Dragon's Talon (4e Power)

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Dragon's Talon Dragoon variant Attack 1
With a ferocious roar you descend upon your foe, impaling them with your spear and twisting it inside them making them reel in pain.
Daily Star.gif Shadow, Weapon, Jump, Impale
Move and Standard Action"Move and Standard Action" is not in the list (Minor Action, Standard Action, Free Action, Immediate Reaction, Immediate Interrupt, Move Action, No Action) of allowed values for the "4e Power Action Type" property. Ranged speed +2
Target: One creature or square
Attack: Strength Vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier damage.
Weapon: If you are wielding a polearm or spear you can impale the target.
Special: If the target is already impaled you can add an additional 1[W] damage, remove the impaling weapon and push the target 1 square.

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