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Dimidium Troll[edit]

Trolain, 1st-Level Warrior
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (trolain)
Hit Dice: 1d8+0 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20ft.
Armor Class: 11 (Natural +1), touch 11, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack: “Claws” +7 melee (1d4+3), Bite (1d4), Tail Whip (1d4)
Full Attack: 2 “claws” (1d4+3) and bite (1d4) or tail whip (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +3 (+1), Ref +3 (+1), Will +2
Abilities: Str 13 (+3), Dex 12 (+2), Con 13 (+3), Int 9 (-2), Wis 10, Cha 7 (-2)
Skills: The Trolain’s Class skills are Listen +1, Spot +2, and Climb +5. A Trolain’s monster levels give it 5x (Int modifier +2).
Feats: 1 Bonus feats
Environment: Warm forests, Swamps, Marshlands.
Organization: Any
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3-6

Prehensile tail came from assassin vine and cat mix during experiment The “Trolain” are descended from what at first were magical experiments on trolls and the mixing of other animals. These humanoids are the results. The Trolain stand between 5 ½ to 7 feet in height and usually weigh, when full grown, between 250 and 400 pounds. Unlike their Troll ancestors, they are not a truly gruesome looking race. While they did get some features from them, they are really a race unto their own. After the experiments went awry, the results congregated and bred themselves into further existence. Other than being as tall and heavy as they are, the Trolain have a prehensile tail half the length of their own height and hardened nails almost like claws, reminiscent of some of their ancestors, as are the scales they gain as they grow older. These scales, which are not a hindrance in any way, even when they grow over the eyes, are a means of telling ones age, if they know how. Naturally, or perhaps unnaturally if you will, because of the way these creatures were “born”, they have an extremely long life lasting anywhere from 800 to 1000 years in length. While this race is not unknown to most regions, they don’t normally live in towns and cities like most humanoids, for they aren’t known for what they really are. Most seem to take them as Trolls or some other nightmarish monster. The Trolain normally live on their own, with a mate or spouse, or with their family. They generally don’t get much larger in groups than 8-10 people at one time. At this point the younger members of the group break off to form their own family. In a sense, though, these members are still part of the group, only separated by distance and relations. Several families will sometime congregate to one area and form a sort of “village” which spans the length of a few miles.

Town Placement Charts[edit]

Select the area around the town

Style of Area[edit]

(Choose your land type)



Large Island


Terrain Type Chart (T1)[edit]

(See Size Chart)

• 01-10 Mountain

01-33 Range
34-66 Single
67-100 Group

• 11-20 Hill

01-33 Range
34-66 Single
67-100 Group

• 21-30 Plains

• 31-40 Ocean (Ship Craft)

• 41-50 Island

01-33 Single
34-66 Group
67-100 Series

• 51-60 Forest

• 61-70 Desert

• 71-80 Jungle

• 81-90 Marsh

• 91-100 Ruins (Large Ruins)

Size Chart (T2)[edit]

• 01-15 Tiny

01 - 25 1-3
26 - 50 2-4
51 - 75 3-5
76 - 100 4-6

• 16-25 Small

01 - 25 5-8
26 - 50 7-10
51 - 75 9-12
76 - 100 11-13

• 26-75 Medium

01 - 25 10-14
26 - 50 13-17
51 - 75 16-20
76 - 100 19-23

• 76-90 Large

01 - 25 20-25
26 - 50 23-28
51 - 75 25-30
76 - 100 27-32

• 91-100 Huge

You determine anything passed Large Stage as needed.

Terrain: Determine in miles

City: Determine size in population

Population: Total number of population, 75% are male, 25% are female. (Example, population is 10, 10 multiplied by 0.75 = 7.5 which mean there are 7 males and 3 females. Always round down, Determine total number and do the same process to find children, if needed.)

Landscape: Determine in feet (Either how deep, how wide, how tall, how many, etc.) or in the case of Monster Lairs, determine in miles.

Natural: Determine the size in feet (see landscape) as well as clusters (are there multiples? are there veins? pools?)

Renewable: Determine how many according to the type of resource, then determine by feet or population. (Bees should be in the :hundreds or thousands, sheep in the dozens, goats up to a dozen sometimes more, etc.)

Landscape Chart (T3)[edit]

(See Size Chart)

• 01-25 River

• 26-35 Ravine

• 36-45 Crater

• 46-65 Ruin (Small Ruins)

• 66-85 Cave

• 86-100 Monster Lair

Natural Resource Chart (T4)[edit]

(See Size Chart)

01-75 roll once

76-100 roll twice

Re-roll as needed, if something comes up that doesn't fit. (Example, Sugar cane in the ocean, Pearls in the jungle, etc.)

• 01-60 Common

01-10 Iron
11-25 Coal
26-40 Copper
41-55 Pearls
56-60 Jade
61-65 Granite
66-75 Cotton
76-80 Agate
81-85 Quartz
86-90 Pyrite
91-100 Clay

• 61-80 Uncommon

01-05 Gold
06-20 Silver
21-30 Gems
01-10 Emeralds
11-20 Rubies
21-30 Sapphire
31-40 Jasper
41-50 Garnet
51-60 Carnelian
61-70 Jacinth
71-80 Beryl
81-90 Quarts
91-100 Agate
31-35 Ivory
36-50 Sugar Cane
51-60 Amber
61-80 Lead
81-100 Nickel

• 81-95 Rare

01-10 Platinum
11-20 Gems
01-35 Diamonds
36-100 Opals
21-30 Malachite
31-40 Cinnabar
41-50 Vermillion
51-60 Limestone
61-70 Salt
71-80 Zinc
81-90 Marble
91-100 Helium (Dangerous)

• 96-100 Mythical

01-75 Mithril
76-100 Mercury

Renewable Resources (T5)[edit]

(See Size Chart)

01-75 roll once

76-100 roll twice

Re-roll as needed. (Example, Glass in the marsh, this one should only be found in or around desert or ocean type areas.)

• 01-10 Bee’s Wax/Honey

• 11-25 Wool

• 26-35 Milk/Cheese

• 36-50 Leather

• 51-70 Crops

01-20 Rice
21-50 Wheat
51-80 Barley
81-100 Corn

• 71-85 Herbs

01-15 Saffron
16-30 Mustard
31-40 Kings foil
41-56 Basil
57-76 Oregano
75-100 Parsley

• 86-90 Peppers

• 91-95 Steel

• 96-100 Glass

World Population coverage and Town Size[edit]

Third Era

01-10 500 + 100D10 Metropolis

01-05 200 + 15D10 Huge

05-15 75 + 7D10 Large

15-25 50 + 5D10 Medium

25-50 25 + 3D10 Small

50-100 10 + 2D10 Tiny

Fourth Era

01-03 500 + 100D10 Metropolis (Current total: 1)

04-08 200 + 15D10 Huge (Current total: 3)

09-15 75 + 7D10 Large (Current total: 4)

16-25 50 + 5D10 Medium (Current total: 5)

26-50 35 + 4D10 Average (Current total: 6)

51-75 25 + 3D10 Small (Current total: 7)

76-100 10 + 2D10 Tiny (Current total: 15)

Current Totals are per kingdom not total worldwide. Also, Kingdoms are for this area of the World only, not for total coverage.

Housing and Building material[edit]

Average material used to build or maintain the buildings in a town. Find the dominant material and multiple by a percentile roll. If the material is not likely to have been used, then consider it an imported material and adjust accordingly.

01-35 Wood

36-50 Sod

51-70 Stone

71-80 Marble

81-90 Bone (Coastal, normally whale bones)

91-100 Leather (Tents)