Ability User (Bungo Stray Dogs Supplement)

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Ability User (Bungo Stray Dogs Supplement)[edit]

Ability User[edit]

Lore will go here

Ability User
Quick Build[edit]

You can quickly make an Ability User by following these suggestions, First, your highest ability score should be Dexterity, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose any background (will change). Third, choose the Human race.

 Damage Dice Progression: When a feature says you increase the damage dice of an attack by 1 step or tier, it means it follows some variation of the following progression. 1>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10>2d12>4d6>4d8>4d10>4d12>8d6>8d8>8d10>8d12… and so on, whereupon reaching d6s again the dice count doubles.

Class Features[edit]

As an Ability User, you gain the following features.

Hit Points[edit]

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ability User level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution Modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier


Armor: None

Weapons: Simple Weapons or Martial Weapons

Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or one musical Instrument

Skills: Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence

  • Allegiance Drip (10 + Dexterity Modifier + Intelligence Modifier: max 24)
  • If you are using starting wealth you have 2d100x10 in Yen.

Table: Ability User[edit]

Level Prof Bonus Features Ability Points Martial Arts Enhanced Movement
1 +2 Ability Manifestation, Ability Points 2+int --- +10ft
2 +2 Martial Arts 4+int 1d4 +10ft
3 +2 Allegiance 6+int 1d4 +10ft
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 8+int 1d4 +15ft
5 +3 Extra Attack 10+int 1d6 +15ft
6 +3 Ability Feature, Last Breath 12+int 1d6 +15ft
7 +3 Resistant,Allegiance Feature 14+int 1d6 +20ft
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement(2) 16+int 1d6 +20ft
9 +4 Ability Point Recovery 18+int 1d8 +20ft
10 +4 Ability Feature 20+int 1d8 +25ft
11 +4 Weapon User/Hand to Hand Combatant 22+int 1d8 +25ft
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement(3) 24+int 1d8 +25ft
13 +5 Extra Attack(2) 26+int 1d10 +30ft
14 +5 Allegiance Promotion 28+int 1d10 +30ft
15 +5 Ability Score Improvement(4) 30+int 1d10 +30ft
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement(5) 32+int 1d10 +35ft
17 +6 Ability Point Recovery(2) 34+int 1d12 +35ft
18 +6 Weapon User/Hand to Hand Combatant(2) 36+int 1d12 +35ft
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement(6) 38+int 1d12 +40ft
20 +6 Ability Feature, Peak 40+int 1d12 +40ft

Class Features[edit]

Ability Manifestation[edit]

At 1st level, choose one ability from the provided list. This choice defines your role and grants you unique features at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 20th levels.

Ability Points[edit]

You have a number of ability points equal to 2 × your Ability User level + your Wisdom modifier. You can spend these points to activate your ability and other class features.

Effects that suppress spellcasting, such as Antimagic Field, also prevent you from using your ability When using your ability, any damage you inflict upon yourself is halved, When you spend ability points, it becomes unavailable until you finish a long rest, at the end of which you regain all spent ability points

Ability Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. Ability Attack DC = proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Martial Arts[edit]

Beginning at 2nd level, your unarmed strike damage die changes to a d4, this die changes according to your Ability User level which is shown on the table.


At 3rd level you find out where your Allegiance lies, pick an Allegiance you gain features at 3rd, 7th, and 14th levels.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 18th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

You may also ignore this increase to instead gain a feat.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level.

Last Breath[edit]

You're so used to combat you've learned to maximize your efforts for a short time, starting at 6th level as a bonus action you can enter Last Breath, giving yourself the following benefits

  • +2 to AC, Enhanced Movement feature doubled
  • +1 to all physicals
  • Half cost of all ability features

Last Breath lasts for a minute, after it ends you gain a level of exhaustion. You can use this feature as many times as your proficiency bonus per long rest.


At 7th level, your strength as an Ability User allows you to resist certain area effects. Choose one of the following ability scores:

  • Brawn - Strength
  • Evasion - Dexterity
  • Endurance - Constitution
  • Discernment - Intelligence
  • Intuition - Wisdom

You can only choose the option associated with a certain ability score if you have a 16 or higher in that ability score. If none of your ability scores except Wisdom are at or above 16 you may only choose the one that is your highest, or any of your highest in the case of a tie. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 20th level, you can choose one additional saving throw.

Ability Point Recovery[edit]

At 9th level, due to repeated use, your Ability is more efficient. While in combat, you regain 1d4+wis mod Ability Points at the beginning of your turn, up to your maximum. This increases to 1d8+wis mod at 17th level.

Hand to Hand Combatant[edit]

Beginning at 11th level, your hand to hand combat skills grow immensely, you can now do an unarmed strike as a bonus action, on top of that add your proficiency bonus to both the base roll and damage roll. At 18th level you can make a second unarmed strike as a bonus action and add your proficiency bonus twice to the damage and base roll.


At 20th level, your strength grows by the moment, you'll soon reach the pinnacle of your potential. You gain a +8. You may distribute this +8 in your scores. For example, you can put 4 in Strength and 4 in Dexterity.

Also, you must choose one of the following peaks to reach:

Peak of Might. Your Strength score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, whenever you hit a critical with a melee weapon attack that uses Strength you may shove or grapple the creature.

Peak of Speed. Your Dexterity score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, you can take the dash action as a bonus action. If you already could do that, you may do it as a free action instead.

Peak of Endurance. Your Constitution score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, your maximum hit points increase by your Ability User level added twice.

Peak of Intellect. Your Intelligence score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, you can now ignore one prerequisite before taking a feat. You cannot ignore racial or other feats prerequisites.

Peak of Charisma. Your Charisma score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, you gain one feat that you meet the prerequisites of, proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice and expertise in one skill.

Peak of Wisdom. Your Wisdom score maximum increases to 24 (unless it was already higher). Additionally, your Ability Point maximum increases by 15.


No Longer Human[edit]

No Longer Human user nullifying an ability
No Longer Human[edit]

Starting at 1st level your ability manifests, it allows you to nullify any ability with a simple touch! This ability is always active, includes items worn or held by you and works even if you do not wish for it to. Any person that you touch is unable to use any abilities or anything similar until you are no longer touching them. Abilities that are AoE (Area of Effect) will disperse only once the ability touches you.


Due to your simple ability, you needed to get better at everything else to keep up. At 3rd level Gain proficiency in 3 skills, if already proficient than expertise. Also your unarmed strikes damage die increases by 1 tier.

Quick to Counter[edit]

You've realized your abilities defensive capabilities, at 6th level as a reaction to an ability targeting you, you can touch it to nullify it.

You Can't Kill Me[edit]

You've noticed you have so much luck its like your immortal, starting at 10th level, pass every saving throw below your AC, advantage on death saving throws, when you ‘die’ make a base 20 roll, if you roll a 15 or higher you live, everytime you successfully come back increase the DC by 1, if you make the DC 20 save, reduce it back to 15.

Demon Prodigy[edit]

You’ve reached your peak, unlike others it isn't related to your ability. At 20th level, Gain proficiency in 5 skills, if you already have proficiency than expertise, increase your unarmed strikes damage die by 1 tier.

The Overcoat[edit]

Overcoat user transports his hand

Starting at 1st level you gain the ability to transport objects through your cape up to 90 ft away as a bonus action for y ability points. If a non-lethal object is used as a weapon using Overcoat it causes a constitution saving throw, on a failure it deals bludgeoning damage, on success it does half damage. The damage is based on the following sizes of the objects with x being your Wisdom modifier. You can also ask your GM if you can do different things with your ability:

Size Damage Die Ability Point Cost
Tiny xd4 2
Small xd6 5
Medium xd8 10
Large xd10 15
Gargantuan x*2d8 20
Vanishing Trick[edit]

Starting at 3rd level you can now transport yourself and others through Overcoat to travel 90 ft as a bonus action for 5 ability points, this does not cause an opportunity attack. If the target is unwilling then it's a dexterity saving throw.

Too Slow![edit]

Starting at 6th level, when someone attacks you, you can cause their attack to go into Overcoat instead as a reaction for 10 ability points. On Top of that if you wish to you can make a grapple check against the opponent if it was a physical attack.

Take the Stage[edit]

Your mastery of your ability allows you to throw things even faster than before! Starting at 10th level increase the damage die of all damage done by Overcoat by 1.

The Second Act![edit]

You've mastered your ability now, at 20th level increase the damage die of all damage done by Overcoat by 1. Also as a one time use when you fail 1 or 2 death saving throws you can instead act as dead, someone can attempt to make a check with the save being your ability save DC.

Upon the Tainted Sorrow[edit]

Upon the Tainted Sorrow user
Upon the Tainted Sorrow[edit]

Starting level 1 Your ability is Gravity Manipulation, as a bonus action when touching an object you can spend 5 ability points to change the vectors of gravity on said object. On top of that you can throw these objects at high speeds, dealing xd8 bludgeoning damage, with x being your wisdom modifier. You can also ask your GM if you can do different things with your ability such as stopping projectiles by succeeding a perception check.

Physical Beast[edit]

Strating level 3 Even without your ability you've noticed you're physically superior to everyone else, increase your unarmed strikes damage die by 2 tiers, increase all physical scores by +2 including their maximums.

Varied Vectors[edit]

Starting Level 6 You grow in your ability usage, you gain a number of bonus actions equal to your wisdom mod, these bonus actions can only be used for your ability.


Starting at 10 You've gained a secondary ability, for 10 ability points you can enter corruption and gain the following effects:

  • +6 to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom
  • Bloodlusted Condition
  • For as a bonus action for 5 ability points you can make balls of concentrated gravity capable of using them as melee or with a range of 90ft, dealing 10d10 force damage on a hit with a radius of 10ft.

Corruption lasts for 1d8 minutes, after it ends the user makes a DC 30 Constitution saving throw or dies, on success 4 levels of exhaustion.


Starting at level 20 Your corruption is greatly amplified along with your basic ability. Throwing stuff now does xd12 bludgeoning damage, your unarmed strikes increase by another tier, all physicals increase by 2 including their maximums, you have advantage on all checks related to using your ability in unspecified ways, Corruption is heavily boosted increasing all bonuses by an additional +6 and making the con save a 25, while in Corruption for 30 ability points you can summon a incredibly large ball of concentrated gravity, dealing xd12 true damage with a radius of 30ft.

Thou Shalt Not Die[edit]

Thou Shalt Not Die[edit]

You’ve discovered your ability is one of if not the only healing ability! Although the price is hefty to use it. Starting at 1st level If you or any creature within a 60ft radius is below 1/4th their max health you can use your ability as a bonus action for 5 ability points, healing all chosen creatures xd8, with x being your medicine bonus; your also now proficient in medicine.


Starting at 3rd level your hit die increases to a d12, changing your HP as if it always was a d12. As a reaction for you or someone else being injured below 1/4th your max HP you may spend 10 ability points to heal xd8.


After healing so many others from near death you've gotten a bit sadistic, starting at 6th level add your medicine bonus when rolling to hit. When you land an attack with a piercing or slashing Weapon make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw with disadvantage, on failure make a second attack against the target without these benefits, on success do the same with these benefits but add +2 to the save per consecutive hit, (maximum of 5 hits in a row). You can also spend 10 Ability Points to auto succeed the save.


Your healing skills grow even further, at 10th level gain expertise in medicine and change the healing die of Thou Shalt Not Die into a d10, Sadist now has a maximum hit count of 6 and starts at a save of 14 and you make the save normally.

...Of Death[edit]

You've reached your peak, granting you the title Angel of Death. Beginning at 20th level you gain a +2 in Wisdom and intelligence, the maximum hit count of sadist is 7, the save starts at 12, you make the save with advantage and Thou Shalt Not Die can heal xd12 3 times in total per long rest.

Thoughtless Poet[edit]

Vita Sexualis[edit]


Super Deduction[edit]

Worlds Greatest Detective
Brain over Brawn[edit]

Your intelligence is far above others but you lack in the physical department, at Level 1 set all your physicals to 10 but add everything removed from them into intelligence and half into wisdom (example, if you have 20s in all your physicals, wisdom gets a +15, intelligence gets a +30). Along with this gain proficiency in all Intelligence checks.

Super Deduction[edit]

At level 3 you are given glasses to help control your “ability” when not wearing them Divide 2 to all intelligence and wisdom checks. As a bonus action for 5 ability points you can equip your glasses, multiplying your original mental scores by 2, every turn it costs an additional 1 Ability Point to keep your glasses on.

Protect the Idiots of the World[edit]

Starting at level 6 you've noticed your overwhelming superiority compared to everyone else so you pity them. Advantage on help action and it's now a free action, you can also relay any information gained from Super Deduction as a free action within a range of 30 ft.


Your intelligence knows no bounds and exceeds human limits, at 10th level +10 to Intelligence, including maximum.

Greatest Detective[edit]

You become even smarter, at this point nobody comes close to your intelligence, you’ve fully accepted your lack of an ability, causing Super Deduction to act as if it's always active and causing all your Ability Points to be distributed into your intelligence stat.


Armed Detective Agency[edit]

You have joined the ADA after completing an entrance exam, the ADA or Armed Detective Agency is a group of ability users (mostly) who take jobs from clients to keep the peace in Yokohama.

We're Private Investigators![edit]

Beginning at 3rd level, you get proficiency in investigation and gain a +2 to your intelligence score and its maximum.

Are You a Moron?[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you gain Expertise and advantage in investigation.

Strongest Man in the Detective Agency[edit]

At 14th level you're given a promotion! +4 to Intelligence, +2 to wisdom.

Port Mafia[edit]

You have joined the Port Mafia, an underground group ran by a mysterious boss and his executives, your main goal is to spread your influence around Yokohama and take down the ADA.

Cycle of Abuse[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level, you work under the Port Mafia. To simply enter the organization you had to go through vigorous training, +1 to all physicals.

Mafia Expertise[edit]

beginning at 7th level, gain proficiency in martial weapons.

The Guild[edit]

You are a part of The Guild, a group who want to own all of Yokohama, through any means necessary. Your main opponents are the ADA and Port Mafia.


Money doesn't matter to The Guild, roll the starting funds times 1000.

Decay of Angels[edit]

You are apart of the Decay of Angels, a terrorist group that will outlast Yokohama and cause its end through god.

Good job you're a terrorist[edit]

double damage to structures, advantage on intimidation.

Hunting Dogs[edit]

Your apart of the Hunting Dogs, an elite ability user military squad with surgical enhancements.

The best the government has to offer![edit]

The government has surgically enhanced your body, +2 to all physicals but you must do the surgery again monthly or die.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Ability User class, you must meet these prerequisites: 15 intelligence, 15 Dexterity

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Ability User class, you gain the following proficiencies: Investigation, Stealth

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Back to Main Page5e HomebrewCampaign SettingsBungo Stray Dogs<!-has some form of resource-consuming rage-like feature, or is otherwise defined by being uncivil-><!- melee and/or ranged fighters with magic less than or equal to an eldritch knight. Fighter variants and mashups are the most common homebrew classes-><!-uses guns or other ranged weapons-><!-low damage output with a primary focus on being able to restore hit points, remove conditions, and add buffs to other creatures-><!-focuses on unarmed attacks and mobility-><!-has features relating to death and necromancy-><!-stealthy, often with low hit points-><!-keep this category if the class uses multiple tags->

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