Savage Tendencies (3.5e Trait)

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Savage Tendencies

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made by you when you make an attack with a natural weapon or an unarmed attack.
Drawback: Because you get in so close, enemies gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made against you when they make an attack with a natural weapon or an unarmed attack.
Roleplaying Ideas: An individual with more animal tendencies at heart trusts their claws and fangs, or even fists, more so than they do any melee weapon. Most commonly this behavior stems from the fact that they are familiar at an innate level with how to rake, bite, or otherwise strike with a finesse most creatures otherwise lack. Characters with this trait should consider roleplaying themselves as avoiding melee weapons whenever possible out of simple reasoning that there is no purpose to wield a weapon which is more foreign to them than ones they were born with.

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