Talk:Myrmidon Warrior (5e Class)

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Dead Levels

Levels 7-13 are pretty dead, and levels 1-7 are crowded with abilities, how about spreading it out a bit? --Ganre 03:45, 18 August 2009 (MDT)

DR at 1st level seems abit heavy too. P.S. I love Myrmidons! ftw. --Jay Freedman 09:33, 18 August 2009 (MDT)
The DR is at second level. My personal problem is with Oath to Glory. No multiclassing? Cut off my foot why don't you. The class isn't that good. Also, what happens if you try to multiclass into the MW? Can you still take prestige classes? -- Jota 12:51, 18 August 2009 (MDT)
I'm with Jota. Multiclassing is pro. (And the DR was at 1st level. He changed it. Hehe.) --Jay Freedman 13:15, 18 August 2009 (MDT)
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