Aggressive Charge (4e Power)

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Aggressive Charge Spider Rider Attack 1
Your spider rushes at your foe with the ferocity of a wolf spider and as your enemy is knocked back, you strike down at him. The force of your attacks causes him to cower from your attacks.
Daily Star.gif Arachane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must charge and use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity Vs. AC (your and your spider's attack), two attacks.
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (your attack), 2[B] + your spider's Dexterity modifier attack (your spider's attack), and you slide the target 1 square.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time you hit the target you slide it one square.

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