Talk:Widow Queen (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Revision as of 23:28, 28 October 2015 by Dusk Raven (talk | contribs)
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Is there no limit on the amount of vampire spawn you can control? Or is it determined by the amount controlled as if you were a vampire. Or your rebuke undead score. Same issue with the poisoned hearts.

If they don't give or even suggest a limit then No.

I would assume it's the same as the vampire, at least for the standard vampire spawn. It's up to the DM ultimately, but I think most DMs will want to prevent a Widow Queen from creating an endless tide of minions. Dusk Raven (talk) 17:28, 28 October 2015 (MDT)

Broken Ones and Poisoned Hearts[edit]

While the standard vampire spawn are undoubtedly undead, it's a little unclear whether the Broken Ones and Poisoned Hearts are. I assume they're still living, much like the Widow Queen herself? Dusk Raven (talk) 17:28, 28 October 2015 (MDT)