Tritizina, the Goddess of Fall (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Symbol: A falling orange leaf
Home Plane: Crivis (Material Plane)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Autumn
Clergy Alignments: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Air,Law,Sky
Favored Weapon: Talons
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Tritizina, Goddess of Fall lives in a secluded mountain valley in Refuge on Hinnias. Only flying creatures can reach the high altitude.The valley is locked in a constant state of autumn and is home to many avian creatures.


Tritizina cares about order and will not allow things like lying, injustice, and dishonor.

Clergy and Temples

Temples of Tritizina lie in high altitude mountains. They nearly all have aviaries for birds and the like. Clerics of Tritizina wear orange robes lined with feathers.


Tritizina resembles a tall woman with huge wings,talons,and waist length hair.From her waist up she is nude,but she wears a skirt covering her waist and legs down to her talons. Her skin has an orange-tinge.

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