Air Planetouched Warrior (5e Subclass)

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Planetouch Warrior (Fighter Subclass)

You have become attuned to the four elemental planes: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Those who manage to form a bond with the spirit of their plane are gifted with the powers of the beings that inhabit them.

Planar Contract

Starting at level 3 you must choose one of the four elemental planes to form a bond with from the list below. Depending which plane you choose, you will receive additional bonuses for each archetypal feature.


Path of Air: Once per long rest, you can call upon the Plane of Air to give you the gift of flight. For the next hour, you have a fly speed of 30 feet.You can now also hold your breath indefinitely while you are not incapacitated.

Windwalker: At 7th level, you move as graceful as the wind. Your base land speed is increased to 40 feet and you have advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws.

Windcutter: At 10th level, you learn to harness the wind and focus it into a sharp edge for your blade. Once per day as a bonus action, you may enchant your blade to sharpen the edge. For 1 minute, or until the spell ends, your attacks ignore all resistances.

Enhanced Critical: At 15th level you have enhanced your skills with the Plane of Air, granting you the ability to focus your strikes. Your weapon now scores a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.(Treads on one of the major points for choosing the CHAMPION Subclass)

Air Elementalist Master: At 18th level, you have mastered the elemental plane of air. Once per long rest you can use your bond with the plane of air and summon forth an Air Elemental. This elemental is your ally and will only attack who you command it to attack. It’s stats are the same as that in the monster manual.


Path of Fire: Your skin cracks and glows a burning red as the spirits of the plane of fire fill your soul. Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to imbue your attacks with searing heat. For the next hour, when you make a successful melee or ranged attack, you deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. This bonus increases to 1d6 at 7th level, 1d8 at 10th level, 2d6 at 15th, and 2d8 at 18th.

You also gain resistance to fire damage.

Thermal Eyes: At 7th level, you have to ability to sense and detect heat signatures from everything around you. You have darkvision out 60 feet. Anything beyond out to 120 feet is dim light.

Pyromancer: At 10th level, the flame in your heart strengthens and you given the ability to call forth the scorching flames of the Plane of Fire. Once per long or short rest, you may cast one of the following flame based spells from the list below.

Hellish Rebuke (2nd-level)

Burning Hands (2nd-level)

Fireball (3rd-level)

Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Beacon of Hope: At 15th level, you become a beacon that keeps the darkness at bay. Once per long rest you may use a bonus action to cause your body to erupt in a fiery glow, emitting a bright light out to 15 feet and dim light out to 30 feet. In addition, all allies within 20 feet of you and can see you receive an additional 1d4 fire damage to their melee and ranged attacks.

Final Resolution: At 18th level, the Plane of Fire has melded with your spirit. Once per long rest, you may use a bonus action to cause your body to burst in flames as you become a humanoid fire elemental. Choose up to two targets that are unaffected by you and on your turn you take 1d6 fire damage and all creatures within 15 feet of you who were not designated by you take 5d10 fire damage. You may dispel this ability as a bonus action and gain 1 level of exhaustion for every 5 rounds this ability is active.


Path of Earth: Your skin hardens to that of stone. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. In addition, you also have advantage on all Strength checks.

Stonewalker: Your attunement with the earth lets you feel even the slightest vibrations in the ground. At 7th level, you gain tremorsense out to 20 feet. You also are no longer affected by difficult terrain.

Bulwark Defense: Your skin grows a layer of magical stone growths. At 10th level, you may use a bonus action to give yourself a +3 AC bonus for 1 minute. You may use this ability once per short or long rest.

Mountain Strength: The Plane of Earth binds to your muscles, granting you incredible strength. At 15th level, you may use an action to increase your strength score to 24 for one hour. You may only use this ability once per long rest.

Golem Skin: The Plane of Earth has granted you the power of a stone golem. At 18th level, you may use your action to increase your size one category larger for one hour. Your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage and you have immunity to poison, bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from non-magical or adamantine weapons. You may use this ability once per long rest.


Path of Water: Your body adapts to aquatic life as the Plane of Water fills your mind. You can now hold your breath indefinitely underwater and have a swim speed of 40ft. You no longer need to drink water to survive.

You also have resistance to acid damage.

Hydraulic Push: At 7th level, you may use your action to shoot a quick blast of water that knocks down and soaks one target or square. The target must make a Strength saving throw. They take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 15 feet and knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half damage, they are not pushed, and they are not knocked prone.

Amorphous: At 10th level, you can morph the shape of your body. You are able to move through small spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. In addition, if you move through any water source, you may use a bonus action to hide, gaining a +10 bonus to stealth as your body melts into the water.

Serene Mind: At 15th level, you are immune to charm effects. Also, once per long rest, if you fail a wisdom saving throw you may choose to succeed instead.

Tide Caller: At 18th level, you have the ability to manipulate every molecule of water around you into a deadly force. You gain the ability to cast the spell Tsunami once per long rest. In addition, you have immunity to acid damage.

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