Amalkia (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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Amalkia is a world without humans or any of the other races. This is because millennia of interbreeding has created entirely new races. The known world is relatively small, though the real world definitely is not. The land beyond the crags, forests and mountains of the continent of Halka is teeming with opportunity, just waiting for worthy heroes to answer the call...

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

there is no change to the classes in Amalkia, though available subclasses are those from PHB, XGM and SCAG

All the races are hybrids, using the GMbinder supplement 'hybridizing races'. the races: Voëkat (tabaxi/kenku hybrid), Draakat (tabaxi/dragonborn hybrid), Bokkat (tabaxi/satyr hybrid), Viskat (tabaxi/locathah hybrid), Duiwelkat (tabaxi/tiefling hybrid), Kjefugl (aaracockra/goliath hybrid), Famgeach (goliath/orc hybrid), Luteine (firbolg/fire genasi hybrid), Nathuisge (yuan-ti/triton hybrid) and Rhyfelgar (goblin/orc hybrid). in case of confusion, the first race listed is the dominant parent. you may notice that a lot of them are tabaxi hybrids, but the tabaxi wandered far and wide, pairing with more races than any other. The languages of the forgotten races are still spoken.

World of Amalkia

The known world is divided into three regions: the Reaching Crags, a land of deserts, hills and plains, home to the any race with Kat in their name; the Dead Peaks, home to the only port in Halka and the Kjefugl people; and the Elder Woods, a land full of magic and fey.

The history is for the DM to decide, though I would recommend starting with why the races bred so much (refugees, war, love, etc.). It is long and rich with forgotten kingdoms.

Honestly, this is where I get kinda lazy, but I have ideas about race relations: the Kjefugls are seen as paranoid xenophobes due to their habit of attacking anyone who doesn't use the road, and Rhyfelgars are the equivalent of orcs and goblinoids.

The Solar Barge cosmology in DMG, otherwise unchanged.

Lifyisæn (goddess of ice, fishing and illusion magic) holds sway among the Kjefugl people, though having churches as far as the Elder Woods. She preaches that life came from the sea, froze in time like ice, and everything in between is illusory. Her worshippers seek to break the ice and return to the sea and are often great illusionists. Bards, wizards and clerics are all attracted to her worship. Her clerics typically access the arcana or tempest domains.

- Etirugluf (god of necromancy and glassblowing) has been worshipped by the denizens of the Reaching Crags for time immemorial, teaching that earth holds death and life at the same time, and glass is its most pure form. In homage of this, his cathedrals are filled with works of glass art, with broad stained-glass windows and great trees made from obsidian. He holds dominion over the death, life and forge domains. - Mercator (goddess of trade) has worshippers wherever money flows. She teaches that money dominates life, whether welcomed or not. Merchants follow her worship, and though she has no temples, they construct small shrines in their caravans. She accesses the trickery domain. - Téras (god of the Rhyfelgar) holds no sway over any particular domain, though tending towards the war, light and nature domains. The Rhyfelgar are not welcome among other people, so he has few worshippers elsewhere. - Doog and Kwaad (twin forces of good (doog), evil (kwaad) and the Bokkat) are the embodiment of revelry, ever seeking to sabotage their rival. They both access the trickery domain. - The Luteine are an animistic religion, with spirits only accessing the knowledge, grave and nature domains. They are separate from the standard five gods. -->

Dungeon Master's Guide

Use whatever monsters you like, but eliminate all evil humanoid races except gnolls.

Treasure is unchanged.

Nothing is set in stone. I might come back sometime and edit this.

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