SRD:Item Creation Feats

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Item Creation Feats

Magic Item Creation

An item creation feat lets a spellcaster create a magic item of a certain type. Regardless of the type of items they involve, the various item creation feats all have certain features in common.

XP Cost

Experience that the spellcaster would normally keep is expended when making a magic item. The XP cost equals 1/25 of the cost of the item in gold pieces. A character cannot spend so much XP on an item that he or she loses a level. However, upon gaining enough XP to attain a new level, he or she can immediately expend XP on creating an item rather than keeping the XP to advance a level.

Raw Materials Cost

The cost of creating a magic item equals one-half the sale cost of the item.

Using an item creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or magical workshop, special tools, and so on. A character generally has access to what he or she needs unless unusual circumstances apply.


The time to create a magic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. The minimum time is one day.

Item Cost

Brew Potion, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll create items that directly reproduce spell effects, and the power of these items depends on their caster level—that is, a spell from such an item has the power it would have if cast by a spellcaster of that level. The price of these items (and thus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) also depends on the caster level. The caster level must be high enough that the spellcaster creating the item can cast the spell at that level. To find the final price in each case, multiply the caster level by the spell level, then multiply the result by a constant, as shown below:


Base price=spell level × caster level × 25 gp.


Base price=spell level × caster level × 50 gp.


Base price=spell level × caster level × 750 gp.

A 0-level spell is considered to have a spell level of 1/2 for the purpose of this calculation.

Extra Costs

Any potion, scroll, or wand that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. For potions and scrolls, the creator must expend the material component or pay the XP cost when creating the item.

For a wand, the creator must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.

Some magic items similarly incur extra costs in material components or XP, as noted in their descriptions.

Psionic Item Creation

Manifesters can use their personal power to create lasting psionic items. Doing so, however, is draining. A manifester must put a little of himself or herself into every psionic item he or she creates.

A psionic Item Creation feat lets a manifester create a psionic item of a certain type. Regardless of the type of items they involve, the various Item Creation feats all have certain features in common.

XP Cost

Power and energy that the manifester would normally keep is expended when making a psionic item. The experience point cost of using a psionic Item Creation feat equals 1/25 the cost of the item in gold pieces. A character cannot spend so much XP on an item that he or she loses a level. However, upon gaining enough XP to attain a new level, he or she can immediately expend XP on creating an item rather than keeping the XP to advance a level.

Raw Materials Cost

Creating a psionic item requires costly components, most of which are consumed in the process. The cost of these materials equals 1/2 the cost of the item.

Using a psionic Item Creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or psionic workshop, special tools, and other equipment. A character generally has access to what he or she needs unless unusual circumstances apply (such as if he’s traveling far from home).


The time to create a psionic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. The minimum time is one day.

Item Cost

Craft Dorje, Imprint Stone, and Scribe Tattoo create items that directly reproduce the effects of powers, and the strength of these items depends on their manifester level—that is, a power from such an item has the strength it would have if manifested by a manifester of that level. Often, that is the minimum manifester level necessary to manifest the power. (Randomly discovered items usually follow this rule.) However, when making such an item, the item’s strength can be set higher than the minimum. Any time a character creates an item using a power augmented by spending additional power points, the character’s effective manifester level for the purpose of calculating the item’s cost increases by 1 for each 1 additional power point spent. (Augmentation is a feature of many powers that allows the power to be amplified in various ways if additional power points are spent.) All other level-dependent parameters of the power forged into the item are set according to the effective manifester level.

The price of psionic items (and thus the XP cost and the cost of the raw materials) depends on the level of the power and a character’s manifester level. The character’s manifester level must be high enough that the item creator can manifest the power at the chosen level. To find the final price in each case, multiply the character’s manifester level by the power level, then multiply the result by a constant, as shown below.

Power Stones

Base price=power level × manifester level × 25 gp

Psionic Tattoos

Base price=power level × manifester level × 50 gp


Base price=power level × manifester level × 750 gp

Extra Costs

Any dorje, power stone, or psionic tattoo that stores a power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost.

For psionic tattoos and power stones, the creator must pay the XP cost when creating the item. For a dorje, the creator must pay fifty times the XP cost.

Some psionic items similarly incur extra costs in XP, as noted in their descriptions.

List of Item Creation Feats

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