PFSRD:Prestidigitator's Cloak

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This material is published under the OGL 1.0a.

Price 17,200 gp; Aura faint illusion and transmutation; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.

This short black cloak grants its wearer a +8 competence bonus on Slight of Hand checks. Furthermore, as a full-round action, the cloak can be removed and placed on an single object that takes up a 5-foot square or less and weighs 100 lbs. or less, at which point the object disappears and is stored within an extradimensional space within the cloak. The object can remain in the cloak for no more than 1 hour, at which point it falls out of the cloak in a square adjacent to the cloak or its wearer. The wearer can also command the cloak to dispel the object into an adjacent square.

Construction Requirements[edit]

Cost 8,600 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, guidance, rope trick

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