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My Creations[edit]

These are the things that I have created or plan to create


  • Heartless - Creatures from the Plane of Shadow that are drawn to the darkness in peoples hearts.
  • Nobody - Creatures that are created from whats left after a Heartless comes into existence.


  • Quillman - A savage race of bestial humanoids that are found in the deeper forests.


  • Vines of Obad-Hai - A druidic armor that grows in power as its owner does.
  • Ring of Nightly Guidance - A ring that leads the wearer to wherever they want, though not necessarily by the most direct path.
  • Soul Gem - A gemstone that gives the owner incredible casting power, but at a terrible price.
  • Spirit Gems (Still to be added) - These gemstones look like the soul gem, but hold only a single spell, watch out not to let it run out of charges.
  • Lunarian Amulet (Still to be added)- This amulet acts as a calendar, as well as having an effect on creatures and abilities that are effected by the moon.


  • House Rule: Level Adjustments in Mid-Game - If a PC gains a template or changes into a monster with a level adjustment (Ex: Orc, Drow, etc...) they lose a number of levels equal to their new level adjustment.

My Favorites[edit]

These are simply the things I have found on this site that others have made that I like and/or am using in my games.



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