Bloody Replica (3.5e Spell)

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Bloody Replica
Level: Bender of the Sanguine 2
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 technician levels
Duration: 1 min. per Technician Level or until destroyed, see text;
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No

Technique Points Required: 3

A duplicate of you forms out of your attuned blood. It may fool enemies into attacking it or attack those who ignore it. This replica may not move past the range of the technique or it will deform and the technique is lost. This replica is Sanguine (A type of Dark Red) in colour and thus will not fool creatures with the ability to discern colour. While moving, you can merge with and split off from the replica so that enemies who have learned which one is real are again confounded.

If a replica is attacked by a non-elemental weapon (such as by a punch rather than a fireball), you may choose whether or not it attempts to dodge. If not, the attack hits the replica but does no damage. Instead, the attacker must succeed a reflex save lest the replica harden its blood in certain places and the weapon become stuck in the replica. A successful strength check is required to remove a stuck weapon. Should the attack be magical or elemental in nature and would damage or displace the attuned Blood (fire drying it, force blowing it apart, etc.) the damage is hidden or repaired but deteriorates the replica. They have 1/2 the Blood Benders HP + caster level before completely disassembling. Note though that this reveals that replica is not the caster briefly.

You may also attack with the replica at your base attack bonus by taking a free action once per turn. A successful blow deals 1d4 slashing damage and the subject must succeed a reflex save or the replica will attach to the subject. A successful strength check or escape artist check will free the subject. This may result in the target being completely surrounded by attuned blood meaning they may not move, have no reflex save, and are subject to some other Blood Bender techniques.

You can move into and through a Bloody Replica. When you and the bloody replica separate, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which one is you and which the image if you are identical. The figments may also move through each other. The figments look just like you and respond in the same manner you might but will move according to your will, able to travel at the same speed you can by using a free action once per turn.

If you and your replica(s) are identical, enemies attempting to attack you or cast spells at you must select from among indistinguishable targets. Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a replica. A replica’s AC is 10 + your size modifier + your Dex modifier. Replicas react as your attuned blood does to various elemental attacks (such as drying when heated by fire) and takes damage accordingly, destroying the illusion of semblance.

An attacker dooes not have to be able to see the images to be fooled as they produce sound when moving. If you are invisible your replica remains visible. Shutting ones eyes has no effect either. But a DC 15 listen check will hear the difference in footsteps but not be able to locate the real one. A DC 25 listen check can locate the real one.

By spending 1 more technique point than the cost or the last time this option was used in a single use, you may create an additional replica as if this technique had been used again (I.E.: You use bloody replica costing 3 points, then spend 4 more to make a second replica, then 5 more to make a third, then 6 more to make a fourth all in one use, totaling 18 technique points).

You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

Material Component: 4 cubic feet of Attuned Blood

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