A Truly Wild Mage (5e Class)

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Wild Mage[edit]

A sorcerer finds themselves in quite the pickle, surrounded by enemies on all sides. He had unfortunately pissed off the wrong people, getting into trouble with the organized crime syndicate that basically ran the city the sorcerer was staying in from the shadows. The sorcerer didn't know what to do, but... He didn't have to. It never stopped him before! So, with a flick of his wrist he'd fling unstable weave energy at his opponents, which, of course, immediately went wild. This wasn't a bother, seeing as the sorcerer couldn't NOT cast wild magic. He was counting on the chaos his spells caused to get him out of this, and much like every time before... It worked, just as planned. 10 gallons of water would be summoned out of nowhere, falling on the sorcerer's opponents and giving him time to escape while they slid on the stone.

Sorcerers, or something more?[edit]

A Wild Mage, if you couldn't guess from the above description, is a Wild Magic Sorcerer taken to the next level. Your average Wild Magic Sorcerer doesn't have full control of their own magic due to their connection to raw, chaotic weave energy. While they fight against their chaotic power to cast normal spells, a Wild Mage loses themselves to it. By fully embracing their magic's chaotic nature, they gain access to a form of magic like no other. Raw weave energy being fully utilized by a caster, chaos taken form. Their quick wit and creativity is what lets them use their chaotic magic, weaving together a spell at random every time they wish to cast. While a regular caster forces the weave into a certain shape and form in order to cast magic, a Wild Mage simply goes with the flow. This gives them certain advantages over other casters, detailed below.

Creating a Wild Mage[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Wild Mage quickly by following these suggestions. Your highest ability score depends on what you choose to be your spellcasting modifier, so, choose carefully. Second, choose a background related to your character's backstory. All that's required to become a Wild Mage is contact with raw or chaotic magic, so feel free to get weird with it. Third, well... Who needs equipment, right? You already have no idea what you're going to cast, so supplies aren't necessary.

Class Features

As a Wild Mage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Wild Mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Wild Mage level after 1st


Armor: light, medium.
Weapons: Simple weapons.
Tools: None.
Saving Throws: 2 of your choice.
Skills: 3 of your choice.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • studded leather or scale mail
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10gp in funds.

Table: The Wild Mage

Level Proficiency
Features Wild Mana Max Chaotic Casting Table Level
1st +2 Chaotic Casting, Wild Mana, Unbound Spells 4 1
2nd +2 Font of Chaos 8 1
3rd +2 Chaoting Casting Improvement 12 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Wild Metamagic 16 2
5th +3 20 3
6th +3 Chaotic Mixture 24 3
7th +3 28 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Supportive Font 32 4
9th +4 36 5
10th +4 Wild Aura 40 5
11th +4 44 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Mana Siphon 48 6
13th +5 52 7
14th +5 Chaotic Mixture Improvement 56 7
15th +5 60 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Metamagic Aura 64 8
17th +6 68 9
18th +6 72 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 76 9
20th +6 Pure Chaos 80 9

Chaotic Casting[edit]

At 1st level, you have access to Chaotic Casting, which is like Spellcasting in the way that when doing it a spell is cast, but almost completely different in every other way. Unlike normal spellcasters, you do not prepare spells, and don't choose any specific spells to study and learn. Rather, depending on the level of spell you have unlocked, you have a table of spells from every possible spell from said level that you roll on whenever you'd like to cast a spell. The spellcasting ability for all spells is chosen by you, though this can't be changed later.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + the chosen modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + the chosen modifier

Spells cast through the Chaotic Casting feature no longer require components to cast. Not just material, but verbal and somatic components as well. This is due to the wild nature of the spellcasting, and the fact that raw weave energy is being used. It's more powerful, but less refined, making it… Y'know, chaotic.

Wild Mana[edit]

Also at 1st level, Chaotic Casting works not through Spell Slots, but through Wild Mana. Seeing as Wild Mage’s don’t prepare spells, the amount of spells they can cast is directly linked to their energy, rather than an arbitrary number linked to knowledge. Seeing as a Wild Mage doesn’t have to refine and focus their magic in any way, they have much more energy than a regular caster, and can cast more magic before losing their ability to do so. To roll on one of the Chaotic Casting Table’s you must spend double the level of said table in Wild Mana. For example, a 1st level Chaotic Casting takes 2 Wild Mana, a 2nd level Chaotic Casting takes 4 Wild Mana, and so on. All Wild Mana is restored during a long rest, and an amount of Wild Mana equal to an expended Hit Dice + the chosen modifier can be regained during a short rest.

Unbound Spells[edit]

Also at 1st level, spells cast with Chaotic Casting ignore the specified restrictions of spells. That may seem odd, but seeing as chaos is not bound by law, your Wild Magic has grown to the point of breaking whatever spell is randomly cast from you from the laws that created it in the first place. For example, if you were to cast Mage Hand, it says in the description of the spell that “The hand can’t attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds”. The Mage Hand that was cast through Chaotic Casting would be able to do all three. Any “can’t” that is specified within a spell no longer exists, as chaos is ungovernable. This allows for much more creativity to be had with even the simplest of spells, though this is balanced out by said creativity happening directly in the moment the spell is cast, and you can never really prepare for what spell you could possibly cast next.

Font of Chaos[edit]

At 2nd level, you tap into the chaos within your being for more than simply casting spells.

  • Converting HP to Wild Mana. As a bonus action, you can siphon HP from yourself in order to re energize your magic. You regain Wild Mana equal to double the HP you decide to siphon.
  • Converting Wild Mana to HP. As a bonus action, you can convert Wild Mana directly into HP. You regain HP equal to half the Wild Mana you decide to burn.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Chaotic Casting Improvement[edit]

At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th level, you get access to the next level of the Chaotic Casting tables.

Wild Metamagic[edit]

At 4th level, you gain the ability to pour additional Mana into a Chaotic Casting in order to empower the spell you cast. As a reaction after you cast a spell with Chaotic Casting, you can expend 1 point of Wild Mana per spell level (0th level spells still require 1 point) in order to empower them with a random effect rolled from a d8. If an effect is rolled that is l unable to effect the spell, the extra Wild Mana is simply wasted.

  1. Nothing. Nothing happens.
  2. Reckless Spell. If the spell forces other creatures to make a saving throw, the spell becomes even more unpredictable. A number of creatures you choose equal to the chosen modifier gain disadvantage on the save against the spell (minimum 1).
  3. Sawed-off Spell. If the spell has a range of 10 feet or greater, its range is halved, and if it hits, its damage is automatically doubled.
  4. Siphoned Spell. If the spell does damage, its damage is halved. All the lost damage is transmuted into temporary HP for yourself.
  5. Slowed Spell. If the spell is usually instantaneous, its effect is instead drawn out over a number of rounds equal to half the chosen modifier rounded up. Anything the spell usually does happens each time for the extra rounds it stays before dissipating.
  6. Unsubtle Spell. No matter what, the spell you cast becomes incredibly loud and bright. Any hostile creature that hears or sees the spell becomes either deafened, blinded, or both. This lasts for as long as the spell does.
  7. Negative Spell. If a spell does no damage, it gains damage equal to 1d8 per the spell's level (minimum 1). If a spell does damage, it instead does none, but all of its other effects last for twice as long / become twice as strong.
  8. Bisected Spell. When a spell is cast, it splits into two smaller versions of the same spell. The two smaller spells have the same effect, but any damage that the spell would’ve done originally is halved between the two parts, and each spell lasts for half as long (minimum of instantaneous for instantaneous spells / 1 turn for spells that last for longer than instantaneous).

Chaotic Mixture[edit]

At 6th level, as a bonus action after using Chaotic Casting, you may roll again on the same table. The second spell’s effects that were rolled occur at the same time or directly before / after the original spell, basically resulting in a fusion of two different spells. This feature can be used a number of times equal to the chosen modifier per long rest.

Supportive Font[edit]

At 8th level, your Font of Chaos feature now allows you to convert Wild Mana into HP for your allies, healing them for an amount equal to the Wild Mana converted.

Wild Aura[edit]

At 10th level, your very presence has evolved, becoming chaotic and influencing your surroundings. This aura is represented as an invisible sphere with a 10ft radius which is always active.

  • Every spell that comes within a 10ft radius that is not one of your own spells goes “wild”, being transformed into another spell of the same level.
  • Any effect that is dependant on alignment no longer works within the Wild Aura, the chaos nullifying both good and evil.
  • You can sense any movement within the Wild Aura, even if your senses are effected by magical means.
  • You can cast your spells from any point within the Wild Aura.

Mana Siphon[edit]

At 12th level, when you are hit with magic in any form, you regain Wild Mana equal to the damage taken from said magic. If the magic doesn’t do damage but still targets and affects you, you regain your proficiency bonus + the chosen modifier in Wild Mana. This restoration of Wild Mana occurs every round that external magic is affecting you, so if magic persists between rounds, you regain Wild Mana for each round that it affects you. Any Wild Mana that is gained that goes over your maximum is instead added to your Hit Points as Temporary HP.

Chaotic Mixture Improvement[edit]

At 14th level, when using the Chaotic Mixture feature you can add another random spell into the mixture so long as you get rid of an extra usage of the feature to do so.

Metamagic Aura[edit]

At 16th level, you have the ability to pour additional mana into your Wild Aura much like you can for your spells. As an action you can roll a d4 in order to see which aspect of the wild aura is enhanced. An effect ends as soon as the mana cost stops being payed.

  1. The radius in which spells go wild around you doubles to 20ft, and you can effect said spells with any of your own features. Every turn this effect is active it drains 8 Wild Mana.
  2. Lawful creatures within your aura gain disadvantage on anything they do, their orderly minds unable to handle the sheer chaos you radiate. Every turn this effect is active it drains 10 Wild Mana.
  3. The radius in which you can sense movement is quadrupled to 40ft. Every turn this effect is active it drains 8 Wild Mana.
  4. You can now extend the Wild Aura 10ft in any direction as a bonus action, allowing you to cast your spells from further distances away. Every turn this effect is active it drains 10 Wild Mana.

Pure Chaos[edit]

At 20th level, all features that require Wild Mana can now be used with half the Wild Mana cost. Additionally, the stat for the chosen modifier is increased by 4, making its new maximum 24.

Chaotic Casting Tables[edit]

The tables you use for casting.

0th Level

  1. Acid Splash
  2. Blade Ward
  3. Booming Blade
  4. Chill Touch
  5. Control Flames
  6. Create Bonfire
  7. Dancing Lights
  8. Druidcraft
  9. Eldritch Blast
  10. Fire Bolt
  11. Friends
  12. Frostbite
  13. Green-Flame Blade
  14. Guidance
  15. Gust
  16. Infestation
  17. Light
  18. Lightning Lure
  19. Mage Hand
  20. Magic Stone
  21. Mending
  22. Message
  23. Mind Silver
  24. Minor Illusion
  25. Mold Earth
  26. Polson Spray
  27. Prestidigitation
  28. Primal Savagery
  29. Produce Flame
  30. Ray of Frost
  31. Resistance
  32. Sacred Flame
  33. Shape Water
  34. Shillelagh
  35. Shocking Grasp
  36. Spare the Dying
  37. Sword Burst
  38. Thaumaturgy
  39. Thorn Whip
  40. Thunderclap
  41. Toll the Dead
  42. True Strike
  43. Ward of Radiance
  44. Vicious Mockery

1st Level

  1. Absorb Elements
  2. Alarm
  3. Animal Friendship
  4. Armor of Agathys
  5. Arms of Hadar
  6. Bane
  7. Beast Bond
  8. Bless
  9. Burning Hands
  10. Catapult
  11. Cause Fear
  12. Ceremony
  13. Chaos Bolt
  14. Charm Person
  15. Chromatic Orb
  16. Color Spray
  17. Command
  18. Compelled Duel
  19. Comprehend Languages
  20. Create or Destroy Water
  21. Cure Wounds
  22. Detect Evil and Good
  23. Detect Magic
  24. Detect Polson and Disease
  25. Disguise Self
  26. Dissonant Whispers
  27. Divine Favor
  28. Earth Tremor
  29. Ensnaring Strike
  30. Entangle
  31. Expeditious Retreat
  32. Faerie Fire
  33. False Life
  34. Feather Fall
  35. Find Familiar
  36. Fog Cloud
  37. Goodberry
  38. Grease
  39. Gulding Bolt
  40. Hall of Thorns
  41. Healing Word
  42. Hellish Rebuke
  43. Heroism
  44. Hex
  45. Hunter's Mark
  46. Ice Knife
  47. Identify
  48. Illusory Script
  49. Inflict Wounds
  50. Jump
  51. Longstrider
  52. Mage Armor
  53. Magic Missile
  54. Protection from Evil and Go
  55. Purify Food and Drink
  56. Ray of Sickness
  57. Sanctuary
  58. Searing Smite
  59. Shield
  60. Shield of Faith
  61. Silent Image
  62. Silvery Barbs
  63. Sleep
  64. Snare
  65. Speak with Animals
  66. Tasha's Caustic Brew
  67. Tasha's Hideous Laughter
  68. Tenser's Floating Disk
  69. Thunderous Smite
  70. Thunderwave
  71. Unseen Servant
  72. Witch Bolt
  73. Wrathful Smite
  74. Zephyr Strike

2nd Level

  1. Aganazzar's Scorcher
  2. Ald
  3. Alter Self
  4. Animal Messenger
  5. Arcane Lock
  6. Augury
  7. Barkskin
  8. Beast Sense
  9. Biindness/Deafness
  10. Blur
  11. Branding Smite
  12. Calm Emotions
  13. Cloud of Daggers
  14. Continual Flame
  15. Cordon of Arrows
  16. Crown of Madness
  17. Darkness
  18. Darkvision
  19. Detect Thoughts
  20. Dragon's Breath
  21. Dust Devil
  22. Earthbind
  23. Enhance Ability
  24. Enlarge/Reduce
  25. Enthrall
  26. Find Steed
  27. Find Traps
  28. Flame Blade
  29. Flaming Sphere
  30. Gentle Repose
  31. Gust of Wind
  32. Healing Spint
  33. Heat Metal
  34. Hold Person
  35. Invisibility
  36. Knock
  37. Lesser Restoration
  38. Levitate
  39. Locate Animals or Plants
  40. Locate Object
  41. Magic Mouth
  42. Magic Weapon
  43. Maximlilan's Earthen Gras
  44. Melf's Acid Arrow
  45. Mind Spike
  46. Mirror Image
  47. Misty Step
  48. Moonbeam
  49. Nathair's Mischief
  50. Nystul's Magic Aura
  51. Pass without Trace
  52. Phantasmal Force
  53. Prayer of Healing
  54. Protection from Poison
  55. Pyrotechnics
  56. Ray of Enfeeblement
  57. Rime's Binding tre
  58. Rope Trick
  59. Scorching Ray
  60. See Invisibility
  61. Shadow Blade
  62. Shatter
  63. Silence
  64. Skywrite
  65. Snilioc's Snowball Swarm
  66. Spider Cilmb
  67. Spike Growth
  68. Spiritual Weapon
  69. Suggestion
  70. Summon Beast
  71. Tasha's Mind Whip
  72. Warding Bond
  73. Warding Wind
  74. Warp Sense
  75. Web
  76. Zone of Truth

3rd Level

  1. Animate Dead
  2. Ashardalon's Stride
  3. Aura of Vitality
  4. Beacon of Hope
  5. Bestow Curse
  6. Elinding Smite
  7. Blink
  8. Call Lightning
  9. Catnap
  10. Clairvoyance
  11. Conjure Animals
  12. Conjure Barrage
  13. Counterspell
  14. Create Food and Water
  15. Crusader's Mantle
  16. Daylight
  17. Dispel Magic
  18. Elemental Weapon
  19. Enemies Abound
  20. Erupting Earth
  21. Fear
  22. Feign Death
  23. Fireball
  24. Flame Arrows
  25. Fly
  26. Gaseous Form
  27. Glyph of Warding
  28. Haste
  29. Hunger of Hatar
  30. Hypnotic Pattern
  31. Intellect Fortress
  32. Leomund's Tiny Hut
  33. Life Transference
  34. Lightning Armow
  35. Lightning Bolt
  36. Magic Circle
  37. Major Image
  38. Mass Healing Word
  39. Meld Into Stone
  40. Melf's Minute Meteors
  41. Nondetection
  42. Phantom Steed
  43. Plant Growth
  44. Protection from Energy
  45. Remove Curse
  46. Revivity
  47. Sending
  48. Sleet Storm
  49. Slow
  50. Speak with Dead
  51. Speak with Plants
  52. Spirit Guardians
  53. Spirit Shroud
  54. Stinking Cloud
  55. Summon Fey
  56. Summon Lesser Demons
  57. Summon Shadowspawn
  58. Summon Undead
  59. Thunder Step
  60. Tidal Wave
  61. Tiny Servant
  62. Tongues
  63. Vampiric Touch
  64. Wall of Sand
  65. Wall of Water
  66. Water Breathing
  67. Water Walk
  68. Wind Wall

4th Level

  1. Arcane Eye
  2. Aura of Life
  3. Aura of Purity
  4. Banishment
  5. Blight
  6. Charm Monster
  7. Compulsion
  8. Confusion
  9. Conjure Minor Elementals
  10. Conjure Woodland Beings
  11. Control Water
  12. Death Ward
  13. Dimension Door
  14. Divination
  15. Dominate Beast
  16. Elemental Bane
  17. Evard's Black Tentacles
  18. Fabricate
  19. Find Greater Steed
  20. Fire Shield
  21. Freedom of Movement
  22. Gate Seal
  23. Glant Insect
  24. Grasping Vine
  25. Greater Invisibility
  26. Guardian of Faith
  27. Guardian of Nature
  28. Hallucinatory Terrain
  29. Ice Storm
  30. Leomund's Secret Chest
  31. Locate Creature
  32. Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
  33. Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
  34. Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  35. Phantasmal Killer
  36. Polymorph
  37. Raulsthim's Psychic Lance
  38. Shadow of Moll
  39. Sickening Radiance
  40. Staggering Smite
  41. Stone Shape
  42. Stoneskin
  43. Storm Sphere
  44. Summon Aberration
  45. Summon Construct
  46. Summon Elemental
  47. Summon Greater Demon
  48. Vitriolic Sphere
  49. Wall of Fire
  50. Watery Sphere

5th Level

  1. Animate Objects
  2. Antilife Shell
  3. Awaken
  4. Banishing Shiite
  5. Bigby's Hand
  6. Circle of Power
  7. Cloudkiil
  8. Commune
  9. Commune with Nature
  10. Cone of Cold
  11. Conjure Elemental
  12. Conjure Volley
  13. Contact Other Plane
  14. Contagion
  15. Control Winds
  16. Creation
  17. Danse Macabre
  18. Dawn
  19. Destructive Wave
  20. Dispel Evil and Good
  21. Dominate Person
  22. Dream
  23. Enervation
  24. Far Step
  25. Flame Strike
  26. Geas
  27. Greater Restoration
  28. Hallow
  29. Hold Monster
  30. Holy Weapon
  31. Immolation
  32. Infernal Calling
  33. Insect Plague
  34. Legend Lore
  35. Maelstrom
  36. Mass Cure Wounds
  37. Mislead
  38. Modify Memory
  39. Negative Energy Flood
  40. Passwall
  41. Planar Binding
  42. Raise Dead
  43. Rary's Telepathic Bond
  44. Reincarnate
  45. Scrying
  46. Seeming
  47. Skill Empowerment
  48. Steel Wing-Strike
  49. Summon Celestial
  50. Summon Draconic Spirit
  51. Swift Quiver
  52. Synaptic Static
  53. Telekinesis
  54. Teleportation Circie
  55. Transmute Rock
  56. Tree Stride
  57. Wall of Force
  58. Wall of Light
  59. Wall of Stone
  60. Wrath of Nature

6th Level

  1. Arcane Gate
  2. Blade Barrier
  3. Bones of the Earth
  4. Chain Lightning
  5. Circle of Death
  6. Conjure Fey
  7. Contingency
  8. Create Homuriculus
  9. Create Undead
  10. Disintegrate
  11. Drawmij's Instant Summons
  12. Oruld Grove
  13. Eyebite
  14. Find the Path
  15. Fizban's Platinum Shield.
  16. Flesh to Stone
  17. Forbiddance
  18. Globe of Invulnerablitty
  19. Guards and Wards
  20. Harm
  21. Heal
  22. Heroes Feast
  23. Investiture of Flame
  24. Investiture of Ice
  25. Investiture of Stone
  26. Investiture of Wind
  27. Magic Jar
  28. Mass Suggestion
  29. Mental Prison
  30. Move Earth
  31. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
  32. Otto's Irresistible Dance
  33. Planar Ally
  34. Primordial Ward
  35. Programmed Illusion
  36. Scatter
  37. Soul Cage
  38. Summon Fiend
  39. Sunbeam
  40. Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
  41. Wenser's Transformation
  42. Transport via Plants
  43. True Seeing
  44. Wall of Ice
  45. Wall of Thoms
  46. Wind Waik
  47. Word of Recall

7th Level

  1. Conjure Celestial
  2. Crown of Stars
  3. Delayed Blast Fireb
  4. Divine Word
  5. Draconic Transformat
  6. Dream of the Blue Ve
  7. Etherealness
  8. Finger of Death
  9. Fire Storm
  10. Forcecage
  11. Mirage Arcane
  12. Mordenkainen's Ma
  13. Mordenkainen's Sw
  14. Plane Shift
  15. Power Word Pain
  16. Prismatic Spray
  17. Project Image
  18. Regenerate
  19. Resurrection
  20. Reverse Gravity
  21. Sequester
  22. Simulacrum
  23. Symbol
  24. Teleport
  25. Temple of the Gods
  26. Whirlwind

8th Level

  1. Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
  2. Animal Shapes
  3. Antimagic Field
  4. Antipathy/Sympathy
  5. Clone
  6. Control Weather
  7. Demiplane
  8. Dominate Monster
  9. Earthquake
  10. Feeblemind
  11. Glibness
  12. Holy Aura
  13. Illusory Dragon
  14. Incendiary Cloud
  15. Maddening Darkness
  16. Maze
  17. Mighty Fortress
  18. Mind Blank
  19. Power Word Stun
  20. Sunburst
  21. Telepathy
  22. Tsunami

9th Level

  1. Astral Projection
  2. Blade of Disaster
  3. Foresight
  4. Gate
  5. Imprisonment
  6. Invulnerability
  7. Mass Heal
  8. Mass Polymorph
  9. Meteor Swarm
  10. Power Word Heal
  11. Power Word Kill
  12. Prismatic Wall
  13. Psychic Scream
  14. Shapechange
  15. Storm of Vengeance
  16. Time Stop
  17. True Polymorph
  18. True Resurrection
  19. Weird
  20. Wish


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-A Truly Wild Mage-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:to not be able to cast a spell

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-Truley Wild Mage-> class, you gain the following proficiencies: 2 skill proficiencie of your choice

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