SRD:Eye of the Orc

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Eye of the Orc: This lump of rock has a marquis-cut black sapphire set in its center, making it appear similar to a large eye. If possessed by an orc, it grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and Charisma, and the orc’s darkvision range is doubled. Nonorcs who possess the Eye gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength but take a –2 penalty to Intelligence and Charisma. Regardless of the owner’s race, any weapon wielded by the owner of the Eye is considered an elf bane weapon. Furthermore, by holding the Eye before the character, he or she can perceive things as if he or she had true seeing cast upon him or her. This can be activated only once per day but lasts as long as the character concentrates on it (requiring a standard action each round).

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