Rat-Catcher's Flute (3.5e Equipment)

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The Rat-Catcher's Flute: This masterwork silver flute has a very unique enchantment on it. In the right hands, it can be either humorous or terrifying.

The Pied Man's Melody: The Rat-Catcher's Flute always comes with a slip of paper with notes on it. When this exact melody is played, a swarm of rats will arrive on the artist's next turn (or 10 seconds later when out of combat) and do his bidding, even at risk of death. They will only disperse if the artist wishes them to, otherwise they will continue to follow him for the remainder of the day or until he fails to play any music on this flute for 3 consecutive hours.

If any other melody is played on this flute for any other reason, a single rat will arrive and follow the artist, but not do his bidding, and won't follow him into death. If the flute is used again later, another rat will appear, and so on. The maximum possible number of rats summoned in this manner is 10. These rats will automatically disperse at the end of the day or if the artist fails to play any music for 3 consecutive hours. If the Pied Man's Melody is played while these kinds of rats are already present, they will begin to do the artist's bidding, and join the swarm when it arrives.

Ratmen get -8 on all saves against spells cast by this flute. If they roll less than a 10 on the save, they must also make a DC 15 Will save or become Fascinated.

If a Ratman uses this flute, he must make a DC 10 Will save or become Fascinated by his own song.

Weak enchantment; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, Charm Animal, Summon Swarm; Cost 2,000; Activation: Use activated; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 4,000 gp

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