SRD:Bronze Dragon

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Type: Dragon (Water)
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2–5); adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1–2 and 2–5 offspring)
Challenge Rating: Wyrmling 3; very young 5; young 7; juvenile 9; young adult 12; adult 15; mature adult 17; old 19; very old 20; ancient 22; wyrm 23; great wyrm 25
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: Wyrmling 7–8 HD; very young 10–11 HD; young 13–14 HD; juvenile 16–17 HD; young adult 19–20 HD; adult 22–23 HD; mature adult 25–26 HD; old 28–29 HD; very old 31–32 HD; ancient 34–35 HD; wyrm 37–38 HD; great wyrm 40+ HD
Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +4; very young +4; young +6; others —
Bronze Dragons by Age
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/
Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Breath Weapon (DC) Frightful Presence DC
Wyrmling S 6d12+6 (45) 13 10 13 14 15 14 +6/+3 +8 +6 +5 +7 2d6 (14)
Very young M 9d12+18 (76) 15 10 15 14 15 14 +9/+11 +11 +8 +6 +8 4d6 (16)
Young M 12d12+24 (102) 17 10 15 16 17 16 +12/+15 +15 +10 +8 +11 6d6 (18)
Juvenile L 15d12+45 (142) 19 10 17 18 19 18 +15/+23 +18 +12 +9 +13 8d6 (20)
Young adult L 18d12+72 (189) 23 10 19 18 19 18 +18/+28 +23 +15 +11 +15 10d6 (23) 23
Adult H 21d12+105 (241) 27 10 21 20 21 20 +21/+37 +27 +17 +12 +17 12d6 (25) 25
Mature adult H 24d12+120 (276) 29 10 21 20 21 20 +24/+41 +31 +19 +14 +19 14d6 (27) 27
Old H 27d12+162 (337) 31 10 23 22 23 22 +27/+45 +35 +21 +15 +21 16d6 (29) 29
Very old H 30d12+180 (375) 33 10 23 22 23 22 +30/+49 +39 +23 +17 +23 18d6 (31) 31
Ancient G 33d12+231 (445) 35 10 25 24 25 24 +33/+57 +41 +25 +18 +25 20d6 (33) 33
Wyrm G 36d12+288 (522) 37 10 27 26 27 26 +36/+61 +45 +28 +20 +28 22d6 (36) 36
Great wyrm G 39d12+312 (565) 39 10 27 26 27 26 +39/+65 +49 +29 +21 +29 24d6 (37) 37
Bronze Dragon Abilities by Age
Age Speed Initiative AC Special Abilities Caster Level SR
Wyrmling 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average), swim 60 ft. +0 16 (+1 size, +5 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 16
Immunity to electricity,
water breathing,
speak with animals
Very young 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 18 (+8 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 18:
Young 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 21 (+11 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 21
Alternate form 1st
Juvenile 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 23 (–1 size, +14 natural), touch 9,
flat-footed 23
Young adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 26 (–1 size, +17 natural), touch 9,
flat-footed 26
DR 5/magic 5th 20
Adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 28 (–2 size, +20 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 28
Create food and water,
fog cloud
7th 22
Mature adult 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 31 (–2 size, +23 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 31
DR 10/magic 9th 23
Old 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 34 (–2 size, +26 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 34
Detect thoughts 11th 25
Very old 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. +0 37 (–2 size, +29 natural), touch 8,
flat-footed 37
DR 15/magic 13th 26
Ancient 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. +0 38 (–4 size, +32 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 38
Control water 15th 28
Wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. +0 41 (–4 size, +35 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 41
DR 20/magic 17th 29
Great wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. +0 44 (–4 size, +38 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 44
Control weather 19th 31

A bronze wyrmling’s scales are yellow tinged with green, showing only a hint of bronze. As the dragon approaches adulthood, its color deepens slowly to a darker, rich bronze tone. Very old dragons develop a blue-black tint to the edges of their scales. Powerful swimmers, they have webbed feet and smooth, flat scales. The pupils of its eyes fade as a dragon ages, until in the oldest the eyes resemble glowing green orbs.


Bronze dragons dislike killing animals and would rather bribe them (perhaps with food) or force them away magically. They use detect thoughts to learn intelligent creatures’ intentions.

When attacking they blind their opponents with fog cloud and then charge or, if flying, snatch them up. Against seafaring opponents they conjure up a storm or use their tails to smash the vessels’ hulls. If a dragon is inclined to be lenient, ships might be merely becalmed, fogbound, or broken-masted.

Breath Weapon (Su): Bronze dragons have two types of breath weapon, a line of lightning and a cone of repulsion gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Will save or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment effect.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Alternate Form (Su): A young or older bronze dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day. This ability functions as a polymorph spell cast on itself at its caster level, except that the dragon does not regain hit points for changing form and can only assume the form of an animal or humanoid. The dragon can remain in its animal or humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—speak with animals; 3/day—create food and water (adult or older), fog cloud (adult or older), detect thoughts (old or older), control water (ancient or older); 1/day—control weather (great wyrm).

Skills: Disguise, Swim, and Survival are considered class skills for bronze dragons.


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