Blizzard Bolt (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Blizzard Bolt
Evocation [Cold, Electricity]
Spellcraft DC: 75
Casting time: 1 full action
Range: 300 ft.
Area: All within a 5 ft. wide bolt
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 675000 gp; 14 days; 27,000 XP; Seed: Energy (deals 10d6 damage of both cold and electricity) (DC 38); Factors: deals 5d6 additional cold and electricity damage (+20 DC), full action casting time (+20 DC).

Hurls a bolt of powerful cold lightning, doing 15d6 cold and 15d6 electricity damage along a 5 ft. thick line.

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