4th Edition Adventures (Endhaven Supplement)

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Converting 4th to Endhaven[edit]

This is a "good enough" mapping of gods from one setting to another. These gods do not match exactly, but they often fill the same niche.


Civilized Gods[edit]

  • Avandra (luck) = ?
  • Bahamat = Tythia
  • Corellon (magic) = Sonoren
  • Erathis = ?
  • Ioun (knowledge) = Sonoren
  • Kord (strength, courage) = ?
  • Melora = Hart
  • Moradin (storm) = ?
  • Obad-Hai = Heather
  • Pelor (sun) = ?
  • Raven Queen = Eth
  • Sehanine (moon) = ?

Feral Gods[edit]

The Feral gods lost to the Charystan gods. They are not as strong. Very strong characters could, conceivably, destroy such gods.

  • Azmodeaus = The Advisor
  • Bane = Samael
  • Gruumsh = The Grim General, Lord of the Relentless Legion
  • Lolth = Red Lady of War
  • Tiamat = ?
  • Torog (?) = ?
  • Vecna = ?
  • Zehir (lies and darkness) = ?
  • ? = One-Eye Jack
  • ? = The Taskmaster, Lord of Slaves
  • ? = Loki, Bringer of Purposeful Misfortune

Elder Gods[edit]

These are gods so evil that even evil is afraid of them.

  • Tharizdun
  • Demon Lords


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