Talosoi Wasp Rider (4e Creature)
The talosoi (TAL-oh-soy) are a warlike race of apelike men, known to ride into battle atop giant wasps. They live in dense jungles far from civilization. They live in small tribes which unite in times of crisis.
Talosoi Wasp Rider
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Talosoi Wasp Rider Tactics
In combat, a wasp rider charges forth on his giant wasp, using War Cry in the first round. In the second and beyond, it charges and attacks with its longspear, using War Cry at every available opportunity.
Talosoi Wasp Rider Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 20: This creature is a talosoi, a race of apelike humanoids who are known to fight atop giant wasps.
DC 25: Talosoi live in small groups of no more than ten or so, but will join together in times of crisis. They are the sworn enemies of yuan-ti.
DC 30: In talosoi society, wasp riders are considered to be the middle class, above laborers and hunters but below shamans and chieftans.
Encounter Groups
Talosoi are reclusive creatures, but will ally with other creatures of the jungle. They also may tame beasts as pets or guardians.
Level 15 Encounter (XP 6000)
- 2 Talosoi Wasp Mounts (Level 15 Skirmisher)
- 2 Talosoi Wasp Riders (Level 15 Soldier)
- 1 Talosoi Shaman (Level 15 Contoller)
Level 15 Encounter (XP 6000)
- 1 Talosoi Wasp Mount (Level 15 Skirmisher)
- 1 Talosoi Wasp Rider (Level 15 Soldier)
- 3 Thunderfury Boars (Level 15 Brute)