Mistress of the Night (novel)

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Mistress of the Night (novel)
Mistress of the Night PB.jpg
Abbreviation: N/A
Author: Dave Gross and Don Bassingthwaite
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Item Code: 175620000
Release Date: December 2004
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Page Count: 320
ISBN-10: 0-7689-3346-1
Price: $6.99 ; C$9.99
Product Blurb:
The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear, and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcasses. There is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses.

The spiritual heart of Faerûn beats in time with a hundred gods, and for each, a thousand servants or more. The Priests is a series that tells the tales of but a few.

Mistress of the Night is the second title in this Forgotten Realms novel series that focuses specifically on priests, the popular D&D iconic class also known as clerics. Each title chronicles priests loyal to a different deity in the Forgotten Realms pantheon. Like the preceding series The Rogues, each novel in The Priests series is written as a stand-alone adventure.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
The Priests
  1. Lady of Poison
  2. Mistress of the Night
  3. Maiden of Pain
  4. Queen of the Depths

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