Bronze City (4e Environment)

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The City of Bronze City

(The Grand City, City On The Lake)

[banner symbol: open scroll before a lit candle held by two lions on hind legs]

[standard colors: blue, white, and bronze]

Population: 80,000+

Total Territory Population: 200,000+

Geographic contour map of the area of Bronze City
Bronze City territory

Geographic Area[edit]

Bronze City has three grand gates, each named after the first three Popes. The Sheltyp Gate, The Farmore Gate, and The Gregoran Gate, each guarded by four bronze golems crafted by the dwarves of Gerhard and animated by the wizards of Bronze City. Each gate has a light orb above it that detects evil, The Sheltyp Gate has a bronze orb, The Farmore Gate has a white orb, and The Gregoran Gate has a blue orb (each colored shown in the standard colors).

Imports, Exports, and Resources[edit]

Gerhard uses Bronze City as a merchant and distribution point for southern trade (tax-free) and at any given time, in Bronze City is a number of Goldenfist Fighters (mostly heavy infantry of their army) as security for the gold shipments. The city is also protected by 12 Flying Godfists (elite-dwarf-special-forces riding on hippogriffons from Gerhard) and 12 Flying Bronzefists (elite-Human-special-forces riding hippogriffons).

Bronze City has abundant freshwater, wood, hard-white-stone and quartz, with potato fields with sheep (wool and firs). Bronze City has a variety of horses but is renowned for its mountain horses. It exports potatoes, copper, mutton, wool, and mountain furs. It imports iron from Sidereal; imports hard-black-stone, and marble from Helmskeep; imports silk from Whitebeach.

The economy of Bronze City is in ruins with the long war. Before the war, the average monthly wage was 3 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Now, the average monthly wage is 1 gold piece (the basic pay of the army). Before the war, magic items were more available as a market item in the major cities (most items of level 1 through 5). Now, the availability of magic items is rare. There are no magic item stores or merchants (only 1st level items are available, when a magic item can be found to buy).


The god, Aw’van’draw (deviant good cult of the Demigod of Trouble), guided and aided Sheltyp the Divine Healer to found Bronze City in 101 C.E. With divine assistance which could only be called a miracle, forty-three years later in 144 C.E. Bronze City's Fortress and Cathedral and Monastery are completed. Bronze City is a religious state, ruled by an appointed pope. Bronze City has a close alliance with the Dwarven city, mine, and fortress Gerhard Minecomplex.

In 328 C.E., the five main cities, Sidereal, Helmskeep, Bronze City, Whitebeach, and Phobos form the United Five for mutual trade and defense. Fifty years later in 375 C.E., the evil Emperor Shaelong and an army of 25,000 invade.

In the aftermath of the invasion of Shaelong, Bronze City had over 6,000 soldiers killed and 6,000 civilians dead. The cities of Mimas, Fork, and Janus are destroyed. The towns of Harvest Town, Orchard Town, Faith, Elara, Should, Leda, Grainville, and Ai are destroyed. Food production is down 50% and outside Rhea is a refugee camp of tents and plank-houses with many newly dug wells, security is done by the Knights and food is provided by the Holy Cathedral of Hope. The refugee camp holds over 10,000 people.


Bronze City is a religious state, ruled by an appointed Pope from within the Holy Cathedral of Hope. Within Holy Cathedral of Hope, each religious order elects four Cardinals, from those four Cardinals are selected a Patriarch Pope of the order until death. From the four Cardinals, the Pope of Bronze City is selected. The Pope of Bronze City is the absolute ruler of the civil government for one term only of twelve years.

102 to 114 1st Pope Sheltyp the Divine Healer [Human High Priest of Thechard the Stone God (The Stone God is a Major God)]

114 to 126 Pope Farmore Battlehammer the Devoted [God Theros, Summer-Sun Minor God]

126 to 130 Pope Gregoran Hilltop the Wise [God Theros, Summer-Sun Minor God] died in office

130 to 142 Pope Hoflight Sovel the Healer [Human High Priest of God Theros, Summer-Sun Minor God]

196 to 208 Pope Quinn Bell the Undead Vanquisher [Halfling High Priest of Goddess Cheimon, Winter-Death Minor Goddess) (only Halfling to be Pope)]

222 to 234 Pope Salamador the Devoted [Minotaur High Priest of Thechard the Stone God (only Minotaur to be Pope)]

322 to 334 Paladin Pope Gardan Goldscale the Arm of Goddess Phthino [Dragonborn Paladin and High Priest of Goddess Phthino, Autumn-Moon Minor Goddess (negotiated the forming of the United Five alliance between the five cities in 328 C.E.)]

334 to 346 Pope Shawn Clawtooth the God Speaker [Human High Priest of Goddess Phthino, Autumn-Moon Minor Goddess]

346 to 358 Pope Sassor Hoplive the Sun Beam [Human High Priest of God Theros, the Summer Minor God]

358 to 370 Pope Goldaxe Battlehammer the Map Maker [Dwarf High Priest of Mord-slam the Demigod]

370 to 382 Pope Joash Washer the Evil Expeller [Human High Priest of God Theros, the Summer God (375 is the invasion by Shaelong)]

382 to 392 Pope Vaywild Mason the Spirit-Talker [Dragonborn High Priest of Goddess Cheimon, Winter-Death Minor Goddess] died in office

392 to 404 Pope Eldor Coomdin the Righteous [Human High Priest of Goddess Pegay, Spring-Life-Birth Minor God]

Around the Pope is the government administrators known as Ministers, who each answer directly to the Pope. Each Pope selects his own Ministers. The four main Minister positions are of Justice, Taxation, Water-Food-Sewage, and Trade. The Minister of Justice is a female Dragonborn paladin Avaan'doran Blackclaw. The Minister of Taxation is a Human paladin Krick Strom. The Minister of Water, Food, and Sewage is a Half-elf ranger Borne Dropleaf. The Minister of Trade is a Human wizard Aquilla Jummer.

There is a 5 silver piece Bronze City tax on all merchandise bought or sold, also there is a 5 silver piece Bronze City gateway tax on all travel into all city's gates/docks. There is a 1 gold piece ship docking fee. There is also a 2 silver piece mount tax, collected at the city's entrance.

The law of the land is Five Pillars. The Five Pillars are the Pillar of Blood, Violence, Dishonesty, State, and Safety. The Five Pillars are often abbreviated into five short “do not” phrases hung on gates, walls, and signs: Do not kill others. Do not violate others. Do not be dishonest. Do not interfere with the state. Do not use magic here. Within the city walls, magic use is forbidden except by state approved users. The City Watch, army officers, and knights of the realm have arresting authority. Temple priests or knights of the realm are judges, while each defendant can appeal to the ruling government.

Bronze City's Culture[edit]

Bronze City is an interior, mountainous, religious society influenced by the Dwarven culture. It is a tolerant society toward other races, especially Dwarves, although all other races, except Humans, are uncommon.

Fashion in Bronze City is flowing wool robes and cloaks with mountain fur lining, fur hats, fur cloaks, and fur boots.

The common weapons of the culture are the Handaxe with a heavy-square shield, the Glaive, and the Bastard Sword. Although the basic common language is common, Bronze City and its territories have a distinctive accent that is recognizable with a Perception DC 10.

Key Locations & People[edit]

Important Locations of Bronze City

1. The Holy Cathedral of Hope dedicated to the four Minor Gods. Within the city is the Holy Cathedral of Hope, it is dedicated to the joint worship of Spring Goddess, Summer God, Autumn Goddess, and Winter Goddess. It is a major complex of hard-white-stone full of shrines, temples, libraries, and quarters for the 50+ clerics.

2. The Sheltyp Gate, The Farmore Gate, and The Gregoran Gate, each guarded by four bronze golems crafted by the dwarves of Gerhard and animated by the wizards of Bronze City. Each gate has a light orb above it that detects evil, The Sheltyp Gate has a bronze orb, The Farmore Gate has a white orb, and The Gregoran Gate has a blue orb (each colored shown in the standard colors).

3. The Stone College of the Orb is a large square building of black stone with white geometric pattern dedicated to Thechard, the Major God of Stone.

4. The Wind College of the Wand is a slender tower of blue dedicated to Thetoru, the Major God of Wind.

5. The Water College of the Staff is a tower of white stone with yellow and green inlays dedicated to Theoosh, the Major God of Water.

6. The Fire College of the Sword is a three story sanctuary with a large open air courtyard dedicated to Theezine, the Major God of Fire.

7. The Blue Eagle Home is up on the slopes of Bronze Peak is the monastery and library of The Wind an unaligned Major God.

8. The Wet Leaf Monastery is up on the slopes of Helmet Head Mountain is the monastery and library of The Water an unaligned Major God.

9. The Silver Hammer Bookstore is up on the slopes of Silver Mountain is the monastery and library of the Dwarven Demigod Mord-slam Dwarf.

10. The Shadow Line Monastery is upon the Ridge of Shadow Mountains is the monastery and library of The Stone, an unaligned Major God.

11. The Yellow Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Tiger: Symbol: yellow tiger eye; Cloth: any cloth with tiger print; Weapon Required: dagger or spear] led by Grand Master Shimloo is in Bronze City.

12. The Divine Dragon Monastery [Monk Order of the Dragon: Symbol: white, orange, or black dragon scale; Cloth: white, orange, or black silk; Weapon Required: any of the monk class] led by Grand Master Quoosh is in Bronze City.

13. The Green Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Snake: Symbol: white curled snake on a green square; Cloth: green silk; Weapon Required: sling or quarterstaff] led by Grand Master Shaun is in Bronze City.

14. The Swift Move Monastery [Monk Order of the Horse: Symbol: brown horse shoe opened upward; Cloth: brown cotton; Weapon Required: unarmed strike] led by Grand Master Vishmore is in Bronze City.

Important People of Bronze City

Aquilla Jummer, the Minister of Trade, he is a Human wizard.

Arannis Fade the Fire Wall Walker, the College of the Wand's headmaster, she is a female Eladrin wizard.

Avaan'doran Blackclaw, the Minister of Justice, she is a female Dragonborn paladin.

Barth Bellows the Black Dragon Killer of the Marine Angels, the Halfling Legatus Legionis.

Borne Dropleaf, the Minister of Water, Food, and Sewage, he is a Half-elf ranger.

Eldor Coomdin the Righteous is the Pope and ruler of Bronze City. He is the Human Patriarch of Goddess Pegay, Spring-Life-Birth Minor God.

Erevan Warn the Almighty, the College of the Orb's headmaster, he is an Eladrin wizard.

Farth Fardoorma the Dagger Master, the guildmaster of The Skull Mask, he is a Doppleganger.

Fawm Drafter the Vampire Destroyer of the Divine Angels, the female Half-elf Supreme Legatus Legionis.

Jazzon Watchman the Fierce of the Flying Bronzefists, Human Grif Legionis.

Krick Strom, the Minister of Taxation, he is a Human paladin.

Lerissan Gladness the Death Dealer, the College of the Sword's headmaster, he is a Tiefling warlock.

Maximum Dorrow the Titan, the guildmaster of The Deadly Five, he is a Halfling.

Plavo Dockman the Red Bearded captains the command warship of the Marine Angels known as the Black Scales.

Quoosh, the Grand Master of The Divine Dragon Monastery [Monk Order of the Dragon: Symbol: white, orange, or black dragon scale; Cloth: white, orange, or black silk; Weapon Required: any of the monk class], is in Bronze City.

Regdar Fair the Giver of Gold, the College of the Staff's headmaster, he is a Human warlock.

Shaun, the Grand Master of The Green Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Snake: Symbol: white curled snake on a green square; Cloth: green silk; Weapon Required: sling or quarterstaff], is in Bronze City.

Shimloo, the Grand Master of The Yellow Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Tiger: Symbol: yellow tiger eye; Cloth: any cloth with tiger print; Weapon Required: dagger or spear], is in Bronze City.

Therma Granmoos the Poisoner, the guildmaster of The Cutthroats, she is a female Tiefling.

Vishmore, the Grand Master of The Swift Move Monastery [Monk Order of the Horse: Symbol: brown horse shoe opened upward; Cloth: brown cotton; Weapon Required: unarmed strike], is in Bronze City.

Institutions & Organizations[edit]

Guilds and Brotherhoods: There are several international organizations that transcend culture and race. The international organizations are very loosely organized. The hierarchy of the international organization from lowest to highest is as follows: Apprentice Intern (1 gold piece due), Third Level Guild Member (1 gold piece due per year), Second Level Guild Member (2 gold pieces due per year), First Level Guild Member (3 gold pieces due per year), Assistant Guild Master (5 gold pieces due per year), and Guild Master (10 gold pieces due per year). There is more than one Guild Master per guild, normally one Guild Master in one general area. The Guild Master is responsible for credentials, dues, and expenses.

Merchant Guild is an international organization of buyers and seller whose symbol is a stack of coins.

Librarian Guild is an international organization of book lovers and organizers (librarians) whose symbol is an open book with a colorful rainbow.

Scribe Guild is an international organization of scribes and writers whose symbol is feather pen and unrolled scroll.

Thespian Guild of actors, jesters, and bards whose symbol is an Elven ‘Th’ letter.

Brotherhood of Smiths is an international organization of metal smith workers whose symbol is two small hammers and an anvil.

Brotherhood of Builders is an international organization of stone masons and wood carpenters whose symbol is three straight lines with a vertical tree branch.

Brotherhood of Gladiators is an international organization of gladiators whose symbol is a red drop of blood.

Thieves' Guilds: Three thieves' guilds operate within Bronze City and its territories. Each guild is also a school for training. The Deadly Five, The Skull Mask, and The Cutthroats are the three thieves' guilds. All three are headquartered in Bronze City. The guildmaster of The Deadly Five is a Halfling named Maximum Dorrow the Titan. The guildmaster of The Skull Mask is a Doppleganger named Farth Fardoorma the Dagger Master. The guildmaster of The Cutthroats is female Tiefling named Therma Granmoos the Poisoner. Each guild operates in all the cities and each guild has its own hand-finger language (thieves' sign language).

Wizard Schools: Four wizard colleges operate within Bronze City and its territories; each is completely independent but united by their dedication to the four Major Gods (The Wind, The Stone, The Water, and The Fire). The College of the Orb, The College of the Wand, The College of the Staff, and The College of the Sword are the four wizard Colleges. Each of the four colleges is distinguishable by a focus. The College of the Orb's headmaster is an Eladrin wizard named Erevan Warn the Almighty. The College of the Wand's headmaster is a female Eladrin wizard named Arannis Fade the Fire Wall Walker. The College of the Staff's headmaster is a Human warlock named Regdar Fair the Giver of Gold. The College of the Sword's headmaster is a Tiefling warlock named Lerissan Gladness the Death Dealer.

Temples and Chapels: In Bronze City is the Holy Cathedral of Hope dedicated to the four Minor Gods (Spring Goddess, Summer God, Autumn Goddess, and Winter Goddess). Holy Cathedral of Hope dedicated to the joint worship of Spring Goddess, Summer God, Autumn Goddess, and Winter Goddess. Within Holy Cathedral of Hope, each religious order elects four Cardinals, from those four Cardinals are selected a high priest of the order until death. From the four Cardinals, the Pope of Bronze City is selected. The Pope of Bronze City is the absolute ruler of the civil government for twelve years.

Up on the slopes of Bronze Peak is the monastery and library of The Wind an unaligned Major God. Up on the slopes of Helmet Head Mountain is the monastery and library of The Water an unaligned Major God. Up on the slopes of Silver Mountain is the monastery and library of the Dwarven Demigod Mord-slam Dwarf. Upon the Ridge of Shadow Mountains is the monastery and library of The Stone, an unaligned Major God.

There is an underground/secret cult to Klas’modeus (evil deviant cult of the Fire God Theezine).

Army Special Forces: The most common uniform colors are mostly blue and white trim. Bronze City has three special force units. [1.] First is the Flying Bronzefists. The city is protected by 12 Flying Bronzefists (elite-Human-special-forces riding hippogriffons). The Flying Bronzefists are lead by Human Grif Legionis Jazzon Watchman the Fierce (answers only to the Pope). The eggs of the griffons are gifts from the King of Gerhard to the Pope of Bronze City. By alliance agreement, Bronze City is not allowed to collect eggs from other sources or have more than 12 mature and trained griffons. [2.] Second is the holy guard known as Divine Angels of one legion strong [4800 soldiers]. The Divine Angels are under the leadership of the female Half-elf Supreme Legatus Legionis Fawm Drafter the Vampire Destroyer (answers only to the Pope). [3.] Third is the holy navy known as Marine Angels of one legion strong [4800 sailors] and 20 warships. The Marine Angels are under the leadership of the Halfling Legatus Legionis Barth Bellows the Black Dragon Killer (answers to the Supreme Legatus Legionis of the Divine Angels). The command warship of the Marine Angels is the Black Scales captained by Human Plavo Dockman the Red Bearded.

Knight Orders: Within Bronze City and its territory are Crusaders, like a knightly order. There are eight Crusader sects. Each sect is dedicated to a good or unaligned god and its banner is the symbol of the god on the background of a shield. You must be a ranger, fighter, paladin, or warlord with a declared god to be in a Crusader sect. Each Crusader sect is also a school for training. In mass battle, they are heavy-cavalry with warhorses.

Crusaders of Water (three horizontal wavy lines in yellow and green) dedicated to Theoosh the Water God.

Crusaders of Wind (three vertical lines in blue and violet) dedicated to Thetoru the Wind God.

Crusaders of Stone (three horizontal lines in white and black) dedicated to Thechard the Stone God.

Crusaders of Spring (open flower of blue (Wind)) dedicated to Pegay the Goddess of Spring.

Crusaders of Summer (full sun with rays in red (Fire)) dedicated to Theros the Summer God.

Crusaders of Autumn (full circle of yellow (Water)) dedicated to Phthino the Autumn Goddess.

Crusaders of Winter (raven head shadow of white) dedicated to Cheimon the Winter Goddess.

Monk Orders: The Yellow Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Tiger: Symbol: yellow tiger eye; Cloth: any cloth with tiger print; Weapon Required: dagger or spear] led by Grand Master Shimloo is in Bronze City. The Divine Dragon Monastery [Monk Order of the Dragon: Symbol: white, orange, or black dragon scale; Cloth: white, orange, or black silk; Weapon Required: any of the monk class] led by Grand Master Quoosh is in Bronze City. The Green Square Monastery [Monk Order of the Snake: Symbol: white curled snake on a green square; Cloth: green silk; Weapon Required: sling or quarterstaff] led by Grand Master Shaun is in Bronze City. The Swift Move Monastery [Monk Order of the Horse: Symbol: brown horse shoe opened upward; Cloth: brown cotton; Weapon Required: unarmed strike] led by Grand Master Vishmore is in Bronze City.

Gerhard Minecomplex: (Gold banner with a Black Fist) Dwarves establish Gerhard Minecomplex when gold is found by Blackfist. Miner Blackfist made King under the mountain in Garhard Minecomplex, his son, Goldenfist becomes King of Gerhard Minecomplex at his death. In 77 C.E., the defense of Gerhard Minecomplex against two armies and innumerable trolls was lead by King Goldsoul the Victorious. Gerhard is an elaberate gold mine that uses Bronze City as a port to send its wealth to the southern markets. Gerhard is massively defended by an above ground black megafortress and a network of war-trenches, an army of well trained dwarves (mostly heavy infantry: Goldenfist Fighters), the Flying Godfists (elite-dwarf-special-forces riding on hippogriffons), and the royal guard the Goldendeath-Dealers (elite-dwarf-special-forces). The King of Gerhard Minecomplex is Goldhammer the Slayer.

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