Alchemist (5e Background)

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The use of alchemy walks a fine line between that of science and magic. Alchemy utilizes formulas with strict values and carefully weighed portions, compared to how free magic can be. An important thing to note is that alchemy is best realized in settings where magic is not too predominant and common. Too much magic makes alchemy secondary, as one can conjure gold rather than laboriously try and synthesize it. Alchemists often were employed by various nexuses of power to do miraculous things, like transmutation. The ability to change materials from one into another, usually an entirely different element, is something many alchemists seek in their studies. Many other goals also do exist, like finding eternal life or manufacturing artificial forms, like homunculi.

Alchemy also covers more mundane uses, including medicine. Many alchemists could accurately define or detect certain elements and even concoct tinctures and poisons out of minerals. Alchemists do often require a lot of materials, be it lab equipment or formula ingredients. They are thus less efficient than an arcane scholar in many ways, but they are more meticulously trained to deal in something like the scientific method. Many a time, alchemists might run into doubt regarding their profession, be it due to religious stigma or persecution from rivals.

So, what kind of alchemist are you? Do you work for a wealthy nobleman or even a governmental agency? What is your goal as an alchemist, and what is expected of you by your superiors? Do you want fame for your work? Do you maybe seek a rare ingredient on your adventures? Or, maybe you need political cover due to some scandal regarding your discoveries? What have you discovered and learned through your work? Have you perhaps perfected a formula that your teacher never finished? Or maybe you found a new element to the medieval alchemic quartet of fire, water, air, and earth?

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies

Languages: One language of your choice

Equipment: Alchemist's Supplies, a book on alchemical formulae, common clothes, and a belt pouch with 10 gp

Alchemy Type[edit]

In seeking their magnum opus, an alchemist decides on a specific field of study, no different than how a scientist may choose to specialize in an area of their expertise. What does your alchemist character study in particular?

d6 Specialization
1 Transmutation. The art of changing one thing into another is one of the primary bases for all of alchemy. Usually, this involves changing base materials into more valuable ones, called noble metals, like making gold from dirt.
2 Solvent. The search for the universal solvents known as alkahest and azoth is a pursuit of many alchemists in the fields of medicine.
3 Animate. Creation of artificial life is a goal for many alchemists who seek to play god.
4 Eternity. Works to create elixirs of life that grant immortality are present across many areas of the arcane. Alchemy is no exception. Whether its brewing minerals according to rasayana or seeking a philosopher's stone, the quest for longevity is yours.
5 Yliaster. The prime material is a starting point for all alchemists. It's not easy to isolate the true essence of something, and it is an absolute fundamental that many budding alchemists and even veterans have trouble doing.
6 Esotericism. The arts of alchemy require preservation of symbols, codices, arcane tools, and many other secrets. Alchemists in this vein seek to preserve their traditions.

Feature: Experimenter[edit]

You are a sort of prototype for the modern scientist, with an insatiable drive and inquisitive mind that seeks further knowledge with or without the aid of the conventional arcane. You have advantage on ability checks to identify mundane materials using your alchemist supplies. This can distinguish metals from one another, like pyrite from gold, for example, but it will not determine if something has magical properties.

Variant Feature: Secretive Knowledge[edit]

Alchemists often belonged to hidden orders that sought to disseminate, disprove, or test certain knowledge. As an alchemist, you are a member of one such group on the down low, you can expect some help from those also of your alchemist order, including shelter and small alchemical components. However, these groups are very secretive and distrustful of others, meaning your party members will likely not receive such kind treatment. So long as you remain in good terms with your alchemist order, you can receive lodging and food there, up to a modest lifestyle. However, they will not do anything dangerous or extravagant for you, nor will they reveal themselves and follow you to battle.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Alchemists vary as much as scientists. Some are super zealous and love to keep their secrets. Others are open and want to teach and spread their knowledge. Their attitudes towards people can be volatile, with some alchemists having been only shut-ins in their labs and others penniless beggars perhaps disowned by their orders.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
2 My mind does not work the same as others. Others call me crazy.
3 I tend to speak quietly and avoid eye contact. Really, I prefer talking to myself over talking to others.
4 I cannot handle making big decisions and want others to take or share responsibility.
5 I want everything to be done as I want it, always!
6 I do not take criticism lightly, be it from a sage or a fool. Especially a fool.
7 I spend all my resources on my craft. Money, time...
8 I can't stand being a center of attention. I like to be the one no one notices.
d6 Ideal
1 Discovery. I am on the verge of a great discovery that will revolutionize alchemy as we know it, and I must follow through. (Any)
2 Money. I don't care what I'm being told to do; if you can pay, I can do it. (Neutral)
3 Power. With this craft, I can control creation and death like a god. All lives thus become trivial before me. (Evil)
4 Ethics. There are bad actors out there that I swear to find and subdue to preserve the integrity of alchemy. (Lawful)
5 Improvement. There are great things that alchemy can accomplish for people, like medicine. I strive for this. (Good)
6 Knowledge. My passion is a drive that never ceases. I will do anything to learn about what I desire. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I grew up in a poor family, which led me to become a bit of a scrooge that scrimps and saves all the time.
2 My customers, sponsors, and patrons are my friends!
3 I have a rival who is a greater alchemist than I. I constantly seek to best them.
4 My notes on my greatest discovery were stolen, and I must find them before they fall into the wrong hands.
5 I have a great interest in teaching and am constantly seeking out new students.
6 The one who taught me my trade still lives; I respect them above all else and will defend them to the death if they require it.
d6 Flaw
1 I once caused a great accident amid an experiment. It is my greatest shame that I will never forgive myself for.
2 I have twisted my mind a bit in exposure to chemicals, making me lose my sense of morals and such.
3 I have a tendency to desire destroying what I create for a vile sense of pleasure.
4 I've developed an addiction to one of my substances, and I need to make it whenever possible.
5 Due to my hubris, I irreversibly scarred myself in my experiments and so I never ever want to be seen in public.
6 I tend to wander in my thoughts and get lost or separated from my group.
(3 votes)

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