Talk:Master of Two Weapons (5e Subclass)

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Balance Issues

gets to many feats/abilities(2 feats at level 1 is too many, a feat everyother level makes it far too strong)

eliminating the penalty for fighting with 2 weapons is fine, adding a bonus for doing it might be going too far

high base attack, 2 high saves, and 4 skills a level is way out of whack, maybe balance this with high BAB, 1 high save, and 2 skills/level--Ganre 23:12, 11 March 2009 (MDT)

You only get 3 Feats. The abilites at 1st level are feat like abilities yes but thy make wielding 2 scimitars easyer. I will change the saves and skills/level.

Fishman 6:27, 12 March 2009

I have balanced the class more, sorry it took so long but this class had a delicate balance to fix and it was not easy fixing the balance of this class. Please tell me if it needs any more work.

Fishman 14:43, 30 July 2009


Power - 4/5 I give this class a 4 out of 5 because i feel it should have more bonuses toward feats even just fighter bonus feats because it is still a fighter class although i do understand it is a specialization but i am more refering to level 8 where it is lacking any kind of bonus. As well as with having monkey grip i was thinking about at level 2 possibly having oversized two weapon fighting. I also feel there should be more bonuses with an epic level maaster of two weapons. I also feel that it should maybe have more fortitude bonuses rather than just 3 at lvl 10. -- 22:07, 12 September 2011 (MDT)

Wording - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because it is easily understandable and very easily applicable in most games where the dm allows it. -- 22:07, 12 September 2011 (MDT)

Formatting - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because i have actually been to three different groups that do not usually allow homebrews but because of the balanced nature of the master of two weapons i have been able to enjoy it on all my campaigns -- 22:07, 12 September 2011 (MDT)

The Formatting rating has nothing to do with the power or balance of a class, nor does your ability to play it in a group. I suggest invalidating the Formatting section. --Ganre 08:58, 19 April 2012 (MDT)

Flavor - 5/5 I give this class a 5 out of 5 because having this prestige class before your epic choice and with the base fighter levels makes this character at level 20 a complete powerhouse easily able to go toe to toe with any two weapon barbarian or even a maxed out monster of same or higher level. -- 22:07, 12 September 2011 (MDT)

The flavor rating has nothing to do with the power or balance of a class. I suggest invalidating the flavor section. --Ganre 08:58, 19 April 2012 (MDT)


Power - <<<5>>>/5 I give this class a <<<Insert Your Rating Here>>> out of 5 because <<<insert why you gave the rating and how to improve it>>> --Zeitgeist 13:02, 23 January 2012

Wording - <<<4>>>/5 I give this class a <<<Insert Your Rating Here>>> out of 5 because <<<insert why you gave the rating and how to improve it>>> --Zeitgeist 13:02, 23 January 2012

Formatting - <<<Insert Your Rating Here>>>/5 I give this class a <<<Insert Your Rating Here>>> out of 5 because <<<insert why you gave the rating and how to improve it>>> --Zeitgeist 13:02, 23 January 2012

Flavor - <<<3>>>/5 I give this class a <<<Insert Your Rating Here>>> out of 5 because <<<insert why you gave the rating and how to improve it>>> --Zeitgeist 13:02, 23 January 2012

The above rating provided no justification for it's rating. I suggest invalidating it. --Ganre 08:40, 19 April 2012 (MDT)
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