Targeting Rules (Fallout Supplement)

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Sometimes a player may wish to target specific body part in order to inflict more damage. If the character doesn't wish to target their shot, assume the shot is to the abdomen. The player must state that they are aiming before rolling.

Abdomen: -0 to attack rolls, +0 to damage rolls.

Heart: -8 to attack rolls, +2 to damage rolls. Enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC=20) or drop immediately to 0 Hit Points and suffers a -1 permanent penalty to Constitution.

Brain: -8 to attack rolls, +2 to damage rolls. Enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC=20) or drop immediately to 0 Hit Points and suffers a -1 permanent penalty to Intelligence. See Table 1.0: Brain Damage Effects for additional effects.

Movement Limb (Legs, Tentacles, ect.): -4 to attack rolls, +0 to damage rolls. Enemy movement is decreased by a fraction of their available limbs (e.g. if two legs, decrease by 1/2; if eight tentacles, decrease by 1/8) and suffers a -1 temporary (2d10 days) penalty to Dexterity.

Grabbing Appendage (Arms, Tentacles, ect.): -4 to attack rolls, +0 to damage rolls. Enemy suffers a -1 temporary (2d10 days) penalty to attack rolls with that appendage. 50% chance that enemy will drop anything held in the hand.

Table 1.0: Brain Damage Effects
d6 Roll Effect
1-2 Loss of Sense (See Table 1.1: Loss of Sense)
3-4 Loss of a Language (DM chooses one language to take from the PC. -1 to Decipher Language skill checks)
5-6 Loss of Knowledge (-1 to all Knowledge skills)
Table 1.1: Loss of Sense
d6 Roll Sense
1 Touch (-1 to attack rolls. -1 permanent damage to Dexterity.)
2 Smell (Cannot use the Scent special ability.)
3 Sight (Permanently Blinded.)
4 Hearing (Permanently Deafened. It is advisable to learn sign language or to read lips.)
5 Taste
6 Re-roll

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