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My name is ELord, I am a player in a 2.0 group and a DM in my 3.5 edition group. I usually play a mix between Good and Evil, ranging from a Lawful Good Paladin to a Chaotic Evil Half-Orc. I usually play class that are commandable, such as Fighter, Clerics and the occational Rogue. I have been contributing to this website since January 8th of 2011. I am new to the wiki scene, but have been playing D&D for years.

My Contributions[edit]

Grammatical changes to Lord Malik-Gro-Malar.

About Me[edit]

  • Name: Dan.
  • Aliases Include: EL, ELord, Zezi, [Alister], [Rahmzee], [Malik-gro-Malar] ([Name] denotes characters I have)
  • Current Characters: Alister 4th Level Paladin (was level drained from 5th)| Rahmzee, 6th Level Bard| Malik-gro-Malar, 5th Level Vampire Fighter.
  • Editions Played: 2nd Edition, 3.5 Edition.
  • Likes: Destroying things in one-hit ((Lawful Good Paladin + 18/97 Str x Holy Avenger) + Chaotic Evil Creature = Instant 20s), Getting good swag, Having plans work out, MINDFLAYERS, LIZARDMEN!
  • Dislikes: Level Drain, Death Magic, Assassins (can't trust those bastards), Having plans blow up in my face, White Dragons, Demons.
  • What I do Here: As of now, just lurking. I hope to contribute down the line.
  • Goals: To contribute down the line.
  • To Learn: How to contribute down the line.

Contact Me[edit]

Comment on my Discussion Tab.

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