SRD:Delay Power

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Delay Power [Metapsionic]

You can manifest powers that go off up to 5 rounds later.


To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest a power as a delayed power. A delayed power doesn’t activate immediately. When you manifest the power, you choose one of three trigger mechanisms: (1) The power activates when you take a standard action to activate it; (2) It activates when a creature enters the area that the power will affect (only powers that affect areas can use this trigger condition); or (3) It activates on your turn after 5 rounds pass. If you choose one of the first two triggers and the conditions are not met within 5 rounds, the power activates automatically on the fifth round.

Only area and personal powers can be delayed.

Any decisions you would make about the delayed power, including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shaping an area, are decided when the power is manifested. Any effects resolved by those affected by the power, including saving throws, are decided when the delay period ends.

A delayed power can be dispelled normally during the delay, and can be detected normally in the area or on the target by the use of powers that can detect psionic effects.

Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

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