SRD:Copper Dragon

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Type: Dragon (Earth)
Environment: Warm hills
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2–5); adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1–2 and 2–5 offspring)
Challenge Rating: Wyrmling 3; very young 5; young 7; juvenile 9; young adult 11; adult 14; mature adult 16; old 19; very old 20; ancient 22; wyrm 23; great wyrm 25
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: Wyrmling 6–7 HD; very young 9–10 HD; young 12–13 HD; juvenile 15–16 HD; young adult 18–19 HD; adult 21–22 HD; mature adult 24–25 HD; old 27–28 HD; very old 30–31 HD; ancient 33–34 HD; wyrm 36–37 HD; great wyrm 39+ HD
Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +2; very young +3; young +4; juvenile +4; others —
Copper Dragons by Age
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/
Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Breath Weapon (DC) Frightful Presence DC
Wyrmling T 5d12+5 (37) 11 10 13 12 13 12 +5/–3 +7 +5 +4 +5 2d4 (13)
Very young S 8d12+8 (60) 13 10 13 12 13 12 +8/+5 +10 +7 +6 +7 4d4 (15)
Young M 11d12+22 (93) 15 10 15 14 15 14 +11/+13 +13 +9 +7 +9 6d4 (17)
Juvenile M 14d12+28 (119) 17 10 15 14 15 14 +14/+17 +17 +11 +9 +11 8d4 (19)
Young adult L 17d12+51 (161) 19 10 17 16 17 16 +17/+25 +20 +13 +10 +13 10d4 (21) 21
Adult L 20d12+80 (210) 23 10 19 16 17 16 +20/+30 +25 +16 +12 +15 12d4 (24) 23
Mature adult H 23d12+115 (264) 27 10 21 18 19 18 +23/+39 +29 +18 +13 +17 14d4 (26) 25
Old H 26d12+130 (299) 29 10 21 18 19 18 +26/+43 +33 +20 +15 +19 16d4 (28) 27
Very old H 29d12+174 (362) 31 10 23 20 21 20 +29/+47 +37 +22 +16 +21 18d4 (30) 29
Ancient H 32d12+192 (400) 33 10 23 20 21 20 +32/+51 +41 +24 +18 +23 20d4 (32) 31
Wyrm G 35d12+245 (472) 35 10 25 22 23 22 +35/+59 +43 +26 +19 +25 22d4 (34) 33
Great wyrm G 38d12+304 (551) 37 10 27 22 23 22 +38/+63 +47 +29 +21 +27 24d4 (37) 35
Copper Dragon Abilities by Age
Age Speed Initiative AC Special Abilities Caster Level SR
Wyrmling 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) +0 16 (+2 size, +4 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 16
Immunity to acid,
spider climb
Very young 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) +0 18 (+1 size, +7 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 18:
Young 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 20 (+10 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 20
Juvenile 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 23 (+13 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 23
Young adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 25 (–1 size, +16 natural), touch 9,
flat-footed 25
DR 5/magic 5th 19
Adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 28 (–1 size, +19 natural), touch 9,
flat-footed 28
Stone shape 7th 21
Mature adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 30 (–2 size, +22 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 30
DR 10/magic 9th 23
Old 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 33 (–2 size, +25 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 33
Transmute rock to mud/mud to rock 11th 25
Very old 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 36 (–2 size, +28 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 36
DR 15/magic 13th 26
Ancient 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 39 (–2 size, +31 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 39
Wall of stone 15th 28
Wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 40 (–4 size, +34 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 40
DR 20/magic 17th 29
Great wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 43 (–4 size, +37 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 43
Move earth 19th 31

*Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

At birth, a copper dragon’s scales have a ruddy brown color with a metallic tint. As the dragon gets older, the scales become finer and more coppery, assuming a soft, warm gloss by young adult age. Very old dragons’ scales pick up a green tint. A copper dragon’s pupils fade with age, and the eyes of great wyrms resemble glowing turquoise orbs.


A copper dragon appreciates wit and usually doesn’t harm creatures that can relate a joke, humorous story, or riddle the dragon has not heard before. It quickly gets annoyed with anyone who doesn’t laugh at its jokes or accept its tricks with good humor. It likes to taunt and annoy opponents into giving up or acting foolishly.

An angry copper dragon prefers to mire foes using transmute rock to mud. The dragon pushes trapped opponents into the mud or snatches and carries them aloft. A copper dragon tries to draw airborne enemies into narrow, stony gorges where it can use its spider climb ability and maneuver them into colliding with the walls.

Breath Weapon (Su): A copper dragon has two types of breath weapon, a line of acid and a cone of slow gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.

Spider Climb (Ex): A copper dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day—stone shape (adult or older); 1/day—transmute rock to mud or mud to rock (old or older), wall of stone (ancient or older), move earth (great wyrm).

Skills: Bluff, Hide, and Jump are considered class skills for copper dragons.


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