Avatar of Sacrifice (3.5e Epic Feat)

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Avatar of Sacrifice [Exalted, Epic]

Through the sacrifice of your very own lifeblood you heal you companions, so that they may fight on through your own strength.
Prerequisite: Initiate of Sacrifice, Acolyte of Sacrifice, Master of Sacrifice, Con 19 or higher, good aligned, and, character level 21 or higher
Benefit: A character with this feat can take damage up to three times her level to heal two times as much to all friendly creatures within 30 feet, but she can’t take more damage that she has hit points left. She can spread this ability on several uses during the day. She can also take 2 Constitution damage to heal all friendly creatures within 60 feet of the dazed, dazzled, fatigued, blinded, deafened, exhausted, nauseated, paralyzed or petrified status.

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