Zombie (4e Creature)

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More zombies for your pleasure.

Zombie Index

In addition to the user zombies below, here is an index to the various zombies in official publications.

Name Level Role Source
Grasping Zombie 1 Brute MV
Zombie 2 Brute MM1
Skulk Zombie 3 Skirmisher OG
Zombie Rotter 3 Minion MM1
Hulking Zombie 4 Brute MV
Rotwing Zombie 4 Skirmisher MM1
Flesh-Crazed Zombie 4 Skirmisher MV
Dread Zombie 5 Soldier OG
Zombie Shambler 5 Minion Brute OG
Chillborn Zombie 6 Soldier MM1
Blood Sea Zombie 7 Brute OG
Zombie Hulk 8 Brute MM1
Rot Grub Zombie 8 Skirmisher MM3
Zombie Throng 9 Brute OG
Dead Zombie Myrmidon 10 Soldier OG
Putrescent Zombie 11 Minion OG
Strahd's Dread Zombie 16 Minion OG

  • MM1 - Monster Manual
  • MM2 - Monster Manual 2
  • MM3 - Monster Manual 3
  • MV - Monster Vault
  • OG - Open Grave

Zombie Bullywug

Zombie Bullywug
Level 1 Brute
Medium Natural Humanoid (undead)
XP 100
HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative -1
AC 13; Fortitude 14, Reflex 11, Will 9 Perception -1
Speed 4 (swamp walk), swim 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison
Rancid Air ♦ Aura 2
Each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is weakened until the end of its next turn.
A bullywug zombie's attack deals 1d6 extra damage against prone targets.
Zombie Weakness
A critical hit automatically reduces the bullywug zombie to 0 hit points.
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Slam ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 3 damage, or 1d12 + 8 against a grabbed target.
Zombie Bullywug Rush ♦ Recharge D6 (5).pngD6 (6).png
Effect: The zombie bullywug charges and makes the following attack in place of a basic melee attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage and knocked prone.
Miss: The zombie bullywug takes 3 damage and is knocked prone.
Triggered Actions
Deathless Hunger ♦ Encounter
Trigger: The bullywug zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit.
Effect: (No Action): The bullywug zombie makes a saving throw with a +5 bonus. If it succeeds, it is instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 8 (-1) Wis 8 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 1 (-5) Cha 3 (-4)
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Bullywug by eal555 at DeviantArt

Adventurers used to fighting other humanoid zombies may be surprised by this frog-like zombie's sudden, lurching, semi-hopping charge. And, of course, these zombies are unhindered by water.

Hulking Zombie Throng

Hulking Zombie Throng
Level 12 Brute
Huge Natural Animate (Undead, Swarm)
XP 700
HP 158; Bloodied 79 Initiative +5
AC 24; Fortitude 28, Reflex 22, Will 24 Perception +5
Speed 4 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison Resist Half damage against ranged and melee attacks.
Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks; 20 against critical hits
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Mob of Crushing Blows ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 16 damage.
Mass Rush ♦ At-Will
Effect: The hulking zombie throng charges and makes the following attack in place of a basic melee attack.
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage and the throng pushes the target 1 square and knocks it prone.
Triggered Actions
Deathless Hunger ♦ Encounter
Trigger: The hulking zombie throng is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a critical hit.
Effect: (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the hulking zombie throng is instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Skills -
Str 22 (+12) Dex 8 (+5) Wis 8 (+5)
Con 28 (+15) Int 1 (+1) Cha 3 (+2)
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Zombie Brute by Greg Hildebrandt at spiderwebart

A throng of human zombies is bad enough. A horde of zombie ogres can pack a cavern or street with wall-to-wall undead flesh as they shuffle and moan. Smaller zombified creatures such as goblins or bugbears are sometimes in the mix, often with crushed limbs from the pressing weight of their throng. A hulking zombie throng can collectively decide to rush - a stampede. This usually spells the doom of the flattened victim.

Throngs are swarms, so in addition to the resistances and vulnerabilities noted in the statblock remember that the throng:

  • is immune to forced movement effects from melee and ranged attacks
  • can enter or move through an enemy's space and this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks; an enemy can enter a space occupied by the throng, but the space is difficult terrain and provokes an opportunity attack from the throng.


Encounter Examples

Level 13 Encounter (XP 4400) - Movarth's Lair

Movarth's Lair is a large cavern that was once home to a tribe of ogres. A lich necromancer desired the reagents located within, so introduced a necrotising disease: the whole tribe perished.

  • 2 hulking zombie throngs (Level 12 brute, 700 XP each)
  • 1 lich necromancer (Level 14 elite controller, 2000 XP) [see Monster Vault p. 183]
  • 4 lich claws (level 14 minions, 250 XP each) [see Open Grave p. 143]

The cavern is at least 6 squares by 8 squares (enough to house both throngs and give them room to charge). It has the following terrain features:

  • Rocks - 6 scattered squares - difficult terrain
  • Stalactites - any 4 squares, not adjacent to the wall, but without blocking the throng's access - obstructing terrain
  • Sinkhole - 2x2 squares near the entrance. The zombies (under the command of the lich) will delay their mass rush until they can knock the intruders into the hole. The sinkhole is 30' deep, so those falling inside take 3d10 damage. Climbing the wall requires a DC 15 Athletics check.
  • Necrotic ground - 3x3 squares near the rear of the cavern, by the lich's throne. A creature that spends a healing surge on necrotic ground only recovers half the normal hit points.

Template:4e Creatures Level 1 Breadcrumb Template:4e Creatures Level 12 Breadcrumb