Esquilax (3.5e Creature)

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Size/Type: Large Magical Beast (Chaotic)
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack: Claw –1 melee (1d4+1)
Full Attack: 2 Claw –1 melee (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +5, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Endurance, Run
Environment: Temperate Forest
Organization: Domesticated or herd (6–30)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Created by the god of madness as his first living creatures, Esquilax are known as horses with the heads and bodies of a Rabbit. Which would be an adequate description.

They look like perfectly normal cute harmless rabbits except for two things, firstly it is the size of a horse, secondly it has razor retractable claws which they use to maul their foes.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for an Esquilax is up to 150 pounds; a medium load, 151–300 pounds; and a heavy load, 301–450 pounds. An Esquilax can drag 2,250 pounds.


Despite appearances, Esquilax are as intelligent as humans. This causes them use some tactics like flanking and will generally attack mages first when in battle.

But as they are beings of pure chaos they don't care about wining or losing, and will often forgo tactics and efficiency for the purpose of its enjoyment.

An Esquilax cannot fight while carrying a rider.

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