Alter Race (3.5e Spell)

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Alter Race
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting time: 1 Hour
Range: Touch/Self
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None, Fortitude(Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell can be used to allow the caster to alter his or another race. Beings effected by this spell receive the Traits and Stats, only applies to Physical stats, of the new race, replacing those given by the old race. This effect is Permanent, but can be reversed by a second casting of this spell for the original race.

  • The size of the new race must be within 1 size category of the birth race. Altering ones size to greatly can result in death or Injury at Gm discretion(d100, 10% per size category)
  • There cannot be to much variation from 1 race to another. ex. a Humanoid can turn into another humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid, but changing ones race to Abberation, Dragon, or Outsider can cause serious damage to the body or even death (d100, 30% chance or die instantly or serious injury at GM discretion)
  • Using this spell gives Temporary immunity to another casting of it equal to 1d6 months.
  • Races Naturally immune to polymorph or of the Shapechanger subtype can be turned into, but there is no guarantee of changing again. If this spell is cast on a willing being who is naturally immune to polymorph effects or possesses the Shapechanger subtype there is only a 10% chance of success

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