Dragon Isles aka Trinity Islands (4e Environment)

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Dragon Isles aka Trinity Islands

(Inverted Triangle)

Population: 3,000+

The communities of Dragon Isles aka Trinity Islands are multi-racial towns living under the protection/control of a dominate dragon clan.

Geographic Area[edit]

The total population of the Islands is around 3,000 of multi-races.

Imports, Exports, and Resources[edit]

The economy is untouched by the war on the mainland. The average monthly wage was 2 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Magic items were more available as a market item in the major cities (most items of level 1 through 5).

They have lumber, fruit, and fish for export. They need hard minerals for import. Most of their trading with the mainland is through independent traders working with Whitebeach.


The Pirate Commodore John Trinity first discovered the island chain and named it after himself. He used it as a hideout and launch center for raiding commercial shipping.

The beginning of the civilization under the control of the dragons is unknown. Its ancient history and founding is lost information. The majority of the population cannot read or write beyond simple letters and numbers. The mainland has very little contact with the Dragon Isle, therefore, its history is unknown. Perhaps the ruling Gold Dragons do know the history but if so, they are keeping it to themselves.


As a monarchy, the Gold Dragon Clan of Doro governs the Islands. The Three Ancient Fathers of the Clan are the oldest dragons of the family and they hold completely equal power. The Three Ancient Fathers are Dory the Ten Horns, Hem the Virtuous, and Pazoa the Powerful. The Three form the Emperor level of leadership.

Each Settlement on the Islands is ruled over by a subordinate to the Three Fathers. They have the title of Caregiver; the Caregiver form the kingdom level of leadership. Arella is the Caregiver of Hope Settlement. Bowie is the Caregiver of Love Settlement. Cressida is the Caregiver of Peace Settlement. Flavian is the Caregiver of Joy Village. Jin is the Caregiver of Calmness Settlement. Kamaorlan is the Caregiver of Glory Town. Sonad is the Caregiver of Happyville. Serley is the Caregiver of Fun Settlement.

The individual settlements have an appointment leader known as the Servant. The Servant is appointed by the dragon clan. The Servant is subordinate to the dominate dragon. The Servant handles all the government responsibilities such as tax collecting and law enforcement and judging disputes.

The Six Scales of Justice are the judicial code that covers the islands. The Six Scales of Justice are: (1) Honor and obey the Gold Dragon clan; (2) No harming or killing others; (3) No breaking up families; (4) No stealing; (5) No lying; (6) No writing or reading. Penalty of instant death is by hanging.


Within the Dragon Isles, writing is forbidden, education is forbidden, and magic is forbidden, under penalty of instant death. The names of the settlements are abstract ideals such as Hope, Love, Peace, Joy, Calmness, Glory, Happy, Fun.

Key Locations & People[edit]

Important Places

1. Central Fortress is the permanent stone Fortress on Mount Carmel. Central Fortress is the home of the Three Ancient Fathers (Emperor).

2. Hope Settlement is a permanent fishing village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Hope’s Nest is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Hope Settlement is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Arella is the Caregiver (King) of Hope Settlement and he lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as Golden Light.

3. Love Settlement is a permanent lumbering village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Love’s Hold is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Love Settlement is the Square Temple of Air (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Bowie is the Caregiver (King) of Love Settlement and he lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as Father’s Perch.

4. Peace Settlement is a permanent farming village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Peace’s Shelter is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Peace Settlement is the Square Temple of Water and Stone (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Cressida is the Caregiver (King) of Peace Settlement and he lives in the 50’ gray stone tower known as Gray Hand.

5. Joy Village is a permanent fishing village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Joy Barricade is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Joy is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Flavian, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Joy Village and he lives in the 50’ gray stone tower known as The Mountain.

6. Calmness Settlement is a permanent farming village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Gladiaus’ Hold is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Calmness Settlement is the Square Temple of Elements (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Jin, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Calmness Settlement and he lives in the 50’ black stone tower known as Calm Stone.

7. Glory Town is a permanent farming village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Glory’s Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Glory Town is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Kamaorlan, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Glory Town and he lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as The Lighthouse.

8. Happyville is a permanent lumber village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Kremer’s Fist Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Happyville is the Square Temple of the Four Seasons (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Sonad, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Happyville and he lives in the 50’ black stone tower known as The Black Pillar.

9. Fun Settlement is a permanent farming village with a wooden wall and fort for protections (pop. 350+). Circle Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant. Within Fun Settlement is the Chapel of Stone (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Serley, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Fun Settlement. He lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as The White Tower.

Important People

Arella, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Hope Settlement. He lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as Golden Light.

Bowie, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Love Settlement. He lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as Father’s Perch.

Bubrin Thorm, male Human fighter, is the Servant of Fun Settlement. Circle Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Fun Settlement.

Crash Blohand, male Human ranger, is the Servant of Happyville. Kremer’s Fist Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Happyville.

Cressida, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Peace Settlement. He lives in the 50’ gray stone tower known as Gray Hand.

Dory (Ancient Gold Dragon) the Ten Horns, one of the Three Ancient Fathers (Emperor), and lives in the Central Fortress (permanent stone Fortress on Mount Carmel) with the other Ancient Fathers.

Effernal Smith, female Human warden, is the Servant of Glory Town. Glory’s Fort is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Glory Town.

Flavian, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Joy Village. He lives in the 50’ gray stone tower known as The Mountain.

Hem (Ancient Gold Dragon) the Virtuous, one of the Three Ancient Fathers (Emperor), and lives in the Central Fortress (permanent stone Fortress on Mount Carmel) with the other Ancient Fathers.

Jin, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Calmness Settlement. He lives in the 50’ black stone tower known as Calm Stone.

Kamaorlan, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Glory Town. He lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as The Lighthouse.

Pazoa (Ancient Gold Dragon) the Powerful, one of the Three Ancient Fathers (Emperor), and lives in the Central Fortress (permanent stone Fortress on Mount Carmel) with the other Ancient Fathers.

Serley, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Fun Settlement. He lives in the 50’ white stone tower known as The White Tower.

Sonad, the Gold Dragon, is the Caregiver (King) of Happyville. He lives in the 50’ black stone tower known as The Black Pillar.

Tom Anvilwon, male Dwarf paladin, is the Servant of Calmness Settlement. Tom is a third generation Servant. Gladiaus’ Hold is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Calmness Settlement.

Value Washtile, male Dragonborn fighter, is the Servant of Joy Village. Joy Barricade is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Joy Village.

Woolgan Youngbeard, male Human cleric, is the Servant of Peace Settlement. Peace’s Shelter is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Peace Settlement.

Xonna Find, female Human warden, is the Servant of Hope Settlement. Hope’s Nest is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Hope Settlement.

Yaletong Sew, male Human fighter, is the Servant of Love Settlement. Love’s Hold is the wooden fort and home of the Servant of Love Settlement.

Institutions & Organizations[edit]

Guilds and Brotherhoods: There are several international organizations that transcend culture and race. Almost none of the international organizations are present.

Thieves/Assassin Guild: A thieves/assassin guild is an organized group of rogues who pool their resources and work co-laboratory toward greater security and greater wealth.

The hierarchy of thieves/assassin guilds from lowest to highest is as follows: Apprentice Rogue, Footpad, Robber, Burglar, Thief, Master Thief, Assistant Guild Master, Guild Master, and Grand Guild Master. There is only one Guild Master per guild. A Grand Guild Master supervises and manages more than a single guild.

There are a multitude of jobs within the guilds such as recruitment, assignments, security, training, teaching, spying, treasurer, etc.

Temples/Religious: The hierarchy of the temples and religious organizations from lowest to highest are as follows: Worshipper, Laity, Novitiate, Acolyte, Adept, Apprentice Priest, Priest, Curate, Bishop Elect, Bishop, Cardinal Elect, Cardinal, High Priest/Priestess, and Patriarch/Matriarch.

Within Calmness Settlement is the Square Temple of Elements (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Within Happyville is the Square Temple of the Four Seasons (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop).

Within Hope Settlement is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Within Joy is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop). Within Glory Town is the Square Temple of Fire and Water (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop).

Within Peace Settlement is the Square Temple of Water and Stone (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop).

Within Fun Settlement is the Chapel of Stone (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop).

Within Love Settlement is the Square Temple of Air (4+ clerics lead by a Bishop).

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