Great Epoch of Evil (Third Epoch: Modern Age)

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The Dark Emperor Shaelong (aka Dark Lord, High Rider of Dragons, the Evil Dragon God Draelong) from the Fortress Taur'res attacks southern civilizations. Around the Dark Emperor in his capitol fortress Taur'res are twelve Soul-Killer-Grand-Wizards, who hold the rank and title of Count. Under the Dark Emperor, King Shra'shan reigns as King of the Lizardfold, King Goath reigns as King of the Goblins, King Bludeater reigns as King of the Orcs. The four megacities and mega-fortress Sidereal, Helmskeep, Bronze City, and Whitebeach form a united union in mutual defense against the Empire of Taur'res. [C.E. is for Common Era]

0 C.E. Dwarven High Priest Dartmouth Goldenbeard defeats the Vampire-Demon-Lord Utoyelna, ending the undead threat, considered the last great battle of the Age of Darkness

020 C.E. Goldenfist becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

035 C.E. Greenhammer the Swift becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

051 C.E. King Greenhammer forms the royal guard, the Goldendeath-Dealers (elite-dwarf-special-forces).

051 C.E. King Greenhammer forms the royal guard, the Goldendeath-Dealers (elite-dwarf-special-forces).

074 C.E. Sidereal founded by Dorin the Silver-Fighter

076 C.E. Goldsoul the Rich becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

077 C.E. The defense of Gerhard Minecomplex against two armies and innumerable trolls was lead by King Goldsoul the Victorious.

088 C.E. Helmskeep founded by Warlord Shannon the Decapitor

089 C.E. Goldaxe the Explorer becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

101 C.E. Sheltyp the Divine Healer founds the Bronze City with 400 Humans, 70 Halflings, and 50 Dwarves.

102 C.E. 1st Pope Sheltyp the Divine Healer [Human High Priest of Aw’van’draw]

103 C.E. Goldbeard the Digger becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

108 C.E. Sidereal's Fortress and Library are completed

114 C.E. 2nd Pope Farmore Battlehammer the Devoted [Dwarf High Priest of Mord-slam]

117 C.E. Whitebeach founded by the Wizard Opheile (dedicated to Theezine the Fire God) the White Lady

119 C.E. Sidereal and Helmskeep form alliance in trade and defense

120 C.E. Golddeath becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

124 C.E. Helmskeep's Fortress and University are completed

125 C.E. The Halfling fighter Flick Shadowdancer the Just modified the Sixteen Laws of Ur-Nammah into the Five Pillars, the published law code of most Human civilizations.

126 C.E. 3rd Pope Gregoran Hilltop the Wise [Human High Priest of Aw’van’draw] died in office

129 C.E. Phobos founded by Warlord Shannon the Decapitor

130 C.E. 4th Pope Hoflight Sovel the Healer [Human High Priest of Aw’van’draw]

144 C.E. Bronze City's Fortress and Holy Cathedral of Hope and Aw’van’draw's Monastery are completed.

170 C.E. Lake Town founded by Glorist the Imperial Paladin

170 C.E. The monastery and library of Scale-met are completed by Human High Priest Shath Corehold

172 C.E. Whitebeach's Fortress and University are completed

175 C.E. The monastery and library of Mord-slam are completed by Dwarven High Priest Goldshoulder

188 C.E. The monastery and library of God Theros are completed by Half-elf High Priest Grap Smith

196 C.E. Pope Quinn Bell the Undead Vanquisher [Halfling High Priest of Aw’van’draw (only Halfling to be Pope)]

201 C.E. Wizard College of the Wand founded by Eladrin Wizard Avaria

204 C.E. Huygen founded by Warlock Whyflare the Elf Torturer

215 C.E. Elven City of Lebel is founded by Ranger Leaflow the Green Shade

220 C.E. Wizard College of the Staff founded by Tiefling Wizard Loath Flameheart

222 C.E. Pope Salamador the Devoted [Minotaur High Priest of Mord-slam (only Minotaur to be Pope)]

222 C.E. Dwarven Fortress Krantz is founded by Kov Goldhand the Goldsmith

227 C.E. Helmskeep and Bronze City form alliance in trade and defense

233 C.E. Golddigger the Troll Killer becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

235 C.E. Wizard College of the Sword founded by Human Warlock Worn Darklight

238 C.E. King Golddigger forms the Flying Godfists (elite-dwarf-special-forces riding on hippogriffons)

244 C.E. Wizard College of the Orb founded by Eladrin Wizard Hope

267 C.E. Goldfist the Giant Wrestler becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

289 C.E. Windtown founded by Knight Daven the White Paladin

299 C.E. Goldhammer the Slayer becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

309 C.E. Bronze City attempted coup and civil war between the Wizard Colleges and the Cathedral

312 C.E. Paladin Pope Dragoon Strongarm [Dragonborn Paladin and High Priest of Scale-met] defeats the Wizard Colleges

315 C.E. Blackfist the Gold becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex

316 C.E. Taur'res founded by Shaelong the High-Rider of Dragons

318 C.E. Month of Giants aka Attack of the Giants

322 C.E. Paladin Pope Gardan Goldscale the Arm of Scale-met [Dragonborn Paladin and High Priest of Scale-met (negotiated the forming of the United Five alliance between the five cities in 328 C.E.)]

322 C.E. Shaelong declared the Dragon God aka Draelong

323 C.E. Shaelong subjugates the Human city of Jodpur under his authority

325 C.E. Huygen destroyed by giants and trolls

327 C.E. Shaelong subjugates the Human city of Ajmer under his authority. First public appearance of the twelve Grand Wizards who serve Shaelong

328 C.E. Sidereal, Helmsdeep, Bronze City, Whitebeach, and Phobos form the United Five

330 C.E. Shaelong subjugates the Human city of Washim under his authority

334 C.E. Pope Shawn Clawtooth the God Speaker [Human High Priest of Aw’van’draw]

335 C.E. Shaelong declared Emperor and Taur'res capitol city. Twelve Grand Wizards are declared Dukes.

337 C.E. Kingdom of the Goblins established

340 C.E . Orc mountain fortress of Kolderer established; Bane's Fortress is built for the Goblins and Hobgoblins

345 C.E. Gruw-kumsh'own is built for the Orcs

346 C.E. Emperor Shaelong subjugates the Human city of Solapur under the Empire; Pope Sassor Hoplive the Sun Beam [Human High Priest of God Theros]

350 C.E. Discovered the Emperor Shaelong was behind the war between Huygen and the gaints; Council of Five begin quarterly meetings about dealing with Shaelong and Taur'res

353 C.E. Emperor Shaelong subjugates the Human city of Guntur under the Empire

358 C.E. Pope Goldaxe Battlehammer the Map Maker [Dwarf High Priest of Mord-slam]

360 C.E. The Dark Snake Tower of Ozz-heir is built for the Lizardfolk

362 C.E. Orc mountain fortress of Kolderer defeated by General Gilg Silverbraid

370 C.E. Pope Joash Washer the Evil Expeller [Human High Priest of God Theros (Pope at the invasion)

374 C.E. Phobos destroyed by two Goblin Armies and Cyclops with Gragoloon the Goblin-God Dragon

375 C.E. The evil Emperor Shaelong and an army of 25,000 invade the whole south. Gerhard Minecomplex attacked by 10 Titans, 3 blue dragons, and 6 gnoll-tribes and innumerable hyenas. The battle lasts for eight days and ends with a stalemate-siege that lasts for 5 years. Aet-tons (eight towns of the mountain gap region) are destroyed although an Elf messenger makes it to Lorencete Homeland and the United Union is warned.

376 C.E. Sidereal sends 2 legions toward Aet-tons (9,600 soldiers), Bronze City sends 1 legion toward Aet-tons (4,800), Whitebeach sends 2 legions toward Aet-tons (9,600), as the Elf forces of Lorencete fight the invading army in a holding strategy of hit-n-run. (invading strength 25,000 against defending strength 24,000 plus Elves). In Whitebeach, Taur'res fleet lands at Eastly dispatching 15,000 Orc soldiers lead by Storm Titan Thunderous Wave the Mighty. Eastly, Watch Hill, and Ladson is destroyed with massive civilian deaths. The Orcs ate the dead.

377 C.E. At Bronze City, Count (one of twelve Soul-Killer-Grand-Wizards) and 5 Sorrowsworn Reapers with King Shra'shan of the Lizardfolk cross the Shoulder Pass and defeat a dwarven-human army killing 1,000 soldiers. Village of Deepbank destroyed by orcs tribe of the boned nose led by the cyclop Coal'dan. At Whitebeach, Naval Battle of East Ocean; the Whitebeach fleet is destroyed with the help of 4 green dragons and a Storm Titan. Whitebeach is besieged by an army of Orcs, Goblins, and Skeletons.

378 C.E. At Helmskeep, Count's Lizardfolk army destroys Elara and kills women and children. Slaughter of wood elves of Greenshade Wood; mass forest fire in Greenshade Wood; village of Greenville in Greenshade Wood slaughtered by goblin tribe of two horns. At Whitebeach, York and Union are destroyed.

379 C.E. Battle of Gobeil; 18 month siege. Battle of Mimas 1; Village of Growersville destroyed by boned nose orcs led by Coal'dan the cyclop. At Whitebeach, Battle of Manor Town 1 between Human fighter Legatus Legionis Warfield Horseman the Brave and the united Goblin tribes of broken spear and four lights.

380 C.E. At Bronze City, Dwarf General Golddigger the Troll Killer of Gerhard Minecomplex defeats the Titan's gnoll army and holds the Bronze Pass as safe. Siege of Janus begins and lasts 3 years. Elven City of Lebel is destroyed by Goblin Army. At Whitebeach, Battle of Manor Town 2; Manor Town is destroyed and Legatus Legionis Warfield Horseman is killed; Whitebeach's west bank of the Tyger River is destroyed by Skeleton army lead by a General-Lich-Vampire.

381 C.E. Battle of Kornal 1 (defended by General Knight Palthan the Golden Paladin against cyclop Coal'dan), cyclop Coal'dan killed; Dwarven Fortress Krantz is destroyed. At Whitebeach, Triville and Milltown destroyed by the Goblin tribes of blinded bowl and held dagger and cyclops skull. Battle of Carroll Plains between Half-elf ranger Legatus Legionis Fredrick White the Silver Armored and the tribes of broken spear and four lights lead by the green dragon Flaw'shoon the Terrifying.

382 C.E. Battle of Mimas 2 and the Green River system falls to the enemy. Battle of Peaceville, forces of Rhema against goblin tribe of two horns and goblin tribe of yelloweyes led by 50 elite lizardfolk warriors and Human Legatus Legionis Kurn the Moon Warlord; 800 Rhema soldiers die; Peaceville is destroyed. Pope Vaywild Mason the Spirit-Talker [Dragonborn High Priest of Scale-met] died in office; Battle of Mimas 2 and the Green River system falls to the enemy. At Whitebeach's siege, Storm Titan Thunderous Wave is killed.

383 C.E. Battle of Du'tan Rolling Hills (led by Dragonborn Paladin Garthon); Phobos destroyed by two Goblin Armies and Cyclops with Gragoloon the Goblin-God Dragon. Siege of Janus ends; Harvest Town and Orchard Town are destroyed. At Whitebeach, Warren, Rock Hill, Ladson, and Manning are destroyed by Goblin tribes of held dagger and cyclops skull and Orc tribe of bloodied spear.

384 C.E. Battle of Kornal 2 (defended by the White Wizard Sornath and the Dragonborn Paladin Garthon against goblin tribes, lizardfolk, orcs, and giants; Kornal falls with 1,000 soldiers of Helmskeep dying). Village of Phobos destroyed by the goblin forces and lizardfolk of Human Legatus Legionis Kurn the Moon Warlord (most civilians had evacuated to Rhema). Faith is burned to the ground; Town of Leda is destroyed. At Whitebeach, Shaelong Fleet is destroyed by the Tiefling Red Fire-Opal (dedicated to Theezine the Fire God)Warlock Makaria Bluetip the Fire Wand Holder. Leader of the Green Flyers, Elf ranger Flavush Greentree kills the green dragon Flaw'shoon the Terrifying.

385 C.E. Battle of Faydow Fertile Fields against lizardfolk, orcs, giants, and undead of Kornal, leaves the ground scorched but the forces of Helmskeep is victorious due to the dwarven High Priest Melvan the Orange Light cleric to Bahamah. Battle of Grainville 1; the Battle of Silver Valley 1. In Sidereal, Gnoll tribe of three sticks on hyenas joined by Orc tribe of rock skull destroys Dale Town and slaughters most civilians; Gnolls and Orcs attack Plainville and are beaten back. At Whitebeach, in the Silver Leaf Forest, the Goblin and Orc tribes are destroyed in Elf druid Hamdull Vine the Plant Talker. The Dwarf cleric Clave Goldhammer the Pounder destroys the General-Lich-Vampire.

386 C.E. Battle Grainville 2; Battle of Five Stones; Elf Warlord Bealcrest killed and Dwarf King Platinum'smith killed. Siege of Rhema begins by the goblin forces and lizardfolk of Human General Kurn the Moon Warlord. In Sidereal, Gnolls and Orcs destroy Crossroads Point, Cattletown, and Freshwater City. At Whitebeach, The Battle of Green Forest lead by Half-elf ranger Legatus Legionis Fredrick White. Fredrick kills a green dragon but is also killed in the battle. Dwarf cleric Clave Goldhammer is killed on Whitebeach's weat bank of the Tyger River.

387 C.E. Battle of Silver Valley 2. Village of Forestbank in the Skyleaf Wood is destroyed in an attack by trolls, orcs, and undead. Windtown completely destroyed; women and children massacred; Battle of Marson. In Sidereal, Gnolls and Orcs with three giants destroys Plainville; the king of Plainsville, Half-elf ranger Lance Smith the Land Lover is killed. Tenth year of the Siege of Whitebeach, Tiefling Warlock Makaria Bluetip kills a green dragon. Leader of the Iron Guard, Human Iron-Eques-Legionis Shannass Hill the Troll Killer riding his gorgon and leading a general offensive breaks the Siege of Whitebeach.

388 C.E. Battle of Grainsville 3. King Shra'shan becomes King of the Lizardfold. Village of Barreltown in the Silverled Wood is destroyed by trolls, orcs, undead, and a green dragon. Fleet of Helmskeep arrives at siege of Rhema and brakes the siege, cavalry forces of Paladin Knights and a legion of soldiers push Legatus Legionis Kurn back to the White Pass between Naba and Pinthrow Mountain, this offensive push takes 2 years and ends in 390 C.E. In Sidereal, The king of Shadowville, Dragonborn Gregory Graytone the Faithful and Human Legatus Legionis Shawn Oven the Bloodied defeat the Gnoll and Orc army in the Blue Plains between Silver River and the Twin Lakes. In the battle, Legatus Legionis Shawn Oven is killed.

389 C.E. Battle of Silver Hills 1. Battle of Skyleaf wood led by Khethon the Night Fighter against forces of evil. At Whitebeach, Battle of Manor Plains, lead by Human Iron-Eques-Legionis Shannass Hill the Troll Killer riding his gorgon, which cleanses the land of the invading army.

390 C.E. Battle of Shambles. The Battle of Farmtown: Town of Farmtown is destroyed in the Battle of Farmtown against trolls, orcs, undead, led by a vampire named Vlad'dor the Shadow, Khethon the Night Fighter is killed along with 600 soldiers of Helmskeep. In the South, Battle of Shambles

391 C.E. Battle of Silver Hills 2; divine visitation! Battle of Sky River, where the Helmskeep forces defeat Vlad'dor the Shadow and his forces (500 orcs from two tribes killed, 60 trolls killed). Battle of the Field of Bones, where the forces of Helmskeep defeated the forces of the evil invasion in a five day battle (1,600 soldiers died and 1,900 evil-kind died). King Goath becomes King of the Goblins.

392 C.E. Battle of Mimas 3 and battle wages along the Green River for three months. Battle of Shady Valley 1, led by female Tiefling Warlock Theimah the Whirlwind (1,500 dead goblins and orcs). Theimah kills 3 giants and is killed in the battle. Eldor Coomdin the Righteous [Human High Priest of Scale-met] is made Pope. General Constant and the Great Battle of Angel.

393 C.E. Battle of Shoulder Pass

394 C.E. Battle of Windybark Forest between the elvens led by Ranger Flayman the Death Archer and the hobgoblin tribe of broken sword led by Dae'ray'thon the Red Dragon. Ranger Flayman kills the Red Dragon and wins the battle.

395 C.E. Battle of Maiden Way

396 C.E. King Bludeater becomes King of the Orcs.

397 C.E. Battle of Shady Valley 2 between dwarves of Long Pass led by King Thor Silverhammer against goblin tribe of one light and kobold tribes of Undermountain led by the giant brothers, Grom and Grim. Grim is killed in the battle and the dwarves win with the loss of 300 dwarven warriors.

398 C.E. Battle of Long Pass between Helmskeep's legion led by Legatus Legionis (aka General, the overall Legionary commander) Barth'dan the Dragon Slayer and dwarves led by General Limhor Silverhammer defeated 1,000 goblins

399 C.E. Battle of White Pass between Helmskeep's legion led by Legatus Legionis (aka General, the overall Legionary commander) Hothaane the Battlehammer and dwarves led by General Jaen the Shining Light (high priest of Moridan) defeated a lich led troll and orc army.

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