Talk:Pooka (SAO) (3.5e Race)

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Revision as of 23:23, 26 May 2014 by Zau (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See my comment on the Spriggan race for core stuff. Specific to this race; this race lacks a spellcasting ability like all the others seem to have. I'd recomend giving it one ...")
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See my comment on the Spriggan race for core stuff. Specific to this race; this race lacks a spellcasting ability like all the others seem to have. I'd recomend giving it one to keep them consistent; maybe make them get bard spellcasting if you chose the racial HD path. Not sure which CL/DC bonus to give, perhaps charm spells; same class for any spell-like abilites. The Performance Containment ability seems similar to making magical scrolls; I'd suggest co-opting that as a modified feat (basically, the Pooka can create a 'spell-flask' that acts in the same manner as a scroll). Zau (talk) 23:23, 26 May 2014 (MDT)

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