Actor (5e Background)

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Acting is a difficult job, only so many people can do it.

Why did you become an Actor? Were you forced? Was it your dream? How does being an actor shape how you think and react to things?

Skill Proficiencies: Performance and your choice of sleight of hand or acrobatics

Tool Proficiencies: Actor's Tools

Languages: One language of your choice

Equipment: Actor's Tools, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch with 10gp in it.


What kind of acting do you specialize in?

d4 Specialization
1 Voice Acting
2 Live Acting
3 Play Acting
4 Classical Acting

Feature: Acting Fame[edit]

Since you used to be an actor, you might get recognized around your town, or whatever related to that. So be ready to autograph papers, or maybe get yelled at if someone doesn't agree with the role you were casted as.

Alternate Feature: Persona[edit]

If you had/have an on stage persona, you can go between that persona and your normal character. Your characteristics and sometimes alignment might change. Make sure your DM knows about your persona tho!

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Feel free to add different ones, or anything.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Acting is on my mind 24/7.
2 I just want to make people smile or laugh.
3 I don't like acting but I'm in love with my co-actor.
4 Acting, a magical place I want to escape to.
5 The best part is the customs and all the cool clothes I get to wear.
6 The traveling to different stages is almost as fun as the acting.
7 I get fame from acting, I love that.
8 It's a tradition in my family to be in the entertainment group, and, well, I can't play an instrument so here we are,
d6 Ideal
1 Enjoyment. I act because I enjoy it and I want to make people smile. (Good)
2 Getting by. I'm just trying to get by with what I do. (Neutral/Good)
3 Fame. Forget the others, I have the best show, give me fame. (Evil)
4 Traveling I just want to explore and learn my way around this world. (Neutral)
5 Chasing Content. I just want to be content with life, I can't find that equilibrium I seek. (Chaotic)
6 Family Acting brings the family together. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 My fans are everything to me.
2 I'm ever grateful for my teacher/mentor that helped me get better at acting.
3 My family and friends is was keeps me from acting.
4 After I had my first huge fan, I've been looking for them since.
5 I had a scene with another actor, I wish to find them again.
6 Acting is what keeps me sane.
d6 Flaw
1 I am defined by my persona.
2 Acting was/is never my thing, I hate/hated doing it.
3 I don't care if I hurt people on the way to becoming famous.
4 I just want the money from this.
5 People who have never acted aren't important at all.
6 I only act to make people feel sad or angry.
(0 votes)

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