you can forgo the damage to make a Grapple attempt with advantage against the creature that suffered the critical. If the creature fails, in addition to being grappled, the creature is incapacitated until it escapes the grapple. You can leave up to two creatures incapacitated by you this way and can attack normally.

FLOW OF WATER = 6th-level Aikido Feature - Whenever creatures Grappled by you try to escape your Grapple and fail, they take damage from your unarmed strike. Additionally, whenever an enemy creature up to one size larger than you misses an attack within your reach, you can spend your reaction to attempt a Shove against the creature.

HARMONY OF FORCES = 13th-level Aikido Feature - You can use your reaction and 1 brutality point when an enemy creature misses an attack on you to redirect the melee attack to another enemy within your reach or to the creature itself, making a new attack roll against the new target, and the redirected creature makes the new attack roll using the same damage or bonuses from the missed attack.

INDOMITABLE SPIRIT = 17th-level Aikido Feature - Whenever you take a short rest, you can deeply concentrate for at least 10 minutes. Afterward, you don't need to spend your reaction or brutality points to redirect attacks from other creatures using the Harmony of Forces ability. You do this with a free action whenever someone misses an attack on you. This effect ends when you take damage.


Taekwondo stands out for its use of high, fast, and powerful kicks. This style emphasizes agility, precision, and spatial control.

HIGH KICKS = 3rd-level Taekwondo Feature - Your unarmed strikes have an increased range of +5 feet if you use kicks in your attacks.

FLYING KICK = 6th-level Taekwondo Feature - When you move at least 10 feet in a straight line before attacking and hit the attack on a creature that is up to one size larger than you, you perform a shove as part of the attack.

KICK MASTERY = 13th-level Taekwondo Feature - You always push any opponent you hit 10 feet back when you hit an unarmed attack. Additionally, whenever you are in free fall, you can use your reaction to attack a creature within your reach when you hit the ground, you and the creature take half the total damage you would suffer in the fall.

DRAGON DANCE = 17th-level Taekwondo Feature - You gain the ability to make unarmed attacks that affect all enemies within your attack range. When you use your attack action, you make a single attack roll against the Armor Class (AC) of each enemy within range, dealing damage to all those with an AC lower than the result. If the attack is a critical hit, you gain one brutality point for each affected enemy.


Judo emphasizes throws, immobilizations, and submission techniques. This style prioritizes using the opponent's force and movement against themselves to take them down.

GENTLE WAY = 3rd-level Judo Feature - When you make a Shove or Grapple check, you can add your Dexterity modifier along with your Strength modifier to the check. You have advantage on all Shove checks you make.

GRAVITY = 6th-level Judo Feature - Whenever you take the Shove action, you both push the creature and knock it prone. Additionally, if you are proficient in Athletics, you double your proficiency bonus.

PERFECT BALANCE = 13th-level Judo Feature - You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would knock you prone or move you. Additionally, when you use your attack action against a prone creature, you can make an additional attack against it.

TATAMI MASTER = 17th-level Judo Feature - You can take the Shove action as a reaction when an opponent misses a melee attack against you.


Karate is a martial art that emphasizes precise strikes with hands and feet, blocks, and evasive maneuvers. This style promotes discipline, control, and efficient movements.

MENTAL DISCIPLINE = 3rd-level Karate Feature - You can spend 1 brutality point to gain advantage on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

IRON PALM = 6th-level Karate Feature - You can make an unarmed strike on your turn using your bonus action.

PATH OF THE MASTER = 13th-level Karate Feature - You can spend a brutality point to take the Dodge and Disengage actions together as a bonus action on your turn.

UNIFIED FIST AND MIND = 17th-level Karate Feature - You have learned to overcome any defense, channeling the power of your strikes through materials. You can add your highest mental ability modifier (Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence) to attack and damage rolls.


Star this style combines acrobatics, theatricality, and techniques of all kinds, capturing the audience's attention and intimidating opponents with choreographed movements and spectacular finishes. For this archetype, the most important thing is to put on a show before winning.

Fighter's Mask = 3rd level of Star - You gain proficiency in Performance and Deception, and you adopt a characteristic piece of clothing, accessory, or cosmetic makeup and are recognized for it. While wearing this item, you gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on ability checks, saving throws, or the damage of any unarmed strike you make. You have uses of this ability equal to the number of intelligent non-combatant creatures watching the combat, up to a maximum of twice your proficiency bonus. If there are no creatures watching, you can use this ability once.

Unique Style = 6th level of Star - Choose a level 3 ability from another Fighter archetype for yourself.

Showman = 13th level of Star - You have become an expert at raising the audience's excitement. Whenever there is a non-combatant watching the combat, you can do the following, each of which grants a point of brutality when performed:

  • Triumphant Entrance - If you make a triumphant entrance before the combat, and the DM considers it triumphant, you gain 1 point of brutality.
  • Strange Object - You are proficient with any weapon considered improvised (e.g., chairs). Hitting with an attack using an improvised weapon grants you 1 point of brutality.
  • Aerial Spectacle - If you fall from a height of up to 12 meters, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike against a creature within reach; if you hit, it takes all the falling damage you would suffer, and you suffer no falling damage. The first time you make this attack before finishing a short rest, you gain a point of brutality.
  • Signature Move - Whenever you make a creature drop to 0 hit points using a critical hit, you gain an additional point of brutality.

Ring Legend = 17th level of Star - Once per combat, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can make an attack that is so impressive that it draws the attention of all enemies in the combat, all enemy creatures that can see you release opportunity attacks to creatures near them.


Wrestling is a contact sport that combines grappling techniques with the goal of controlling or submitting the opponent. This style is characterized by versatility and strength.

Absolute Control = 3rd level of Wrestling - You gain proficiency in Athletics, and if you already have it, you double your proficiency bonus. You can use your bonus action against an opponent already grappled by you, dealing damage equal to your Strength modifier. At 8th level, you add double your Strength modifier, and at 12th level, you add triple. If you are grappling a creature in difficult terrain, you add +3 damage that multiplies with your Strength modifier at higher levels of this class.

Opponent's Mastery = 6th level of Wrestling - You can spend half your movement to move with any creature grappled by you.

Unshakable Resistance = 13th level of Wrestling - You have advantage on checks to maintain the grapple on a creature already grappled by you. The creature suffers a -2 penalty on the check to escape the grapple for each size category it is smaller than you.

Suplex = 17th level of Wrestling - You can make a special attack against creatures grappled by you. When grappling a creature and you haven't spent your attack action on the turn, you can make a special attack with advantage that, if it hits, in addition to the normal effects of the attack, the creature is also stunned until the end of its next turn.



Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Ancestral Bear King class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strength or Dexterity, 13 Constitution.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Ancestral Bear King class, you gain the following proficiencies: Armor: Light and Medium armor

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Ancestral Bear King class, you gain the following proficiencies: weapons: Simple weapons, martial gloves, All weapons with the Body property, daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Ancestral Bear King class, you gain the following proficiencies: skills: Insight, Animal Handling.

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