Additional Artificer Infusions (5e Class Feature)

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Additional Artificer Infusions[edit]

An additional list of Artificer Infusions to boost the limited options available. Some of these require a minimum level to be able to use. This is a minimum Artificer Level, not overall level for multiclassing.

Replicable Items

This list allows you to replicate any magic item according to rarity, not already listed.

Min Level Name Item Description
3 Common Varies You can replicate a Common magic item
6 Uncommon Varies You can replicate an Uncommon magic item
10 Rare Varies You can replicate a Rare magic item
14 Very Rare Varies You can replicate a Very Rare magic item
20 Legendary Varies You can replicate a Legendary magic item
Elemental Blessings

Infuse armour or weapons with additional elemental damage. One Armour Blessing and One Armour Blessing of Resistance maximum.

Min Level Name Item Description
3 Lesser Armour Blessing of (type) A suit of armour +1 bonus to AC.

Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Whenever you are hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 1d4 damage of the selected type.

3 Lesser Weapon Blessing of (type) Any weapon +1 bonus to Attack and Damage. Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Deals additional 1d6 damage of the selected type.
5 Armour Blessing of (type) A suit of armour +2 bonus to AC.

Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Whenever you are hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 2d4 damage of the selected type.

5 Weapon Blessing of (type) Any weapon +2 bonus to Attack and Damage. Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Deals additional 2d6 damage of the selected type.
7 Greater Armour Blessing of (type) A suit of armour +3 bonus to AC.

Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Whenever you are hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 3d4 damage of the selected type.

7 Greater Weapon Blessing of (type) Any weapon +3 bonus to Attack and Damage. Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. Deals additional 3d6 damage of the selected type.
3 Armour Blessing of (type) Resistance A suit of armour Select one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Radiant. All damage of the selected type done to you is halved, in addition to any resistances you already have.
Physical Enhancements

Infuse armour or clothing to gain ability increases.

Min Level Name Item Description
3 Swift Step Boots Boots, Sabatons or Greaves +5 ft to movement.
7 Boots of Gale Boots, Sabatons or Greaves +10 ft to movement.
7 Lesser Armour of Strength A suit of medium or heavy armour +1 to Strength (Cannot exceed 20).
15 Greater Armour of Strength A suit of medium or heavy armour +2 to Strength (Cannot exceed 20).
7 Lesser Armour of Stealth A suit of light or medium armour +1 to Dexterity (Cannot exceed 20).
15 Greater Armour of Stealth A suit of light or medium armour +2 to Dexterity (Cannot exceed 20).
5 Helm of Knowledge A helmet or hat +2 to Wisdom or Intelligence (your choice) (Cannot exceed 20).
5 Helm of Initiative A helmet or hat +1 to Initiative, and you can no longer be surprised.
7 Lesser Armour of Health Any suit of armour +1 to Constitution. (Cannot exceed 20)
15 Greater Armour of Health Any suit of armour +2 to Constitution. (Cannot exceed 20)
Special Skills

Infusions That give you unnatural abilities

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Min Level Name Item Description
10 Armour of Flight A suit of light armour You gain the ability to fly, your flying speed is walking speed + 20ft. You can start flying using an action, and remain flying until you use an action to disengage this ability.
7 Armour of Water Breathing Any suit of armour You gain the ability to breathe underwater.
3 Gauntlet of Fulmination (Ranged) A gauntlet As an action, you can shoot a lightning bolt from your hand. The target must make a DEX save roll DC 12. The bolt's range is 120ft and deals 1d8 lightning damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful one. This has a number of charges equal to half your Artificer level rounded up, you regain all charges after a rest.
3 Gem Of Division A small Gem or trinket You gain an additional number of infusions known equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one), and your max number of Infused Items increases by half of your Intelligence modifier rounded down (minimum of one). You can only benefit from one instance of this infusion at a time.
3 Gauntlet of Fulmination (Melee) A gauntlet Your fists are charged with lightning, an unarmed strike deals an extra 1d8 lightning damage.This has a number of charges equal to half your Artificer level rounded up, you regain all charges after a rest.
5 Dynamo A backpack, Rerebrace or Couter You can use both Gauntlets of Fulmination without expending charges. Additionally, the damage increases to 1d10.
7 Helm of Truesight A helmet or hat You gain the Truesight and Darkvision abilities and gain proficiency in Perception and Insight. If you already have proficiency in Perception or Insight, your proficiency bonus is doubled for that ability.
5 Tankard of Infinite Liquid A tankard or cup As an action, you can make the container spew forth any liquid of choice. If it hits a creature within 10 ft, it deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. In addition, the cup is always full, so you can never be thirsty, and it never spills. Some liquids have special features, for instance Ale is flammable.
3 Shadow Walker Boots Boots, Sabatons or greaves As an action, you can melt into a shadow, regardless if you are able to move or not. You can then reappear from any shadow within 120ft of your original position. This ability has two charges per long rest.
10 Dimension Cutting Blade Any type of bladed weapon As an action, you can cut through reality to a different dimension. The rift stays open for 5 minutes or until you close it using an action or bonus action. Once used, this ability has a cooldown of 10 hours before it can be used again.
7 Weapon of Preferred Enemy Any weapon Choose one of the following: Fey, Fiend, Undead, Celestial, Aberration, Giant or Two Types of Humanoid. Against the selected type of foe, this weapon deals triple damage.