Children of Green (3.5e Race)
There is much variation in the personalities of Children of Green. They are highly adaptable and flexible, more so than even Humans in some cases, as this is part of their biology as well as their culture. They are sensitive but they also have the ability to recover quickly and thoroughly, mentally as well as physically. They embrace progress and primarily heed history for the knowledge of successes and failures of the past it can yield, to repeat past successes while avoiding failures of the past.
Children of Green are also a biologically solitary species; they may have trouble with social interactions, and the mental shortcut of inferring traits of others based on labels of what group another is in is not automatic in them. Also, they do not have the deep need to belong that most races have and are entirely unaffected by social ostracism. This is related psychologically to the fact that it is rare indeed for a Child of Green to enjoy watching competitive sports.
There are also no personality differences between male and female Children of Green.
Physical Description
Children of Green are slightly taller than humans due in part to their digitigrade leg structure and ears. They have what appears to be hair on their head, but it is actually still-living strands covered in glass-like feathers similar to the rest of their body. Their eyes can be any color, but are most commonly red in males and golden in females. Because their biology differs greatly from most of the other races, they never developed a nudity taboo, but will wear clothing for warmth in cold places.
Body design
Children of Green are more or less human in shape, but they are digitigrade, walking on their toes. Their face protrudes forward in such a way that they can see to their sides effectively without sacrificing binocular vision; the nose is primarily internalized. Their ears are more like those of animals, being located about halfway between the location of human ears and the very top of their head, and extending approximately 2 inches above their head. On their backs are wings. Their wingspan from wingtip to wingtip, when fully extended, is wider than they are tall: 4/3rds as wide, approximately. The wing shape more closely resembles the wing of a modern-day passenger jet than that of a bird or other animal. The wings are used for maneuvering in midair and are fully controllable using a joint system similar to that of the spine. On the wingtip the structure does not terminate as a plane wing, but instead splits into three tufts used to aid maneuvering.
The Children of Green have a distinct coloration pattern. Their skin is mostly red in females and mostly blue in males, except for the white patches described here; their hair is the same color as their skin. Their feet (actually, toes, as they are digitigrade) are entirely white. Their hands are white on the palm side. The tufts on the ends of their wings are white, and there is a triangle shape of white with the base being the end of the tufts and the tip being further up the wing on both the front and back of their wings. The region of their lower leg homologous to the underside of the foot in humans is also white. There are white rings around their thighs, with the outer part significantly higher than the inner part. On their front, the red or blue coloration goes up to cover their chest; on their sides and back it ends halfway up the abdomen. There is a diamond-shaped patch of white around their navel. On the center of the chest (below the coloration cutoff line) there is a triangle- or diamond-shaped patch of white bordered by blue in females or red in males. This is their "name patch", because their names are derived from it. Their arms are white down to the elbow; the inside of their elbow is white. Their head is white except for their hair and a patch of red or blue in the shape of a triangle with two rounded sides; the flat side is past their hairline. Their upper eyelid is on the red or blue inside of this shape and their lower eyelid is on the white outside. Within this shape, there is another, white, rounded triangle, similar to and oriented the same as the outer one.
Children of Green are a new race, having only existed for a few hundred years. Many races see them as an anomaly, and see them as dangerous: that they could come from nowhere to kill; or worse, attack disguised as a loved one. These paranoid fears are by no means unfounded, as there have been some rogue Children of Green who have killed as such, but they are very rare and entirely unrepresentative of the society.
Humans: Of all the common PC races, the ones most likely to associate with Children of Green are Humans. This is due in part to Humans' greater levels of other species in their lands, and perhaps in part to the fact that Children of Green are believed to have been supernaturally altered from Humans at some point.
Kobolds: Children of Green, upon first encountering Kobolds, treated them as a sapient species, beginning by an attempt at diplomacy. Since Kobolds are rarely respected and practically never treated as equals, the end result was a surprising alliance. During this war, it was later not uncommon for troops of Children of Green to be supported by Kobold troops, especially their sorcerers. Kobolds will not raid villages of Children of Green and vice versa.
Aboleths: Water-dwelling Children of Green have had encounters with Aboleths. These have ended in conflict enough times that Children of Green have evolved an immunity to the Aboleths' slime and enslavement abilities and developed a weapon specifically designed to kill Aboleths: the Aquatic Ballista. Because of these factors and the fact that Aboleths do not know the origin of Children of Green, Aboleths respect Children of Green and avoid attacks on their territory or the territory of their allies. Occasionally Aboleths and Children of Green will trade; Children of Green can obtain useful surface items and materials Aboleths cannot get otherwise and will sell or trade these to Aboleths at a high price, always including that the Aboleths release some amount of their slaves as part of the deal.
Illithids (Mind Flayers): Children of Green and Illithids hate each other with a vengeance. Illithids hate Children of Green because they are impossible to harvest brains from; Children of Green hate Illithids for eating brains and being a scourge upon the land. Any encounter between these diametrically opposed species will inevitably result in conflict. In some cases Children of Green have sacked Illithid villages and captured their tadpoles, which are then raised and become civilized Neothelids.
Alignment Outsiders: Children of Green often do not get along well with Outsiders linked heavily to certain Outer Planes, predominantly those planes with a fixed alignment. With Evil planes the reasons are obvious; but others may dislike them for their inability to serve the gods, or their affiliation with change and attachment to the Material Plane. An exception is the Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good planes, which are more accepting of them.
Any. Most often Neutral or Good alignments.
Children of Green can be found anywhere where it is not too cold, whether this is on land or in water, although it is often very difficult to find them. They are more common (relatively speaking) in warmer areas.
Their settlements typically have anti-scrying fields around them. Their larger cities often have a large amount of psionic effects designed to jam magic set up around them, to the level that magic-based attempts to scry on or from it, even ones on the level of gods, will fail; magic cast from the outside of the barrier to the inside will fail; and magic cast from the inside has a +15% failure rate for Arcane magic and a +30% failure rate for Divine magic. This is part of the city's defenses. These barriers are spherical and projected from specialized buildings in the city center.
The Children of Green do not worship any gods. This is not due to disbelief of their existence: Children of Green know fully of the existence of the gods, but they have a realistic view of the gods as well, seeing them as essentially very powerful outsiders. Outsiders generally dislike Children of Green because of their total disconnection from other planes, and the gods, due to this disconnection, do not receive sustenance or power when Children of Green worship them. Those Children of Green who have attempted to become clerics of a specific god have generally had their magic fail, either outright or at utterly inopportune times. Due to such clear statements of enmity, Children of Green do not worship gods. Instead, their clerics and other casters channel energy directly from causes, alignments, concepts, and other such non-sentient sources for divine magic, rather than channeling it from the gods. Although they do not worship the gods, they try to avoid aggravating them. They do venerate their ancestors Green and Aqua, the first two of their race, and those from whom they get the name "Children of Green"; although more as heroes than as gods. These two are known to still be alive and probably on the Material Plane; they are equivalent to very high level (60+ Class Levels) Children of Green, but are unable to respond to requests for Divine Magic.
Children of Green, notably, do not have a creation myth. They believe that the multiverse is very old, older than most creation myths state, and that there was much time before the Aboleths or even the gods existed.
There may or may not be one or more gods who will respond to Children of Green as clerics; if there is, which one or ones would is unclear.
Children of Green have their own language, Prismatic. This language is not spoken, but is composed of color and visual effects. This language is seemingly unrelated to any other known language. It is possible to learn Prismatic, but it cannot be spoken without the ability to make and control visual effects similar to those innately used by Children of Green. An easy way to do this is with the Silent Image spell.
Prismatic can be written (or rather, recorded) with colored ink on paper.
Children of Green also typically speak Common and/or the local language.
When a Child of Green uniformly tenses the muscles controlling the feathers on the inside of the different-colored patch on their chest, the inside of the patch appears as a color unique to that Child of Green. (This is a variant of their ability to change their appearance at will.) This color is their name. (It is possible for another Child of Green to replicate this color, but not as innately.) When they must communicate their name to another verbally rather than optically, they use the word from the language being used that most closely applies to the color.
For players and Dungeon Masters to more specifically determine a Child of Green's color-name, use the HTML hex codes for color. For example: the progenitors of the Child of Green race. Green has color 00B200 or 0-178-0, and Aqua has color 00FFFF or 0-256-256.
Racial Traits
- +2 Dex, +2 Cha. Children of Green are agile and strong of will.
- Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic): Children of Green are not subject to attacks or abilities that exclusively affect Humanoids.
- Racial Hit Dice: A Child of Green starts with two levels of Monstrous Humanoid, which give them 2d8+CON modifier HP, a Base Attack Bonus of +2 and base Saving Throw bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +3, and Will +3.
- Racial Skill Points: A Child of Green's Monstrous Humanoid levels give it 5×(3+Int modifier, minimum 1) Skill Points. A Child of Green's Class Skills are Innate Psi, Knowledge (local), Spot, Listen, Swim, Survival, and Sense Motive.
- Racial Feats: A Child of Green's Monstrous Humanoid levels give it one feat.
- Medium size: A Child of Green gets no special bonuses or penalties for size.
- A Child of Green's base land speed is 30 feet.
- Class Restrictions: Children of Green may not become Druids. A Child of Green who becomes a different type of dominant divine caster, such as a Cleric, has a Base Attack Bonus progression as a Wizard and only one good save. This save is Will if the class normally has a good Will save, Fortitude if it doesn't but has a good Fortitude save, and Reflex otherwise. A Child of Green who becomes any kind of divine caster (Ranger, Druid, Paladin) may only prepare spells that he or she either can cast spontaneously, or has successfully identified with a Spellcraft check to identify a spell. A Child of Green who takes ranks in a class that gains Powers and Power Points only gains half as many Power Points as usual for that class.
- Scent (Ex): Children of Green have a stronger sense of smell than humans.
- Magic and Psionic restrictions: Children of Green may not use their Levitation, Swim speed, or Illusory Vanish/Transform abilities and cast spells or manifest powers (except Racial Powers) at the same time.
- Improved vision (Ex): Children of Green take a -1 penalty on their spot checks only for every 20 feet of distance instead of for every 10 feet of distance in bright light. They also have Low-Light Vision.
- Levitation (Su): Children of Green are able to levitate as a Psionic Supernatural ability. A Child of Green's Fly speed is 60 feet (perfect). This functions within an envelope of 3 feet per Character Level from a solid or liquid surface. Any surface is valid, such as the ocean, the wall of a tower, or the wing of a dragon. If they are outside this envelope they must make an Innate Psi check against DC 10 + 2 for every 5 feet from the nearest envelope border. This check is a free action and can normally be taken 10 on. If they fail they will fall as normal or until they reach an envelope border or until they have fallen the round's falling distance. If they do not reach a safety envelope or land within one round they may make another check on subsequent rounds. Armor Check Penalties count double on these checks, and if the Child of Green is wearing armor or carrying a shield, the envelope's radius is reduced by 10 feet for Light armor, 15 feet for Medium armor, 25 feet for Heavy armor, 5 feet for a shield, and 10 feet for a Tower Shield.
- Swim speed (Su): A Child of Green's Swim speed is 45 feet as a Psionic Supernatural ability. In a location where psionics do not function they gain a +4 Racial bonus on Swim checks instead.
- Underwater breathing (Ex): Children of Green do not drown in water, or in any liquid with sufficient oxygen.
- Natural Weapons (Ex): Children of Green have 2 Claws 1d4 Melee. A Child of Green can either attack with one claw, attack with two claws both at a -2 penalty to their Attack Rolls, or attack with one weapon and one claw. If wielding one weapon and one claw, the weapon takes penalties as if fighting with a light off-hand weapon, and the claw attack takes only a -2 penalty. In any case their claws critical at (18-20/x2). For some reason, their claws are also able to attack Incorporeal creatures.
- Psionic resistance (Ex): Children of Green have Psionic Resistance of 6 + Character level + CHA modifier. This does not work against magic.
- Racial pseudopowers (Ex): Children of Green have abilities that function like psionic powers and can be used as psionics, but are considered extraordinary abilities when used by a Child of Green. These require racial Power Points to use. See below.
- Racial weak points: Children of Green take double damage from Darkness damage, Cold damage, Radiation damage, attacks from the Ethereal Plane (when on the Material Plane), and stings or bites from insects. In addition, if a Child of Green enters the radius of a nondamaging spell of this group, they will take damage according to the spell level. Level 0 spells deal 1d3-1 damage, level 1 spells deal 1d3 damage, level 2 1d4, level 3-4 1d6, level 5-6 1d8, level 7 1d10, level 8 1d12, and level 9 spells deal 2d6 damage.
- Improved Immune System: Children of Green have a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against disease and poison. If a Child of Green is exposed to a disease or poison and recovers, they take a cumulative +2 bonus to any saves against that same disease or poison in the future. In the progress of a disease, a Child of Green gets a stacking +1 bonus on future Fortitude saves made to overcome that disease every time they fail a Fortitude save against that disease. (This affects future attempts to overcome the disease if it is caught again, but not saves to resist getting the disease.) A Child of Green can heal naturally even from diseases that do not normally allow successful saves to heal by making four successful saves in a row. If the flesh or blood of a Child of Green is ingested, the one ingesting takes 2d6 points of damage instead of any benefits they would normally get. (If the Child of Green is dead, this damage is reduced by 1 for every two days they have been deceased.) If a parasite (such as an Illithid Larva or Tsochar, or a more common parasite such as a tick or stomach worm) attacks a Child of Green it must succeed at a Fortitude save at DC20 or DC (10 + 1/2 Child of Green's Character Level + Child of Green's CON modifier), whichever is higher, upon entry and every hour thereafter while still attached, or take 4d6 points of Constitution damage. Internal parasites reduced to 0 Constitution or lower by this are fully digested by the Child of Green's immune system. Fully external parasites (such as leeches) are generally unable to latch onto a Child of Green due to the Child of Green's glass-like feathers; if they do, they must succeed on a Fortitude save against DC 16 or (6+1/2 Child of Green's Character level+Child of Green's CON modifier), whichever is higher, upon attachment and every hour thereafter, or take 3d3 CON damage and fall off.
- Resilience to Aboleth attacks (Ex): As an extension of the above, Children of Green have encountered Aboleths in combat repeatedly and have become immune to Aboleths' Slime and Enslave abilities.
- Positive/Negative Energy Disconnect (Ex): Children of Green are not tied to the Positive or Negative Energy Planes, and are therefore less susceptible to positive or negative energy attacks or healing. When a Child of Green is healed with positive energy, including most magic healing, instead of being healed, they gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the amount they would have been healed by, and lose these temporary hit points at a rate of 1 every 1d3 minutes. (Roll every time one is lost.) When a Child of Green is attacked with negative energy, any damage inflicted by it is Nonlethal Damage that is healed at a rate of 1 point every 1d4 minutes. When a Child of Green is affected by a Negative Level, any Hit Point loss is converted to 10 nonlethal damage per Negative Level that heals 1 point every 2d4 minutes instead, and they cannot be killed by Negative Levels. When they recover 10 Nonlethal Damage from Negative Levels, 1 Negative Level is removed. If a Child of Green is returned to life with a positive energy-based spell (including but not limited to Raise Dead, Resurrection, or True Resurrection), all Hit Points regained are temporary and go away at a rate of 1 every 1d3 minutes, even if this would kill them again. Reincarnate can be used to raise a Child of Green from the dead if it is prepared and cast as a 5th-level spell; if this is done, it will return them to life as a Child of Green with 0 HP remaining, but stable. If Clone is used to make a living but soulless replica of a Child of Green's body, placing their crystallized soul to it will cause it to assimilate and revive them at full HP. A Child of Green may make a Will save if they do not want to be returned to life by a spell or power; if this save is not taken or fails, they are revived anyway. A Child of Green's body (without the crystalline soul) can be made into a non-sentient Undead, in which case it will be affected by positive and negative energy normally for an undead. If a Child of Green's body is made into a non-sentient Undead directly from living, the crystalline soul has a 50% chance of being ejected from the body in the process. Otherwise it is only internally disconnected. A Child of Green can willingly be turned into a sentient Undead. A Child of Green's body can be unwillingly made into a sentient Undead, but this requires the crystalline soul as well and it is entitled to a Will save against the creature transforming it. If this is successful there is a 50% chance that they will not transform; otherwise they will transform, but maintain their original alignment and be subject to no control of the transforming creature, while if it fails they will be transformed and have their alignment changed and be under the control of the transforming creature as appropriate. Any Child of Green turned into an Undead loses their Improved Natural Healing and is affected by positive and negative energy as normal for an Undead. In the case that a Child of Green voluntarily becomes a Lich, the process costs the same amount, but the phylactery is replaced with the Child of Green's crystalline soul and the process consists of removing it from their body without entirely killing them, establishing a link to the Negative Energy Plane, and making it so that their detached soul can control their body as such.
- Crystalline Soul (Ex): The soul of a Child of Green is abnormal, being very firmly attached to their body. It cannot be removed while they are still living, even by such attacks as Trap the Soul, which will fail automatically. This is because it is in fact a physical object: a crystal orb, perfectly spherical and glowing with a light from within, located directly behind the shape on their chest. This crystal has a hardness equal to 10 + 1/2 the Child of Green's Character Level + their CHA modifier, and a Hit Point total equal to double their Character Level. It cannot be harmed if still in contact with the living body of the Child of Green. Upon death, it will be violently torn from the front of the body. If this crystal is destroyed, so will their soul be destroyed. This crystal alone counts as a portion of the body for purposes of revitalizing spells and powers, and must be present for such powers to take effect. A side effect of this strong bind and crystallization is that Children of Green cannot undergo permanent level loss, even when raised from death. If a Child of Green becomes a Ghost or otherwise gains the Incorporeal subtype, this crystal manifests fully if they manifest, becoming a fully corporeal solid object visible in their chest.
- Improved natural healing (Ex): Instead of healing 1 hit point per character level only after 8 hours' sleep, this healing takes place every 2 hours. If they are fatigued, this duration increases to 4 hours, and if they are exhausted, the duration is 6 hours. This does not affect the rate that Ability Damage is healed at.
- Illusory Vanish/Transform: A Child of Green is covered with glass-like feathers. These can be used to reflect and refract light in such a way that the Child of Green becomes invisible. This requires a successful DC 10 or (5+Wind Speed) Racial Psi or Concentration check. This does not cause the equipment or clothing of the Child of Green, if any is present, to become invisible; these make it practically useless in such cases. Alternatively, the Child of Green may use their feathers to appear to change form adding their Racial Psi score to their Disguise check and ignoring penalties for appearing as a creature smaller than themselves if used to make a Disguise check, and if used to make a Disguise check, the time preparing the disguise reduces to 0. As the transformation is skin-level, if the Child of Green is wearing inappropriate equipment or clothing, the disguise will not function. For either of these effects, the Child of Green must make a Racial Psi check at DC 5 + (Wind Speed in MPH/2) upon activation, and any time the speed or direction of the wind changes. If this check fails, they shimmer noticeably and their disguise or invisibility is rendered useless.
- Unusual Form (Ex): Armor made for a standard humanoid will not fit a Child of Green due to their wings and abnormal legs. If the armor does not include legs or a closed-face helmet, a DC 5 Craft (Armorsmithing) check can jury-rig it to fit a Child of Green by cutting wing-holes into it. Any armor without leg components or a closed-face helmet costs the same for a Child of Green, but either of these components necessitates that the armor must be custom-made at a cost 10% more than usual. If an armor type has both components, the cost increase is 20%. Children of Green also suffer a -2 penalty to the AC of Medium armor and a -4 penalty to the AC of Heavy armor unless it also contains custom components for their wings. Wing armor must be custom made. Medium armor wing components cost 85% as much as normal armor of the type and increases the armor's weight by 75%. Heavy armor wing components cost 120% as much as normal armor of the type and double the armor's weight.
- Regrow/Reattach Limb/Organ (Ex): Children of Green are able to regrow or reattach limbs or vital organs, albeit slowly, as Table: Child of Green Regeneration below. This is not pretty, but once done, does not leave scars. It is possible for a Child of Green to fully recover from decapitation or destruction/removal of an acutely vital organ if they are not critically wounded besides the decapitation/vital damage wound. If a Child of Green attempts to reattach a body part, the body part must be directly on the point from which it was removed; this generally requires that it be held to the stump with bandages for severed limbs. A DC 15 Heal check is required to properly secure it, although lesser severances will probably heal fast enough that the Child of Green can simply hold the lost body part to the wound until reattachment, nullifying this. If a Child of Green loses and regrows their head, upon regrowth they are still considered to have their Intelligence score damaged to 0 and must regrow it naturally at the standard rate of 1 point per 24 hours.
- Planar Anomaly: If a Child of Green travels to the Astral Plane, their physical body actually enters the plane. They have no Astral Cord and it is possible for them to be trapped in the Astral Plane. If the gem that contains a deceased Child of Green's soul is on the Astral Plane it will form an Astral body identical to the body they had before death; if this Astral body is killed, their Soul Gem will be destroyed. Children of Green may not need to eat, sleep or breathe on the Astral Plane because it is timeless (DM's decision).
- Children of Green have Monstrous Humanoid traits, except that they do not have Darkvision. Therefore they are proficient with all simple weapons, but no armor or shields.
- Racial Weapon Proficiency (Ex): Children of Green are proficient with any crossbows, the Iron Claws/Iron Nails (essentially gloves with claws), and all siege weapons that it is possible to be proficient with.
- Automatic Languages: Prismatic, one other language (typically Common). Bonus Languages: Any.
- Favored Class: Any.
- Level Adjustment +1.
Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
16 years | +1d4 | +1d6 | +2d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
50 years | 75 years | 100 years | +3d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 5’ 0” | +1d10+1d12 | 110 lb. | × (2d4-1) lb. |
Female | 4’ 9” | +2d12 | 100 lb. | × (2d4-1) lb. |
The weight given is the Child of Green's effective weight when at rest in Earth's atmospheric pressure when gravity is 9.8 meters/second/second. This is lighter than their mass would imply because their bodies store helium gas specifically to decrease their effective weight. To get their weight in a vacuum, and from there their mass, double their weight value to account for their wings.
Severed | Reattachment time | Regrowth time |
Extremities (e.g. finger, ear) | 6 seconds (1 full-round action) | 2d3 hours |
Hands, complex nonvital organs (e.g. eye) | 1d4 minutes | 3d6 hours |
Arms, semivital organs (e.g. liver, intestines) | 6d10 minutes | 2d4 days |
Legs, wings, vital organs (e.g. heart, lungs) | 2d4 hours | 3d3 weeks |
Head, mostly brain | 4d12 hours | 2d3 months |
Child of Green Psionic Powers
A Child of Green is naturally able to manifest several racial powers. The saving throws against these powers are 10 + Power level + Child of Green's Constitution Modifier, and the maximum amount of Power Points that can be spent on a single power is equal to the Child of Green's Character Level. For the purposes of overcoming Psionic Resistance, treat the Child of Green's Character Level as his Manifester Level.
A Child of Green cannot use standard Power Points to manifest racial powers. Instead, a Child of Green must spend Skill Points to put ranks into a special skill only available to them, Innate Psi, to gain racial Power Points. Racial Power Points may be used to manifest racial powers. If a Child of Green has levels in a class able to manifest psionic powers, the Child of Green may use racial Power Points to pay the costs of part or all of a power manifested as that class.
The Child of Green must have sufficient ranks in Innate Psi to learn a power of a given level; use a Child of Green's Innate Psi rank as their Manifester Level when determining what the highest level of power they may know is. [auto] means that the Child of Green will automatically get the power upon reaching that rank while [learned] means that the Child of Green must learn the power from another who knows it.
Even though a Child of Green may know an infinite number of racial powers, there is a limit to those one may use. A Child of Green must choose up to 4 powers that they know to be "armed", and may only manifest these "armed" powers, not other powers. They may reselect the powers they have "armed" in several ways. First, upon learning a new power they may immediately "arm" it and "disarm" another power that is "armed"; second, they may reselect which powers are "armed" from ones they know on level up; third, and most commonly, if one week or more has passed since a Child of Green last changed which powers they have "armed", they may reselect which powers are "armed" from the ones they know. The one power that they may manifest without it being "armed" is Dream Projection.
When making Innate Psi checks, add the Charisma modifier to the roll.
Child of Green Power Points (by rank in Innate Psi skill) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 14 | 18 | 22 | 26 | 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60 | 68 | 76 | 84 | 92 | 100 | 110 | 120 |
Telepathy, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 0 [auto], Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | Variable |
Range: | Unlimited and Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) |
Targets: | See text |
Duration: | 1 minute if not in danger, 1 round per Manifester Level (up to 10) if in danger |
Saving Throw: | No |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 1 |
The manifester is able to project what they sense to another, who may in turn project it to those surrounding them. This power has a complex effect. First, the manifester must close their eyes for one Standard Action. During this standard action they are "pinging" one who is emotionally very close to them (this may be a parent or child, a sibling, a mate, or a very close friend) and who also has either Power Points (including Child of Green Power Points), ranks in a class either able to manifest psionic powers or cast arcane spells, or ranks in Soulknife. The distance between the manifester and the receiver is irrelevant. If this link is received and accepted by the other, the manifester becomes aware of this, and on the next round they open their eyes, which begin glowing with an almost-white blue light, as do the receiver's, as the link has been established; proceed to the next paragraph. If the receiver rejects the signal for whatever reason or is unable to receive it, the manifester expends 1 Power Point.
Once the link has been established, the manifester expends 1 Power Point and the receiver begins receiving the sensory input of the manifester. The receiver may choose to project this to those within a close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 Manifester Levels or ranks in Innate Psi) radius by spending 1 Power Point. The duration of this link is 1 minute if the manifester is not in direct danger, and 1 round per Manifester Level or rank in Innate Psi (to a maximum of 1 minute (10 rounds)) if the manifester is in direct danger. At the end of this duration the manifester may stop sending the signal, or spend another Power Point and increase the duration by the given duration. Meanwhile the recipient may continue projecting for an identical duration, and must spend 1 Power Point at the end of this duration to extend it by the same amount. The recipient may at will cut off the projection, but they must spend another Power Point to begin it again. The recipient may spend an unlimited amount of Power Points on projection, but the manifester may only spend a number of Power Points up to their Manifester Level; when the duration wherein they spent the Power Point that would make the power have cost this maximum amount, the projection ends. The manifester may end the projection prematurely at any time as a Free Action. All actions of the recipient related to this Power are likewise Free Actions.
Psychometabolism, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 1 [auto], Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) |
Target: | Ray |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude partial; see text |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 2 |
The manifester fires a jet of blue fire from their hand, or mouth if manifested by a Child of Green as a Racial Power. The manifester must succeed on a ranged Touch attack against the target. This does 1d8 Radiation and Fire damage to the target, and the target takes 1d4 damage to Strength. A successful save reduces each 1d8 of damage to 1d4 Radiation (only) damage and negates the stunning and sickening effects.
Regardless of the success of the attack, the target must make a separate save or be afflicted with the Disease "Radiation Sickness" with a DC equal to the Saving Throw for the power, an immediate incubation period, and does 1d6 damage and 1d3-1 (temporary) Constitution damage on a failed save.
This power is considered an Extraordinary Ability if manifested by a Child of Green as a racial power.
Augment: For every additional power point spent on this power, the damage increases by 1d8 (1d4 on a successful save) and the Save DC against the attack increases by 1. For every 2 power points spent augmenting this power in this way, the manifester gets a +1 bonus on the Attack Roll and the Save DC of the associated Disease increases by 1. If 4 or more power points are spent in this way, the damage to Strength increases to 2d4.
Reverse Augment: The manifester can spend only 1 power point and emit only enough flame to light a fire.
Psychometabolism, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 2 [auto], Psion/Wilder 2, Psychic Warrior 2 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Manifester |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 2 |
The manifester's wounds are healed by a white glow. For every 2 Power Points spent on this power, the manifester chooses one of their Hit Dice, rolls a die of that size, adds their Constitution modifier to the result, and heals an amount of HP equal to the end result. Each Hit Die may only be used once per manifestation. (For example, a Child of Green with one rank in Barbarian and Constitution 10 could spend 2 Power Points to restore either 1d12+1d8 HP, or 2d8 HP, but not 2d12 HP.)
Augment: For every 2 additional Power Points spent on this power, the number of Hit Dice restored increases by 1.
Psychokinesis, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 3 [auto], Psion/Wilder 2, Psychic Warrior 2 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Touch or (50 ft. + 5 ft./level) or Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) |
Targets: | Touch or Ray or Spread |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial; see text |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 4 |
This power can only be learned by a male manifester. The equivalent for a female manifester is Mist Ball (below).
The manifester glows with an intensely bright light, then either slams into the enemy with it, fires it as a beam, or releases it as a pulse. This searing light damages the foe and reduces their magic/psionic defenses. Treat this damage to saves and SR/PR as Ability Damage. The damage type is Light damage for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction, Regeneration, et cetera.
Slam subpower: The attack does 2d8 damage and does 1d6 damage to each of the target's Saving Throws, and 1d8 damage to the target's Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. The manifester must succeed on a Touch attack, and the target gets no save.
Beam subpower: The attack does 2d4 damage and does 1d3 damage to each of the target's Saving Throws, and 1d4 damage to the target's Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. The maximum range is 50 feet plus 5 feet per level. The manifester must succeed on a ranged Touch attack, and the target gets no save.
Burst subpower: The attack hits everything within a radius of 25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 levels, including walls, objects, and allies. It does not go around corners. Potential targets behind cover are not affected, even if they are within the blast radius. The attack does 1d6 damage to anything it hits, as well as 1d3-1 damage to each of the target's Saving Throws and 1d4-1 damage to the target's Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. Anything hit by the attack can attempt a Fortitude save to take half damage and no damage to Saving Throws or Spell/Power Resistance.
Augment: For every additional Power Point spent on this power, the manifester inflicts 2d8 more damage for Slam subpower, 2d4 more for Beam subpower, or 1d6 more for Burst subpower. For every 2 Power Points spent in this way, the manifester gets a +1 bonus on the attack roll when using the Slam subpower and the Save DC for the Burst subpower is increased by 1. For every 3 power points spent in this way, the manifester gets a +1 bonus on the attack roll when using the Beam subpower. For every 4 Power Points spent in this way the Save DC for the Burst subpower is increased by 1.
Psychokinesis, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 3 [auto], Psion/Wilder 3, Psychic Warrior 3 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Touch or (50 ft. + 5 ft./level) or Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) |
Targets: | Touch or Ray or Spread |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial; see text |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 4 |
This power can only be learned by a female manifester. The equivalent for a male manifester is Luster Purge (above).
The manifester is surrounded with a sphere of glass-like down with a bright barely-blue glow,, then either slams into the enemy with it, hurls it at the target, or releases it as a burst. This damages the foe and reduces their ability to use magic or psionic attacks. Treat this damage to offensive magic capabilities as Ability Damage. The damage type is Slashing and Force damage for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction, Regeneration, et cetera.
Slam subpower: The attack does 2d8 damage and does 1d6 damage to the target's Save DCs (the DCs for the target's Saving Throws when the target is using magic or psionics), and 1d8 damage to the target's effective Caster and/or Manifester Levels for purposes of overcoming Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. The manifester must succeed on a Touch attack, and the target gets no save.
Thrown subpower: The attack does 2d4 damage and does 1d3 damage to each of the target's Save DCs, and 1d4 damage to the target's effective Caster and/or Manifester Levels for purposes of overcoming Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. The maximum range is 50 feet plus 5 feet per level. The manifester must succeed on a ranged Touch attack, and the target gets no save.
Burst subpower: The attack hits everything within a radius of 25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 levels, including walls, objects, and allies. It does not go around corners. Potential targets behind cover are not affected, even if they are within the blast radius. The attack does 1d6 damage to anything it hits, as well as 1d3-1 damage to each of the target's Saving Throws and 1d4-1 damage to the target's effective Caster and/or Manifester Levels for purposes of overcoming Spell Resistance or Power Resistance. Anything hit by the attack can attempt a Fortitude save to take half damage and no damage to Save DCs or effective Caster/Manifester level.
Augment: For every additional Power Point spent on this power, the manifester inflicts 2d8 more damage for Slam subpower, 2d4 more for Thrown subpower, or 1d6 more for Burst subpower. For every 2 Power Points spent in this way, the manifester gets a +1 bonus on the attack roll when using the Slam subpower and the Save DC for the Burst subpower is increased by 1. For every 3 power points spent in this way, the manifester gets a +1 bonus on the attack roll when using the Thrown subpower. For every 4 Power Points spent in this way the Save DC for the Burst subpower is increased by 1.
Psychometabolism, Child of Green (ex) [see text] | |
Level: | Child of Green 3 [auto], Psion/Wilder 3, Psychic Warrior 3 |
Display: | Visual (cannot be dispensed with), see text |
Manifesting Time: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | User |
Duration: | 2d6 rounds |
Saving Throw: | No |
Power Resistance: | No |
Power Points: | 4 |
As the display, the manifester closes their eyes during the manifesting time; during the duration of the power, their eyes are open, and their entire eye is glowing with their normal eye color. For the duration of the power, the user's movements seem almost like a dance to music that is not present, or to some sort of primal "battle rhythm".
The manifester goes into an altered state of mind and body. During the manifesting time they lose half their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class; but once it is fully manifested, their Strength and Dexterity each get a +2 boost, they get a +2 bonus on Will saves, they are treated as if they had the Uncanny Dodge class feature for the duration of the power, and their base land speed increases by 5 feet for the duration of the power. For the duration of the power, they may not make skill checks based on Intelligence or Charisma (except for Intimidate and Racial Psi) or Heal, Profession, Open Lock, [[SRD:Sleight of Hand_Skill|Sleight of Hand, or [[SRD:Use Rope_Skill|Use Rope checks; they may not cast spells, manifest powers (except for other Child of Green racial powers), or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell/power trigger, or spell/power completion to function; they may not use item creation feats, metamagic feats, or metapsionic feats; and they cannot speak. At the end of the power's duration, the manifester's ability scores and Base Land Speed return to normal and the manifester is dazed for 1 round.
Augment: For every additional 2 Power Points spent on this power, the manifesting time increases by 1 move action, the duration increases by 1d6 rounds, and the bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and their Will save are each increased by 1 (to a maximum total of +6). For every 4 power points spent in this way their Base Land Speed increases by 5 feet to a total maximum of 15 feet, and after the first additional 4 Power Points spent on the power, the manifester is treated as having the Improved Uncanny Dodge class feature for the duration of the power. If they are wearing no armor they get a +1 Dodge bonus to AC for the duration of the power once the Power Point cost reaches 6, and this increases to +2 when the Power Point cost reaches 12.
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