3.5e NPCs CR 6

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Name Race Levels Description
Adoros Tumblebelly halfling bard 3/scout 3 Halfling barkeeper and ex-adventurer
Briessa (Shadowherder) Half-elf Shadowherd 8 A woman with shadowy armor and a pair of matching wings smiles at you as though she's thoroughly enjoying herself, then forms matching black short swords from thin air.
Dijai Soulbound Human Psion (Seer) 5 The twin of Dijoi, who, while created by the gods, has outlived her use. Now a revolutionary leader.
Dijoi Soulbound Human Wilder lvl 5 The twin of Dijai, who, while created by the gods, has outlived his use. Now a revolutionary leader.
General Brotston Human 6 levels Though short, this man before you seems to fill you with courage.
Harlan human cleric 2/fighter 2/rogue 2 A jack-of-all trades, head of the Creekhaven adventurers guild.
Kilk Scar Half-orc Barbarian 5 Cast off creature from the Plane of Lust
Lucy Svensdottir human Rogue 6 Lieutenant of the thieves guild
Miggy the Render Half-Dragon (Black) Goblin Barbarian 1, Fighter 4 A jet-black goblin-dragon who likes to bully his goblin half-brothers
Nobility in Western Pansaer Various Various The noble men and women who make up the upper class in the western kingdoms.
Sir Silvershield human paladin 6 Sheriff of the Sewers.
The Hayworth Family
Twirling Sand catfolk ranger 6 Ranger under command of Kuvaroi.
Velvet Tea Half-Elf Villainous Sneak 6 An untrustworthy first mate on a pirate ship.
Viga Toecutter Goblin Ranger 3/Rogue 3 A goblin scout and assassin with a loose grip on sanity.
Vizidammar Human Rogue 6 A gifted scholar and alchemist who commands an army of undead through scientific methods and has a skewed moral compass.
Weird Morgan Halfling Adept 7 A healer and voodoo woman for the town of Blueblood.

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