Talk:Transference (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 15:16, 13 July 2009 by Aarnott (talk | contribs) (Talk:Transference (DnD Feat) moved to Talk:Transference (3.5e Feat): Updating title from DnD to 3.5e (bot-assisted).)
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Allows a spellcaster to draw from the life force of another while using item creation feats.

PrerequisiteAny item creation feat.

BenefitWhile touching another creature or creatures, you may use their XPs to fuel an item creation feat instead of (or in addition to) your own. The creature touched must be a willing subject with a current Intelligence of 3 or greater. If the creature is under the control of any magic (such as a charm spell) the effort will also fail, even if the creature would normally co-operate. You may choose how many XP you wish to contribute and how many the another creature will, but the other creature can choose to donate no more than a certain amount.

NotesUnder no circumstances can another creature ever be forced (even through a wish spell) to succumb to the effects of this feat. It must be a voluntary action. This feat may be used as a house rule in some campaigns.

Edit: "... the effort will also fail..." becomes "... the effort will fail..." Reason - no prior form of failure has been described at this point.

Edit: "... how many the another creature..." becomes "... how many the other creature(s)..."

Edit: "... but the other creature can choose to donate no more than a certain amount." becomes "... but the other creature(s) can choose to donate fewer than you intend."

Suggested adds:

Note: Neither the caster nor the donator(s) may provide XP sufficient to drop them a level.

Note: This feat can be used to provide the requisite XP for scroll creation.

Note: An unconscious creature is always unwilling.

Note: Should the donor(s) decline to provide the expected XPs, the caster may contribute the difference to ensure success. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 06:18, 4 January 2008 (MST). Please sign your posts.

Sadly this cannot be changed on D&D Wiki as it is part of the NBoF. If you want it discussed I would recommend bringing it up on the NBoF Homepage. --Green Dragon 18:29, 6 January 2008 (MST)
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